V.4(( THE DAILY PULL )) .. i want a link, to your BEST PosT !!!
ha ha ... DaY 7 .. V.olume 4 !! - ))
.. timing -is'H - ))
WhaT difference .. does a week make ?? - ))
.. volume 1 results are in - ))
NoW .. 'how' to .. me'AsU're .. by what parameters ?? - ))
Wanna 'play' .. ?? .. WE are "all-owed" to play .. !! !! - ))
.. are you a 'curious' person ?? - ))
.. ? - ))
.. well !?! - )))
.. ok then !! - )
ha ha - ))
First .. if you're 'new' .. .. hi - ))
This is what (( THE DAILY PULL )) .. is .. so far - ))
! & ! .. why i want a link to your best post - ))
🌿My Pictures From The Adirondacks That I Never Posted 🌿
.. a beautiful place to consider 'life' from - ))
There is a very tangible 'emotion' .. rolling around STEEM and the crypto-world, a question of 'value' 'worth' .. who and what, outside of US, do WE 'give' authority, trust, .. faith ??
.. bLocK cHaiN technology, is simply a 'FUNctionINg.. iDEa - ))
.. a frequency 'un-locking' .. iDEa .. that works !!
the B'LOCK C'Ha'iN (X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X)(X) ...
.. is SOL-iD G'RO(U)ND .. for the i-MaG(i'N)ATi'ON - )))
Dreaming .. from a place of "kNOWinG" .. is a 'HigheR' frequency !!
ALL is frequency .. so when WE "believe" from a place of 'kNOW-inG' ..
WE "emit" a different 'signal' .. and .. WE get a 'different' result -)))
SO "how" to C'ranK UP the VOLUME !!! ??? !!! - )))
.. simple, align with the 'understanding' of where you are .. now.
Fast, reliable, zero fees, dual asset, on a 'trust' built decentralized network, with built in wallet and market ... saying the "least" about OUR "LOVELY" STEEM !!! !!! !!! - )))
" ..There are only 5,113 accounts (!!!) worth over 1,000 $?$ ... A big portion of even those .. are multiple accounts. The amount of people who have invested over 1,000$ ... is probably quite a bit less. " .. @drpuffnstuff
THAT is a ridiculously small number of people, with a sizeable 'stake' !!!
.. especially when compared to the "feeling" .. in STEEM !!!
The excited optimism .. is "easy" to find .. on STEEM !!!
SELF exPRESS-i-on .. P(OUR)S .. ALL thROUGHouT .. STEEM !!!
.. and all the while .. a relatively 'stable' currency ! - ))
ha ha .. STEEM is "WAY" M'OR'E .. than 'a' currency !! - ))
WE are still .. at the VERY BEGINNING of STEEM !! - ))
.. if .. WE don't "make it" .. about the M'oNe'Y .. .. now ! - ))))))))))
What 'stories' will WE be writing about, in five years ? - )
.. by making (( STEEM )) a "human empowerment" STORY !!! - )))
.. that's a story, i want a 'roll' in !! - ))
and .. it's a story WE ALL "have" a hand in .. NOW !!! - )))
WeLL volume 1 pulled in .. 3.997 SBD, and 3.335 STEEM POWER ! - ))
.. that's a 4 SBD "challenge" .. that i'm UP for !! - )))
and a .. 3.335 vote of 'continued' confidence ! - )))
.. thank you for the support !! - ))
lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )
ps .. if you didn't check out the link (( THE DAILY PULL )) ... feel free to leave a link to your best post, in the past 5 days +!!+ read & comment .. ha ha ! - ))
and .. i give away all SBD from each post - )))
.. i did ! - )))
and .. it will given away, thROUGH the ((THE DAILY PULL ))
.. thanks ALEX !! - ))
@originalworks - ))

hey Krebcake!! That is a gorgeous painting!
You should stop by and share some music with us
What's on your music thoughts lately?
Woah! What am I looking at here in this awesome image?!
... a 'steem' .. selfie ? - ))
ha ha - ))
MaY-BE .. for a moment - ))
.. thank'S YOU - ))
.. been 'digging' YOUr PosTS - )))
BE YO'U . aNd i . . VersitY !?!?! - ))
.. oh YeaH !! - ))
Its a selfie! Amazing - YOU are amazing!
I am happy to hear you say that you dig my posts. I wanted to ask you - to do an interview maybe - let's do it here!
I am truly grateful that you have auto-voted me. I believe I am producing and will continue to produce great content. But as I also start participating with new ventures, I wonder if I am 'taking advantage' of YOU!
Yesterday I made four posts, the most ever for me! The first, an ecotrain post, a short story and a life lesson that took me many days to write, my worthiest entry of the day.
The second was a motivating limerick I made for a friend and his contest, interesting perhaps.
Third I translated my wife's article on eggplant pizza into an official steemit-ironchef entry! Delicious if you're into that sort of thing!
Then, all afternoon, I contemplated my friend the Fun Doctor. Will he really want me to post a fourth post, an entry into the caption contest? I did post it, later that night.
Is this fair to you? Is this not an exploitation of the pact we made? Should I make another account like @ecoinstant-appliestowin and leave this account to only the highest quality content?
I am not an autovoter so I want to know what it feels to be you! If I be honest with you and you be honest with me, we will both learn valuable lessons!
Thank you because I am having so much FUN ALONG THE WAY!
nice one! thats so funny we are All paying this money forward.. i wonder where it will end up ;-)
.. the B'aLL is RoLLinG - ))
.. thanks allot .. for allowing 'me' to pLAY my pART !! - ))
FUN .. to PLaY !! - ))
18 SBD .. to be 'going out' .. = lots of FUN - ))
.. most appreciated !! - ))
and .. i wonder TOO ? - ))
.. someWhere .. not here - ))
PassinG it aLonG .. a Pl'eas'ure .. SiR - ))))))
i didn't know how 'the money' got to YOU ?? - ))
... GooD FUN .. scooting it along - ))
.. how to do it ?? - ))
ha ha - ))
Here is the captivating story of some feathers - ))

Sunday morning drawing practice (10/8)

Myanmar - Thousand Pagodas of Bagan - Movie - )))

My Interview on Wealthy Living Radio

How long will a gas mower go on the same amount of energy as an electric mower.

Magic The Gathering: Nicol Bolas

Artistic Monkey Stuffs - 100th Day On Steemit - The September Compilation

Witness Flags - Should Witness Downvotes Exist?
