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RE: Nasdaq Triggers Market-Wide Circuit-Breaker As AMZN "Crashes" 87% After-Hours
What this essentially means is that we are flooded with cheap money. Cheap money = worthless money. Stocks are at all time high due to manipulation by central bank and government around the world. When earnings doesn't justify valuation, we'll see a huge correction.
Is the depression imminent? Perhaps.
Times has changed and it's time for the digital revolution.
Crypto will save families like mine from becoming SLAVES! Fake money has been super hard to make for this hard working college educated 37 year young father of three and husband 🙁But I have found more opportunities in crypto then usd economics! This is both exciting and sad ! Some days I fear for my children's existence into the future
You guys are wackos. Those are broker prints for trades done over last 2-3 days in blocks. Its not real.
Exactly its a NON Story ..a GLITCH..Breaking News my Greenhouse Thermometer Reading 1000 C we 're ALL Doomed!!