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RE: The Decision Around Procreation in Today's World...

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Great post!

A lot of people will second guess bringing a child into this world due to the worlds problems. While I can understand that perspective, it should not be the deciding factor. I am glad you mentioned your "life plan" as I think that some of us have children because we are meant to and others do not because they are not meant to.

As far as population goes, I have no doubt that we are a plethora of under soft kill programs from normal fluoride, chem trails, vaccine, etc all the way to social engineering and mind control. I personally do not have the world view that the planet if over populated and polluted beyond it's means. We should always strive to respect mother earth and her resources, but not fall for the social engineering propaganda steering us in a direction wanted by those in "control". The agenda of these people are clear. Take the Georgia Guide stones as just one of many examples.


I’m with you on the mind control aspects. I always seek to understand before simply “going along with” what others say. Mark Pascio has really opened up my perspective on some things. I’m up to episode 16 now. Still a LONG way to go to get caught up but it is such good stuff! The suppression and control of mankind is difficult to see, but seeing it is the first step to solving it. Slowly but surely we will get there.

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That is good that you do. Listening is actually a skill that is sorely lacking in a lot of people. I also understand that not everyone will share my views, especially concerning population... but I have done my research on these things and that is where I currently stand. I am always open to new information though :)

That is cool that you are still listening to Mark Passio. I am curious what he has changed your perspective on. You are right about the suppression of mankind, but I agree we will free ourselves, one mind at a time!

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