Dr Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan Speak about Univeral Basic Income.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #economics7 years ago

.......in the future A.I and Robots will have taken most of our jobs and there will have to be a solution to the
massive unemployment. Elon Musk has been quoted that A.I and Robot tech could have 30% of our jobs by 2025
so with spectre of hogh unemployment and a shitty economy U.B.I seems to be a good option in my opinion.

In this video Joe Rogan and Canadian Dr Jordan Peterson talk about the economics of U.B.I
No one need go without and starve!


$12,000 a year is an existence. Not a life. Selling UBI as a solution to job loss due to automation is a hollow argument.

I do agree that automation very likely could take most of the jobs of everyone. However, spending my life in poverty, or at best, near poverty with no chance of anything better is not a situation that I am willing to accept without a fight.

IMHO, a real solution to the problem of automation is automation. AIs and robots are becoming cheaper and smaller. These advances are giving individuals the opportunity to own their very own part of the 'means of production' (to borrow a turn of phrase from Marx). This solution allows for a balance of power to form. If everyone is contributing to society, everyone has value. What do you think will happen if 1% owns all the factories and sources of natural resources and needs no labor from the remaining 99%? I don't see this turning out well.

My belief is that we are all really share holders in the global economy. Think about it for a minute. If only 1000 people could afford a cell phone no one would have one. because all the tech that goes into every single aspect of that phone and only 1000 could afford it. It would be astronomical. Same with computers, cars, anything that takes R&D and parts etc. So just by being a consumer you are actually an active investor in the economy and by rights should have an equal share of the profits, not just the companies that make them. Without demand we would be making nothing but bread. The wealth of a contries individuals drive innovation and industry and everything else. We should be all receiving a stipend and a fair one from every corporation that makes money of the masses. Without us, there is no them. Look at what happens when technologies become obsolete they go the way of the dodo bird. You don't see people riding around through all the cities on horseback still, because we(the consumer) has made it possible for all of us to have cars. Capitalism is a joke, It is communism for the connected and wealthy. 12,000 should be just a dividend from these companies than we go to work and make money. That should be our share in participating in the economy! voice-of-reason

Regardless of your beliefs, you are not a share holder of the global economy. No one is and believe me, I've thought about for much longer than a minute. A share holder has enforceable legal contractual rights created by entering into an agreement with a guess what, A CONTRACT. You show me a signed contract stating you are a global economic share holder and I'll take it all back and stare at you in stunned amazement.

However, I get your position. You're upset because of the large corporations owned by the elites are taking unfair advantage of everyone else. They are over charging for their products and underpaying for labor. I'm not happy about this either. However, there are property rights and boundaries. Without these rights and boundaries you wouldn't even have what you do now. Under the current system they have to at least get you to agree to the transactions you engage in that enriches them. Without these rights and protections they would just take what you have and discard you as human trash. Remember, money is power and they are way more powerful than you.

The second thing that I would like to say about the idea of share holders and rights is that this is nothing more than figurative rhetoric. This is not to be taken literally. The people that engage in this type of language are just trying to get you to give up something, usually your vote, money, or your support for some idea for nothing more than a fuzzy warm feeling based on a lie. Do yourself a favor and don't fall for it.

As for the rest of your reply, stop and think about it for a minute. Basically, what you are saying is that since you allowed someone to make something and sell it to you, that they now owe you a debt and they have to make you more stuff. Its ridiculous. Once a transaction is over, it is over. Neither party owes the other anything else after the conditions of the contract has been fulfilled. I understand that you feel ripped off by these corporations and I feel the same but that does not create any legal or even moral obligation for anyone to do any further action.

If you want a real solution, I suggest you look back at my previous post. Think of my solution as a decentralized economy just as SteemIt is a decentralized blogging platform.

Lets say this, the beautiful thing about us being democratic and free to express ourselves we can have these conversations without being tossed in the gulag for thought crimes. Also we are civilized enough between ourselves to diseent in each others opinion, and still be friendly. That is great.

however I do agree a decentralized economy such as steemit, dtube, the new dsound.audio and businessfy and the many more platforms to come. My hope is that people stay engaged, make the effort, and shut down the big 3(facebook,youtube,and iTunes. etc ad naseum.

Yes, I fully 100% agree. Free speech is incredibly important in a free society. The ability to use it in a civil manner is the icing on the cake and is when it is at its most effective.

Also, I want to clarify that when I wrote decentralized economy, I was referring to an actual factual physical decentralized economy that actually manufactures things that you can hold in your hand and consume. Not the virtual ones that you mentioned. The virtual ones are great and will help support the physical one by allowing information transfer and a medium of exchange (i.e. currency). However, what I'm talking about is small machine shops with CNC mills and lathes, injection molding equipment, 3D Printers, and even bench top chemical plants in everyones basements, garages, or other spaces. Trading amongst others in the local community to form a autonomous or at least semi-autonomous local economy. In this way people WILL have some real ownership in the means of production and will therefore retain some power for themselves.

I am talking about capitalism, but I'm not talking about what we live with today. 37.6% of GDP is already spent directly by the government (https://data.oecd.org/gga/general-government-spending.htm). I recently saw a chart showing the household expenditures for health-care at 27%. Add that up with other government mandates such as auto insurance and your looking at easily 2/3 of our collective output being controlled by the government. That seems like socialism to me. You want socialism? open your eyes and breath in a big deep lungful of it because we are there. Now you can see what happens when we lose control of our own money.

BTW, I'm totally against BUI. If implemented properly and by that I mean as a more efficient welfare system with controls to prevent generational abuse of the system, I could support it.

Univeral Basic Income should be a ethical basic human right!

I disagree, rights are protections afforded to the individual from governmental actions. Not guarantees of goods and services from others. That is called slavery.

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I think podcasts like this have a huge impact on our world, more then we could think. Right on!

Right on, free dialogue without judgement. Just good info and entertainment.

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