True death toll of the pandemic.
The Economist updated their excess death model. They estimate 15.2 million excess deaths globally this pandemic. The 95% Confidence Interval of the model is 9.3 million to 18.1 million. To put it in perspective Spanish Flu killed an estimated 50 million globally, the Asian Flu of 1957-1958 killed 1.1 million, and the Hong Kong Flu of 1968-1970 killed 1 million.
The worst excess death rate per capita is Peru between 580-600 deaths per 100k.
For the US, the model estimates between 760k and 830k excess deaths. For comparison, the CDC estimates we have had 798k excess deaths.
Russia is estimated to have between 650k and 710k excess deaths, significantly more than the official coronavirus death count of only 183k.
India is estimated to have between 1.1 million and 7.1 million excess deaths.
Ukraine is estimated to have between 110k and 120k excess deaths. On a per capita basis not that much different than the US.
Canada is estimated to have between 15k to 24k excess deaths.
Sweden is estimated to have between 9.3k to 10k excess deaths. Norway between -1.1k to -710. Yes Norway is estimated to have negative excess deaths this pandemic.
Australia is estimated to have between -5.7k to -1.8k excess deaths. Again negative excess deaths.
Not sure I trust the data from China...