RE: Classical Liberalism 101 -- Public Choice Theory
Nice presentation of the theory. As an older guy who was once a believer in the assumption of State I start my thinking at a different point. To me the idea of consent is misused and manipulative as used by the State. For me personally I do not agree that vaild and true consent can be given without complete disclosure and complete compreshesion. If fear or ignorance is employed there is no valid consent. Implied consent, in my opinion, is a legal fiction used in the corporate paper world to mitigate the liability of the human actors. Each human should stand in 100 percent liability of the harm they may do to others. This is especially true of those who sell themselves as "public servants." They should be held at an even higher standard and should be publically executed for violation of public trust if they do not make correction and recompense. That reality might incentivise better decision making on their part. :) "Government" should only serve a service function in trust with the people and prosper only in relation to the least of the real inhabitants of the land. At present in the US children are required by the State to undergo 12 years of programming that only serves the state. There can be no consent without comprehension. Everyone should function in 100 percent liability of their actions. Especially those who do great harm while hiding within the corporate fictions. Just an old dude talking out loud. Peace.
Without complete disclosure and comprehension, it is fraud. If fear is employed, it is coercion. And yes, government officials should be held to the highest standard, and be punished or rewarded as necessary. Thanks for your comments!
Thanks for allowing my comments. Sometimes I just gotta say. :) frankly I don't even like the word government as the baseline of conversation. As best I can tell its root meaning is "mind control."
"That government is best which governs least." All governments, whether federal or local, are subject to the same constraints mentioned in the article. If local government is ineffective, global government is out of the question.
[edit: I just realized I misread your comment. Sorry for the confusion. This is more relevant: -ment does not mean mind in this etymology. Different roots.]
:) well brother whatever the real etymology is it is used as mind control and harvesting wealth from real humans. Has been since kings started saying they represnt god. If they would serve let them serve. I do not consent to be ruled. No one would.
That's the thing -- it's impotent before free-minded, free-thinking, freedom-loving individuals!
Thanks for the exchange. :) peace.
Peace, bro!