Inflation Warning, Inflation Will Hit Like A Tidal Wave - Episode 1393a

in #economy7 years ago

ADP employment grows at slowest pace as the service and small jobs disappear. The central banks around the world are continually printing money even though they say the economy has recovered. The economy is primed for inflation to hit our shores like a tidal wave.


X22 Report, you have been one of the few sources consistently reporting the truth of the e"con"ometrics we are witnessing! The massive money printing "out of thin air" is the key to understanding why savers and retirees' value is being extracted due to suppression of market-priced interest rates. Borrowing and short-term living are rewarded while long-term relations are punished. The socially devastating effects of this are obvious.

John Williams' "Shadowstats" data shows what a consistent inflation report would reveal. While his predictions of eminent collapse have not come to pass, his core thesis that the price of steak in 1975 is not equivalent to the price of GMO hamburger in 2017 illuminates much truth! Despite what "hedonic price adjustments" would argue.

Tidal wave as your title suggests? Yes, unfortunately so. As the first sign of a tsunami is the water getting sucked out to an unusually low tide that lure many naive tourists out onto the suddenly waterless reef, it is only a precursor to the devastating wall of water soon to inundate. 'Nuff said! Keep up the great work.

" Borrowing and short-term living are rewarded while long-term relations are punished. The socially devastating effects of this are obvious."

Not to many. I have long been aware of the immoral purposes of this financial manipulation of 'consumers', and have had to practice considerable restraint in order to keep my internal house in order.

It is far easier to go with the flow - which is a large part of the purpose of such economic pressure.

Thanks for your insightful comment!

At some point, all that printed money QE (Billions in the UK & Europe) has to come back at some point. I believe crypto may end as a safe haven with no governments in charge of it.

So they shouldn't be affected or can they?

It's only a matter of time before other countries start dumping their foreign reserves and they ($$) come flooding back to mainland USA. And when that happens, the dollar index (and corresponding value of the dollar) will plummet. Will it get so bad that you won't be able to exchange dollars for local currency when you travel overseas? Only time will tell, but things are bound to get a lot more expensive. I've heard estimates that when the US loses reserve currency status (in favor of SDRs is the latest popular theory), the USA's standard of living will drop by 20-30%. Time will tell how this plays out, but until then, get prepared!

Would you be kind enough to point to where you heard those estimates of US standard of living?


Investor Sam Zell estimates a 25% drop in the following article:

I may have also heard similar estimates from Mike Maloney and Rick Rule, but it's been a few years.

I never really realized the value of crypto. I mean I did as a fiat alternative, but when someone pointed out that most top 5 cryptos go up in value year after year while fiat purchasing power declines ... that was my real OOOOO moment on the power of crypto.

Welcome to the club... ;) ITS GREAT EH??? :)

This is an alarming situation for all of us. Looks pretty bad

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We have been on an economic slippery slope for many years, decades even.
Too many 'bubbles' out there. Too much lending; who can forget 2008-2009 collapse?

Is crypto the true answer to security? I believe it can be.

Pay off your debt. Stop living paycheck to paycheck.
It is coming and when it does... we will be a world of hurt.

You are giving good advice about debt - except during hyperinflation. A classic example of the effects of high inflation is Weimar Germany, after the Treaty of Versaille, when the currency became so worthless that a a few days wages could pay off debts that had been expected to take decades to pay.

Creditors actually ran away, and hid, from people paying off mortgages with worthless money.

ARMs are not included, as hiking interest rates is commonly done to counteract the inflation. Those folks jumping on ARMs now may regret it very much, soon.

It may be immoral to take on debts knowing you can pay them off with devalued currency after inflation hits hard, but it's not stupid.

I am staying out of debt. I'm sure that says much about my intelligence, but I'm not in charge of my intelligence, only my morals.

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i'm hedging inflation with physical silver ... upvoted

I could not understand what you were saying the new system they were moving to

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