Anyone can be rich if pays debts in a hundred years
Excerpts from:
- "What happens when you print $8.3 trillion in money and only get $2.1 trillion of growth? What happened to the extra $6.2 trillion of printed money?"
- "Reducing money supply and raising interest rates might be the right policy if price inflation were out of control. But prices are actually falling. The “inflation” is not in consumer prices; it’s in asset prices"
- "Asset prices are prone to bubbles on the upside and panics on the downside. Small moves can cascade out of control (hypersynchronous)"
- "Bernanke and Yellen did not get a residential real estate bubble. Instead, they got an everything bubble"
- "Greenspan left Bernanke some dry powder in 2007 because the Fed’s balance sheet was only $800 billion. The Fed had policy space to respond to the panic of 2008 with rate cuts and QE1. Today the Fed’s balance sheet is $4 trillion. If a panic started tomorrow, the Fed’s capacity to cut rates is only 1.25% and its capacity to expand the balance sheet is nil ..."
Photo by feipeng yi on Unsplash