The ecoTrain Highlights Magazine: This weeks topics include Vegan Cooking, Stories, Poetry, Politics, Healing, Travel, Cyber-Bullying, Mayan Shamans, and more!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

It's time for the best magazine on Steemit! This week the @ecotrain continue to inspire and illuminate great ideas and topics. What wisdom we have both individually and collectively.. it simply blows me away! This week we have so much to see, and not least some incredible vegan recipes from some amazing cooks! I am also very happy to welcome back @omdemian and @stillgideon who have been on a long break and are charged up and ready to share their creativity and cosmic wisdom with us.


Little Donkey's Big Dream: A Story About Helping Others Achieve Their Dreams

Little Donkey's Big Dream

Harry the horse is a magnificent and wealthy racing horse. His mane and tail were well taken care of, and he had all his teeth. He has to jump over hurdles and eats name brand oats for lunch.

He loves racing because he always wins and does a dance to show off at the finish line. He is a lucky horse. Just look at his feet! He has golden horseshoes; no wonder why he wins. His owner would get a huge trophy filled with money in it. He proudly gallops with his head held high.

The Magical Caterpillar - A Story About Seeing the Magic in the Moment

Magic is all around from the high sky to the low ground. There are big heavy machines called airplanes that fly in the sky without a problem and go faster than a car.

Why it even seems that the sky can go up forever.

There are trees that are changing; one minute they are bald the next they are full of beautiful bright green leaves.

There are the flowers planted in the ground, and with just a huge gust of wind or breath their seeds can travel around to find a new place to land and grow into flowers too.


Respect for Elders

I was raised in South Carolina in the southeastern United States. This little corner of the world is pretty traditional and conservative, especially by US standards. I was taught to say "yes ma'am" and "no sir" along with please and thank you or face the consequences. My aunt used to beat her kids with a wooden spoon if they didn't say ma'am when they spoke to her. She's a fiery little woman.


Do you enjoy my blog? Here's some happy steem for you!

When I first joined Steemit I had a clear intention of beginning a blog where I could talk about my interests and add value to the platform. Earning money was nothing but a bonus, something that could externally motivate me.

I spent a lot of time reading about how Steemit works while I waited for the account approval, and after wrapping my mind around the concepts of Steem/Steem Power/Steem Based Dollars, I read something about curation rewards. The name itself is clear: you are the first to notice a good post, so you're helping it become noticed and eventually get a lot of rewards. You should get a prize for that, and you do!

It's your problem. Not mine.

Clean and renewable, please.

There's not much things I'm proud of here in Portugal. But one of them is the exploration of natural resources to produce clean, renewable energy. I need to reinforce the "renewable" energy part, since a quick look at Electricity Map can make us think countries like France are doing everything well environmentally speaking. They're not, because almost everything is powered by nuclear energy.


I am Done Now..

I am tired now...
Tired of lies and deceit..

I am exhausted now..
Exhausted of listening to the same old ramblings...

I am drained now..
Drained of the power and stamina I once had to fight for you..

I am frustrated now..
Frustrated of having you make and break promises time and again..


Midnight walk by the Seaside

This was a few days ago, on a new moon night when we decided to go for a midnight stroll at the seaside.

Due to the New Moon there was high tide and it felt like the ocean was roaring out wild. I am very much in love with the Sea, so be it in any form I enjoy watching it.

The Archeological Site of Takht-e-Soleyman In Iran

The Archealogical site of Takht-e-Soleyman also known as the Solomon's Throne is located in the volcanic mountain region in the North-West part of Iran.

The site is one grand marvel of the remains from the 6th century from the time of Sassanian Dynasty, It was built as a Temple dedicated to Anahita, the Goddess of water. This site has a strong spiritual significance related to all the 4 elements of nature, which is Fire, Water, Earth and Air which are symbolic to the Zoroastrian Religion. During the period of Sassanian Dynasty Zoroastrian religion flourished to its maximum spreading out in the entire region of Iran. In today's date across the globe there are approximately only 1.25 Lacs people of this religion that exist and you will find them majorly in India.


Enough is Enough-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Sixty Three

Enough is Enough

Enough, enough
are we ever enough,
being told that our way in this world will be tough
that our choices don't matter,
that we don't have a say,
that all that we dream of will never see the light of day.
Conform, conform

Our Children Are our Greatest Teachers , We Only Have To Listen

Our children are some of the best teachers we have in life.

This is why living in integrated communities of all ages is so important and also why children are due a lot more respect than they are given. They remind us daily about the importance of living in the moment and being fully alive and also about how important it is to be in tune with your environment

Boycott Nestle- They are Once Again Pushing Their Formula Milk On Women Living In Poverty

I know that this image is not nice, but it is not meant to be because the Fact is that Nestle are again aggressively promoting their formula milk on mothers who live in impoverished conditions.

Nestle came under attack in the 1970's when it emerged that they were promoting formula milk to mothers living in third world countries who did not have access to clean water and could not afford to actually feed their children the recommended amount they needed in order to mature.


The Girl Who Loved Too Much : Remembering Our Childlike Magic & Healing

The vibe is fresh from @riverflows' incredibly heart opening piece (In fact, Ini just got a chance to read it and he's sitting here crying next to me; it really touched him.)

Riverflows wrote about her journey from feeling like she was TOO MUCH and yet NOT ENOUGH at the same time, that her bombastic open hearted self had, through life events & people (which were not necessarily aiming to shut her down, but her young self took it to heart), had learned that she couldn't share all of her emotions, her love, her self and developed a tough inner critic in response! Her journey back to wearing her heart on her sleeve is seriously amazing and heart opening and I think holds keys for many of us!

