We are all EQUAL – understanding this statement within the capitalistic mindset

in #economics7 years ago


Ok, so most people react and go, NO!! We are NOT all equal, it is obvious that everyone has a different body, a different shape, a different sex, and not to mention that everyone has different skills and abilities, yes, but that's not what we must ever look at when looking at equality, that's referring to different expressions, and possibly brainwashing and conditioning.

Let me add this as well in case – WE are NOT equal, some people WORK hard and deserve what they have while others are PURE lazy, so if we are taking this topic to a level of money, it gets REAL personal, but again, this can and is only due to brainwahsing, circumstances, I mena, consider everything.

Now, give me a moment to not explain to you something new or magical, but instead what is or should be common sense, now common sense in my books are defined as that which is OBVIOUS, how do we miss the obvious? Well of course, if we are brainwashed and conditioned, in other words, mind control.

What is brainwashing? It is in short EDUCATION. What is educations you might ask, it is LIFE? What is life currently you might ask, it is what is HERE around you all the time as the SYSTEM that has been imposed on you, forced onto you, what has been YOUR education, your parenting, upbringing, it is everything, from SEEING to touching to smelling to imposing.

So, brainwashing is anything really, simply you had no choice EVER to where you were going to be born or when or how or with whom, you just ended up in a certain environment on this plant and BAM that environment is automatically your brainwashing, because you came in CLEAR headed into this world (except the genetic influences of which you also had NO say or choice or Free will over)

So, any argument anyone has over “we are not equal” must expose our brainwashing, and then we must realize that it isn’t OUR thinking, OUR common sense, it is rather our educators, our parents, our forefathers that are speaking through us, almost as if we are Robots that simply take on some form of command and will defend that opinion no matter what for someone else, for someone else’s point of view on reality based on how they were educated or brainwashed.

So, why and how are we ALL equal? Let’s go to what is Obvious.

ALL life that is HERE in this universe is in fact made up of the exact same substance, same material, and same LIFE force, no arguing there, it is fact and we cannot deny it. Thus first point goes to YES we are all equal in fact as LIFE.
Secondly, taking it more to what is HERE currently on earth as our existence as Humans, animals, bugs, and life generally on earth. We ALL need basic needs, which is specific resources we all need to survive, this is fact, no opinion needed, and we are all equal in that we all need these basic needs to survive in fact. Thus point number two.

Then we can go to even more of what is here – we ALL need MONEY in this current world (humanity) to acquire these basic need, and thus we are all EQUAL in fact in needing money, no one is more or less deserving of money, as this is a fact and not a desire or want.

Then we can even go deeper. We are all FORCED into a system from birth that we did NOT ask for where this system is based on NO FACTS, it is based on competition and survival, instead of LIFE, which then in return creates a world where the facts are placed last and opinions are placed first, as long as ne opinion can convince enough people then that opinion over writes facts and then that’s how shit works, like capitalism is one big opinion disregarding FACTS.

Then last, the big apple in the tree that everyone isn’t picking or looking at as it might just be the one with worms in it even though it looks good.

Seriously, MONEY determines who lives and who doesn’t? I mean, Humans are the ONLY species out of trillions on this planet that has to PAY for living on this planet. Are we truly the most intelligent or are we the most brainwashed.

You see, the advantage and disadvantage of being the most intelligent being on the planet is, we are able to be brainwashed, because that’s what comes with being intelligent.

So, does even a lazy person deserve to suffer and die of starvation? The answer to this question to yourself will determine if you are brainwashed or NOT, and thus if you truly have Free will or not.


Definitely not equal, but all life forms deserve respect and something like materialism shouldnt raise or lower the respect a person receives. Just my teo

what are you looking at when you say definitely not equal?

Personality, physical, mental, etc. I like to think if my self as being unique, but i deserve the same amount of respect as my other fellow human beings.

yes indeed, but now I see you use the word respect, what does that mean in your books? does it mena diginified life, does it mean we all deserve LIFE as basic needs and prosperity

For me it means we all deserve life and happiness as long as it doesnt intentionally interfere with the life and happiness of others. I would love for everyone to practice an altruistic lifestyle. Probably wont happen but it would be a start.

I agree with this. I also know we can create it, so dont get your hopes up on it wont happen hehe.

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