What is Self Respect and How can we nurture it? EcoTrain QOTW
As the saying goes
"What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you"
What is Self Respect
Self Respect starts with one self. Even before we can expect someone else however close to us to start respecting it is important that we are able to respect our own selves and that means the focus goes on our own Values, Morality, Honesty, Confidence and Integrity. Self Respect a small one word but to get that set in place there is a culmination of lot of values that we need to bring into our lives.
Everyone around us has their own capability of thinking and they will perceive us the way they want but what matters is what do I perceive of my own-self. My Values are not fluctuating based on other's judgement about me. But the question is am I proud of my own-self, am I being able to look into my own eyes and say Yes this is what I want of me, or do I feel ashamed of myself, do I feel unsure of what I am saying and what I am doing. If that is the case then I need to close the doors and do some self-assessment for my own self.
Values of Self Respect
The value of Self-Respect sets a base for lot of things in our lives. Also there are times when many fake out to others and gain their Respect which may not be deserving but how can we fake out to our self. At the end of the day it is I that matters and if I am not able to feel myself Respected how will I also be able to respect others. I need to feel worth of my own self. If I lack this quality then it is difficult for me to stand up in front of others with my head high. If I do wrong things and show up superficially on the outside, will it really matter to anyone? But my own Integrity is surely at stake.
External Factors playing a role to develop Self Respect
Society also plays a big role in developing and nurturing our self respect. In our growing up stage a lot of external factors decide how we shape as an individual adult. As children if we have been treated with respect and love the same qualities will nurture within us as we grow up, but if we have been treated with malice and dishonesty somewhere that will seep into our character. In School days if someone is constantly being put down and ridiculed it is very much possible that this person will have a struggle with self-respect. Not that the person does not want but the external factors have subdued the person so much that the person feels incapacitated.
There are many people whose personality is very strong and they come out forcefully on others, in such situations do I have the ability to say No, to back off, to voice up, it will all depend on how much do I respect my own self and my own values.
How can I nurture my Self-Respect?
No one is perfect out there, we all have our own flaws but it is fine, that does not mean we cannot improve and move ahead. This is one area of my life also where I need to keep working on. I am not able to say No many a times and in the bargain I find myself in a discomfort zone which I do not feel happy about and then there are times when I also grumble out. Setting boundaries is also one major aspect of Self respect.
Standing up for my own self, being able to voice my opinion, not getting out of control, my confidence, my ability to accept my weaknesses, keeping up to my word, not wavering, not trying to please others, can all help me in developing my Self Respect and being in control of myself.
When I am able to look into my own eyes and feel proud of what I am will I be able to honor myself. Responsibility, Rights and Respect go hand in hand, when we are able to merge all of these together harmoniously can we become our own masters.
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passionate struggle, hopefully you can always achieve what you want and maintain, success always, @nainaztengra,☺️
Self-respect starts at home where the parents teaches the children the morals and life values so that they won't go wayward and in turn will gain respect of people around them @nainaztengra
yes yes and more yes to this honey. Thank you for sharing your opinion about this and wow what a lovely opinion it is 💚