Use the hero's journey for marketing

in #economy7 years ago (edited)


The hero's journey journey is the template of a story. It the template Star Wars uses, Harry Potter, Matrix, etc. You could uses it in your marketing as good marketing will create emotions and this is the best way to create emotions and people would rather listen to a story then a advert that talks about specs. There are twelve steps to the hero's journey. I will use examples for a clothing company (i will call it String) with their core value being going against the norms although this can be applied to any company and any core value. 

The hero's Journey 

  1. The first step is the ordinary world. This is the normal life of the hero. An example of this would be a guy called John who finished High School and is getting ready for collage. He lives in Arizona. He is going to become a doctor although he doesn't really enjoy school and the though of being one but is doing it because he is told by his parent and teachers that it is the only way he can be successful and not work in McDonald which he hates the thought of more. 
  2. The second step is the call to adventure. The hero is faced with something that calls him on his adventure.  This might be a problem or a challenge he needs to overcome. John finds his friend Ben has quit his job. Ben has a PHD and is in a job paying $300,000 a year but quit his job for some reason. John is interested. He goes to Ben asking why he quit and Ben says he is starting a business. Ben then asks John if he wants to join. 
  3. The third step is refusal of the call. The hero reject the call because he is scared. John says he can't help as he doesn't even have a masters degree on business studies. Ben then says he doesn't need one. John says this is crazy and he won't join. John says this is risky and that this goes against what he was taught at school. Ben convinces John because if John doesn't accept, then in 10 years, his job will be lost to AI and will be drowning in debt. 
  4. The fourth step is meeting the mentor. The hero meets a someone who can help them for the journey ahead. John and Ben meet Hung who gives them advice on how to start a business, some books, $1000 to get started and a String's t-shirt. 
  5. The fifth step is crossing the threshold. The hero leaves the ordinary world and start the adventure. Ben and John now start their business and move to California. 
  6. The sixth step is Test, allies and enemy. The hero learns the rules of his new world. During this time, he endures tests of strength of will, meets friends, and comes face to face with foes. John and Ben have lost friends but have gained new friends who are like-minded as they are. The parents think it crazy and not supported of it but are not against them. Their teachers hate them for not going to college. 
  7. The seventh step is approach. A setback occurs that sometimes causes the hero to try a new approach or idea. John and Ben are trying to sell watches but it is not getting any attention so they hire a digital marketer who then helps them get some view and they then get a sale. 
  8. The eight step is the ordeal. The hero experiences a major hurdle or obstacle, such as a life or death crisis. Ben (who is funding the project) has lost his job thanks to the teacher who complained to his employer. The whole business falls apart and are almost homeless.
  9. The ninth step is the reward. The hero after surviving the ordeal earn his reward. John and Ben manage to get a loan from the bank and then after a lot of time and effort, the business does well and then find out they made $10,000 this financial term.
  10. The tenth step is the road back. The hero begins his journey back to his ordinary life. Ben and John after making a good amount of money, decide to go home back in Arizona and tell their parents about their success.
  11. The eleventh step is resurrection hero. The hero faces the final test where everything is at stake and he must use everything he learnt. On the way back John and Ben find out that America has entered a recession and people are losing their jobs left and right. Ben and john use their knowledge of business and investing to buy real estate, stock and other asset. They also team up with other businesses and investors to save the economy. The economy goes up and the team make a lot of money. 
  12. The twelfth step is return with elixir. The hero brings his knowledge or the "elixir" back to the ordinary world, where he applies it to help all who remain there. John and Ben come back to Arizona with $5 million and give it to their friend and parent and tell them to invest the money. They sell the business and John and Ben friends and family live a nice comfortable life.


That was a story about John and Ben who goes the norms and risk all to start a business and live a great financial future. You are more likely to buy a product from a story like that then from an advert that rambles about the thread count and stuff like that. Try to connect to the customers on the emotional level and they will reciprocate. 

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