A bit of freedom dies every minute you don't watch this video (or read the post if you prefer)

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

So I was inspired by @valorforfreedom and @bobaphet’s live stream yesterday. (You can see it here)

Let you define you and your values, not anyone else, community, or government.

That community idea sounds awesome @bobaphet. I wrote something on that myself, let’s see if I can dig it out: what is your ideal societal structure?

So I was encouraged to do my bit to encourage people to unplug from the matrix, find their passion and live their freedom.


Watch on DTube

Are you living your own life on your own terms?

Or are you living it to fund someone’s dream?

I find it incredibly sad that people are driven by seeing other people’s fame, fortune and stuff and they want that, other than forging a path for themselves.

Stop and think what it is that YOU want right now.

What do YOU want to do with YOUR life, if there were no barriers?

We all have dreams, but for the majority thats what they remain.

Take steps today

I like to think at the moment I am using the government as they have given me safety net of a year on Universal Credit, as I get my online business sorted out and flourishing.

I just have to let them know at the end of each month how much I earn and I get the deficit if I fall short - thank you very much _ I’ll take that as I find the confidence to be my own person and essentially create my dreams.

I want to be an influencer, but the the kind that encourages people to find their own freedom, in whatever form that takes, what makes them tick, not what society thinks is best for them.

Thanks Prince EA <3



My Mission: giving people the mindset and the tools to empower the choices that make freedom within their grasp.

And for them to pass on the same message, I can see crypto playing a big role in this plan too.

If you take anything from this rant, then

Question everything, form your own opinions and live your dreams.

You belong to you. Don’t forget that.

You can do it.

Claim your freedom and never let it go.

I am creating a course called “How to Live The Life of Your Dreams”. Here is Part 1

Will get creating the other parts and publish over the next month…


Great lyrics from Toggo Ultrarock to think upon…

Can't believe it's only Tuesday, why does it always have to drag this way.
Why can't the clouds in the sky just part and make it OK

I can't believe it's only Wednesday, I guess if nothing else it's hump day
There's only two more days to go until I can say

I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning
This week has been my one and final warning
My freedom has been strangled, my happiness entangled
I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning

I can't believe it's finally Friday, the day when all my problems go away
It puts a smile on my face and makes all the other days seem OK
I can't believe how fast my day went
It feels like everything was heaven-sent
I think I'll wait a few more days before I say

I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning
This week has been my one and final warning
My freedom has been strangled, my happiness entangled
I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning

I can't believe it's fucking Monday, feels like my weekend lasted one day
It's time to get up and go and do everything over and over...
I wish I had the courage to do what I always say

I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning
This week has been my one and final warning
My freedom has been strangled, my happiness entangled
I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning

Yes, I've had enough, I'll quit on Monday morning
It's goodbye to all of you on Monday morning
I think I'll wait just one more week from Monday morning

This actual song here:



Takeaway thought

What if tomorrow never comes?

And you end up spending a lifetime of dreading Monday mornings?

With <3 @hopehuggs


▶️ DTube


I love the message in your video. We need to live every moment treasuring what we have and living our lives to the fullest. You are so right, too many people get caught up in wanting the grandiose things that other have and spend/waste so much time trying to get to that same level and in the meantime, they miss out on all the great things they already have.

People seem to think there is a set dream of big house, car, family, all the trimmings, latest gadgets, and where this is what you really want - fair enough, but its not the same for everyone although somewhere it is installed in us, that this is what we should strive for.

Awesome post and SUPER gratz on the vote. You do good things for this platform

Thank you Todd. I think the same as you - Steem can be a place to realise your dream and it never came to anyone handed on a plate. You work so hard, always an inspiration <3

Well, I have way to many missions, and most of them I need money to do... I want to go to mars, I want to live forever, I want to space travel, I want to see a greener world, I want to make renewable energies the best source of energy and stop the world from using oil, I want Virtual reality where you plug your actual brain in and go to a whole different world that was designed by a human, i want to do so many things! And most of them require time and money... and well... money comes with time, and time is limited until someone comes up with an immortality cure, which google is trying to do as we speak, they say they might get something ready by 2029, let's see if that's actually true...

I'm trying to get money to make my dreams coming true, one day at a time, slowly but surelly i'll get there! Cryptos are very important in my "plan", Steem is just one of the many :)

As always, great video Helen!

I have a few on my list too, but they all boil down to being able to help others in some capacity, and money helps people acheive their freedom and goals.

I don't want to live forever though. Getting to 80 will be just fine.

2029? I'd forever be 50.

Still feel really uncomfortable behind the camera, but if I have a script, I get there.

Taking this How To Be Funny course at the weekend, so next weeks vidz could get more interesting!

Its really motivational post. I too wanted to leave by doing my favorite work but i need to collect some money to get started. So i am trying for it. Thank you @hopehuggs for the post.

Yes, that is my plan right now too. But as long as you are taking steps forwards on a daily basis, even if just for 5 minutes, then that is great.

I hope I can be free now that I've read it.

If that is what you want, then don't let anything stop you.

My love for prince EA has no boundaries, his first video ill ever watch, he was singing

Row, row, row your boat, gently on the sea.

Prince EA just makes you sit up and think and look at things in new ways. He is great.

Living the life i want to be fully free and able to make decision on my own :) life is a learning path keep going

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