Fed to pump $1 Trillion into the markets -- Don't jump for joy.

in #economy5 years ago


Do not consider it a good thing when the Federal Reserve and other Central Bankers around the world "rev up the imaginary printing presses, printing that sweet, sweet digital fiat currency in illusionary bucket loads." When they do this, remember it's just a big scam to enrich their buddies.

Always remember that what matters most when new money is 'created' is who gets it first; it's the people who don't need it; big banks and investment firms who in turn speculate with it in the stock market. It's not spurring new enterprise, creating jobs or even growing our economy. It's not trickling down to us.

It's a sleazy way to artificially prop up the markets (which, no doubt, is a good thing for people who are playing along, until the bubble bursts and we have these massive falls), but more importantly it's a diabolical way to enrich a lot of their buddies who get access to that new money first. By the time it trickles down to the rest of us, its capital value has been siphoned off and diluted by inflation. But here's the really sneaky and sinister part of it; they do it during naturally deflationary periods to hide the real inflation it's causing.


It would take too long to explain it (and I surely don't fully understand it all myself) but when the markets and economy are going through a healthy correction and prices are dropping, they pump in all this money to slow the healthy correction and delay the revival. If they pumped in this money when things are going great, it would just spike inflation, but when they do it during deflationary periods, the inflation is hidden, but it is nevertheless there. Your money is worth less than it was before. And as Milton Friedman used to say, "inflation is taxation without representation."

When they stopped quantitative easing under Obama, the markets immediately flatlined. Now that the market is tanking, they are pumping trillions into their buddies' pockets who are actually probably selling short with it and only helping the fall. Now, don't get me wrong, from what I can tell, corporate America's bottom lines have been healthy, so I don't think this market is over-inflated, but they've restarted the 'quantitative easing' policy last year and have been pumping in (read; siphoning off) tens of billions every month, but this is a massive blast of new money and won't do a damn thing but delay the recovery, make our money worth less, and make their buddies a fortune in the meantime.

I really, really despise this monetary policy. It's money mischief and it's the worst kind of theft because it is so hard for most people to understand.



The market is on the verge of breaking apart and what the Fed is doing is to keep the lifeline afloat.

Unbearable debt for the masses. All future generations will be on the hook and be enslaved for decades to come.

Sadly this has been the course since the dollar came off the gold standard. Its consequences have been felt for decades before us, and as you say, decades to come.

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