Eco Living Weekly Digest #4

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Spread The Love! 11.png

Eco Living Weekly celebrates our collective efforts to live more harmoniously on Mother Earth, and walks hand-in-hand each week with @ecotrain's other curation, Eco Village News. It's a "best of" from posts on the steem blockchain this past week which have used the #ecotrain tag.

What kind of content will get you curated here? Practical, thoughtful, creative and personal posts about literally Making the World a Better Place. From recycling, art, natural health and organic-permaculture to eco-travel, creating change, spirituality, art-poetry-music, natural food preparation and growing-storing-preserving your food and natural medicine. Please attribute quoted material and images which aren't your own, and be thoughtful. You need to use the #ecotrain tag to be considered for an upvote. And please make at least part of your post in the English language - we MANUALLY curate so we need to be able to understand the gist of your post.

We DON'T require you to delegate to @ecotrain, but we'd ask you to please consider it. You can take it back at any time, no questions or stress. Delegation is nothing more than a LOAN of your SP so we can give YOU juicier upvotes. It's a no brainer, really. We also don't REQUIRE you to upvote or support others (all too school-marmy for us!) but, again, we'd ask you to simply give to others what you' like to receive, which is a generous upvote and a thoughtful comment.

MUCH APPRECIATION for the wonderful posts this week.

Please: read, upvote, comment, resteem the posts we've selected for you. And start writing YOUR next @ecotrain post.


Consolidating to Build Sustainble Agriculture

The denuded and degraded farmlands of Indonesia are being slowly reforested as more local people understand the importance of trees, tree cover and preventing soil erosion. @abdulhamids shares the work of Odessa Indonesia, a social organisation aiming to plant 10 million trees! So much great work happening to heal the damage and move us collectively forward.

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100 Harvest from 25 sq ft of Planting Sunchokes

4 pounds per square foot? The Pepper family had an AMAZING harvest of sunchokes - over 100 pounds from 25 square feet. Growing your own food is truly radical eco-living, and @papa-pepper shows us how it's done. Yes, you CAN buy sunchokes to try this at home from the pepper family store on steem's own @homesteaderscoop

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Green Revolutions Drawing Competition for Kids

Children expressing themselves creatively with art and colour is such an effective way to teach about the environment, about diversity and species, and how we all need to be involved. @imransoudagar shares some of the art being produced as our young people creatively envision a greener future.

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How To Protect A Water Source

Off-Grid means managing your own water supply! @mrlo101 shows us a simple way to protect the head of a natural spring to ensure clean, potable water. This one is a keeper for the off-grid-prepper scrapbook, for sure! Amazing bilingual posting deserves a standing ovation. :)

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Actifit Meets Food Waste

Would you Dumpster Dive? Collect discarded food from dumpsters? Not because you have no option, but simply to redress the shocking food waste in the western world? @movingman (in the course of presenting his actifit update LOL) does some dumpster diving and shows us the truly astounding amount of good food he salvaged from landfill. Food for thought, indeed.

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How To Make A Salted Fish Filipino Food

Preserving the harvest doesn't just mean the veggies. For our island-rich Filipino friends, this means salting the sea's abundance when it's there. @mrnightmare89 shows us the traditional way to salt the tiny-weeny fish that are commonly used to flavour many Filipino dishes. NSFV (Not Safe For Vegans).

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Eating Breton A Jackfruit's Seeds

A big part of eco-living is using what you have, rather than working to make money to buy stuff to eat. If you've ever had or seen a jackfruit tree, you will KNOW jackfruit seeds are abundant and available most of the year round. @wongbraling shows us how to prepare the seeds as a food themselves, and something of their amazing nutritional and natural medicine benefits. Sidebar: @artemislives had an amazing chocolate birthday cake made for her this week using Jackfruit Seed Flour. :)

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The Mythology of Trash

"I find no purpose in this item therefore there is no purpose in this item." @freemotherearth explores the mythology of trash, and shows us some wonderful examples of items others have found to be redundant being useful - and beautiful - in her world.

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Raw Cauliflower Sushi With Olive Pate: Vegan

So often the choice to eat more vegan, eco-friendly food is limited by our imagination and ability to prepare it well. Eating less meat is great for the environment, for our bodies and (Goddess forbid) for the animals. @rawadventuress shows us how to make raw vegan sushi. No excuses now. :)

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Beware Of Dengue Hemmorhagic Fever

Eco-living means co-existing as much as possible with the natural world, even when that gets slightly out of balance. @rokhani shares some tips about keeping your immediate environment as mosquito-free as possible, to minimize the dangers of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. NO NEED for DEET or dangerous pesticides! Just vigilance and understanding of how to prevent an over-supply of mosquitoes.

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Did you See This Week's Eco Village News?

Lots happening in terms of steem communities and ecoVilllage - catch up on this last week in our latest issue of the Eco Village News #10


Want To Invest In & Support EcoVillage & Eco Living? Check this out!

What Is EcoVillage Coin? What Makes It Different? The Investment Model. Is Now The Best Time To Buy?

We hope you have enjoyed these eco-living posts - please LAVISH them with upvotes, reblogs, comments and engagement.

If you're able to delegate, or increase your delegation, to @ecotrain, it's a simple and practical way you can help to engage with, and fund, steem eco-villages around the world.

Most importantly, consider writing under the #ecotrain tag this coming week - we love all posts eco-green, earth building, spiritual and natural, but mostly as those things relate to the building and evolution of eco-community.

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A collection of extraordinary publications is the showcase of this new edition of Eco living. Good curatorial work, @ecotrain!

Thank you, Lovely. Are we going to have more eco-green poetry to include next issue?? I sure hope so!

Appreciating the diversity of content and the large line of incoming new @ecotrain authors. Lots to ponder, learn from and question this week! Nice job, everyone.

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.

Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.


great line up this week, nice job Ms Curatorxx

A pleasure, Mr Train Driver. x

Great job. Could you do a post on how to make jackfruit seed flour? It would be great.

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