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RE: These guerrilla gardeners are secretly grafting fruit bearing branches trees onto ornamental city trees...

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I was hapoy to see this some rine ago in orher citues in US too. A fridnd from Poland told me of how, when he was young him and his friends uses to go on long walks for days in summer holiday. Thsy wouldn't have any foid with thdm, but simply picked and ate fruit by the roadsides.


Yes, there is a lot of food growing wild, if you know where to look and what to look for. Maybe less than there used to be. Also, many people, especially in cities have grown used to the idea that food is only to be found in shops. This was not always the case.

Yes, exactly. And will be interesting to see, over time, if these San Fran lot can argue the case that it will take time for the culture to re-adapt to harvesting free food and not leaving it for city cleaning crews. I think it will take time. In Seattle, in the early 90's, i lived next to a plum tree on the street and i couldnt eat them many fell to the sidewalk and it was a real mess. And even here in England so many apples from roadside trees are not eaten or preserved. This work of exciting people to harvest is very important. Actually gives me inspiration writing this to creaye an event in September here in the uk! :)

Good stuff, jon. Making jam is always a good idea.

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