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RE: All Kids Need Freedom as Much as They Need Boundaries: EcoTrain's Question of the Week - Kids and Smartphones

in #ecotrain7 years ago

My niece and nephew don't get unlimited access to devices and it's a constant point of contention, but they are also bright, creative, self disciplined, etc... They aren't allowed to have devices in their rooms. They don't quite understand it but it is clearly making a huge difference in their lives. My niece is super into horses and spends her time volunteering at the stables and learning to ride. My nephew has more the personality type where I think he could withdraw into the online world. But cause he is limited he actually meets up with friends and plays D&D kind of stuff, and he draws all the time and is becoming a pretty great artist. I mean a lot of it is characters from video games etc... and also new characters he develops for the live action RPGs he is into. Which I think is super cool. I think it wouldn't be happening if he could just sit online all day because his natural tendencies are to stay in. The other side of that argument is that he could potentially nurture that creativity online, but something seems wrong about that to me, with the total lack of social interaction. I personally had unlimited access to computers as a teenager, and was loosely homeschooled and then dropped out young. I would stay online 'til 5 or 6 am and then sleep 'til 1 or 2 constantly. This was the time of 486 computers and the internet was nothing like it is now. It took me many years to adjust and develop new habits to function in the real world. I was always after the instant gratification. If I ever have kids, they are gonna be so pissed at me for taking their devices away and limiting them on their time online. But I personally believe it's the right thing to do, and a lot of data seems to back up that belief.


Yep totally. Sounds like you totally admire your nephews as i do mine... god what sparks they are .. such amazing beings!!!! And such different personalities for sure. You seem to have turned out amazing regardless Nick! See, the kids are alright!!!

They wont neccassarily be pissed. My nephews arent... its been totally explained to them and though they roll their eyes as kids do, they kinda get it. Im a big believer in levelling with kids... theyre always smarter than we give em credit for!

It took me many years to adjust and develop new habits to function in the real world. I was always after the instant gratification

All studies and research aside, personal anecdotes are totally proof on the proverbial pudding! They'll be valid stories to tell your kids for sure!

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