The Everything Bubble Is Ready to Burst

in #economy7 years ago


It wasn’t always this way. We never used to get a giant, speculative bubble every 7–8 years. We really didn’t.

In 2000, we had the dot-com bubble.

In 2008, we had the housing bubble.

In 2018, we have the everything bubble.

I did not coin the term “the everything bubble.” I do not know who did. Apologies (and much respect) to the person I stole it from.

Why do we call it the everything bubble? Well, there is a bubble in a bunch of asset classes simultaneously.

And the infographic below that my colleagues at Mauldin Economics created paints the picture best.

I don’t usually predict downturns, but this time I bet my reputation that a downturn is coming. And soon.

When there’s nothing left but systemic risk, everyone’s portfolio is on the line.

Why does this matter?

Because the $199 TRILLION Bond Bubble trades based on inflation.

When inflation rises, so do bond yields to compensate.

When bond yields rise, bond prices FALL..

And when bond prices fall, this massive bubble, which I call The Everything Bubble bursts.

This process has already begun. Around the world, bond yields are spiking to the upside as the bond market adjusts to the threat of future inflation.

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Hmm nice numbers.

Sounds about right