Are Humans Being Factory Farmed? | The Truth of Human Domestication (ReWilding Intro)

This piece is a little edgier than some of our other content, so proceed with caution if you aren't willing to consider things that may challenge your beliefs and worldview.

We will be deconstructing the very nature of how humans exist on the planet and how we have become domesticated and are unconsciously participating in a giant experiment.


Camping Trip to Sombrio Beach

My time in Victoria is getting towards its end, but I am always ready to accept spontaneous invitations to cool places. This time it was to a with a few of the mechanics from Recyclistas, who wanted to camp on the beach. Originally it was Camas and her boyfriend Richard who were planning to go, and invited Jordan and myself. Steve, who lives in nearby Sooke, recommended a beautiful beach where he likes to surf, and offered to meet us there.


Salted Caramel Carob Cream Crunch, why I love carob..... local, cost effective and safe for kids or big kids like me :)

Okay hold on a second... you might be saying you don't like carob....

but it's okay you can easily substitute with cacao!

Those carob haters out there and chocolate lovers maybe wondering....

...why didn't you just use chocolate instead for this recipe?

Well I am a proud Carob freak these days! Why tho when you can just have chocolate?


How to stop procrastinating by channeling emotions

How to stop procrastinating and start acting? Many people ask: in fact, in life, it is not enough to know how things should work; it is necessary to act so that the thoughts are transformed into concrete and tangible realizations.

There is a component that acts as a catalyst between knowledge and action, and that will allow us to stop procrastinating by bridging the gap that often exists between good intentions and their actual implementation : I. E our emotions.

Cyber-Bullying in Youths

The phenomenon of cyber-bullying is spreading in a worrying way: does this mean that more and more teenagers and children are being born "predisposed" to behave in a violent manner? Is there a particular gene, or the biological conditions that generate predisposition or instinct to become a cyberbully? In general: are bullies born or become ?!

The development of cyberbullying , ie that new form of bullying closely linked to the massive diffusion of new technologies, can be explained by resorting above all to the concept of "presumed invisibility".


Sustainable Snacking - The Thai Street Food We Can Never Say No To!

Snacking. Some zealous purists claim they never do it. How very sad! To be able to simply pause for no reason and pop a pleasure-explosion into your mouth?? Something which delights, sustains and nourishes? Life is all the richer for wonderful snacking. And yet soooo much of the convenient snack food isn't sustainable. Au contraire. It's chemical laden, factory produced, palm oil fried, GMO and plastic packed, along with its various preservatives, flavours and miscellaneous chemicals.


Utopia - Part 5 - The Great Meltdown

By general reckoning, Grandma Esther has somewhere between five hundred to a thousand grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren going back over eight or nine generations. You'll forgive her if she doesn't remember all of their names. It's not that her mind is going. She's still as sharp as a new pin. Just that usually her mind is on other things. She works on her projects and mostly keeps herself to herself, having little appetite for daily birthday parties. Once a year, she allows for a celebration in her honour down in the village, but mostly she stays up in her workshop, building computers from old parts.


Light language : An Ancient Sacred Teaching from the Mayan Shamans !

Discover this ancient sacred teaching from Mexico, that uses Sacred geometry and Colors to heal and manifest all your intentions!
Bring Coherence in the geometries of your Consciousness and Restore your Blueprint to its most beautiful potential !

There is a 3 days workshop online soon, the 18-19-20th may 2018.


Learn what is Quantum Healing with Demian Haye, from Magic vibrations Healing.
Drop in your Heart, let go and Notice something new !
The basics of the physics of Miracle !
Enjoy the Change and welcome your inner Child !

Introduction to Healing Toxic Relationships and Addictions Video Course.

Introduction to my online cheap course on Udemy, Healing Toxic Relationships and Addictions !
Learn and practice 4 healing techniques to handle your emotions, to cut your toxic energetic cords, to forgive yourself and others and to set up new healthy boundaries !
Set yourself free and step up to a new spiral in your Life !



Hey post promoters! Haven't things changed on Steem this past few months!? It's always interesting to see how things evolve on Steemit, and one great change that I'm sure we have ALL noticed is the use of voting bots! Steem never ceases to amaze me, and paying to promote and advertise your posts.. and then getting that money straight back plus potentially more is just one of the paradoxical things about Steemit when compared to the traditional notion of advertising. The thing is, not everyone does make their money back.. and some people also lose quite a lot only because they don't understand the details of how bots work and how to use them.

The Indigo Blue Dream / The Reluctant Clarivoyant - Part 1: A true story about the Super Psychic Indigo Children

I have brought @edzardloesing to Steemit to share with you an incredibly eye opening book he has written based on his life experiences, called the The Indigo Blue Dream. This novel is about many things, including the very special children that inhabit this world today, often called INDIGO CHILDREN. This novel is one that I have encouraged Edzhart to publish here on Steemit, and if you take the time to read it I am sure you will see why!


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excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

your blogs are useful. upvoted😇

I hope your content was very learned! it was a good blog! keep it up

Wonderful post @eco-alex, thanks for this great information.

Always such a pleasure to see that many talents keep posting those great posts! I love to see @celestialcow here ;)

Looks like I did not get an upvote last week from @ecotrain. Any possibility that you check it? And refund?

i will look in to it.. right now i cannot seem to view transfers older than 4 days.. i think steem is having problems today!.. do you remember how much was sent and what the URL was of the post. thanks!

I only know it was 0.5 sbd. Perhaps I can't use it to get a comment upvoted?

Anyways let's not bother about it. I anyway like it a lot that a human is behind the bot and that you answered my question 😀

hope that helps ;-)

Thanks. I find it a brilliant solution. Easy and quick 😀

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This post has been featured in the @offgrid-online - Weekly Review Curation - Thank you for all your work with eco-friendly group organizing, authoring, teaching, and curation.

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