100 Articles on Monetary Policy & Economics Curated Publications List

in #economics6 years ago

Monetary policy is an important discipline related to cryptocurrencies. One of the main benefits of cryptocurrencies, to some, is that the algorithms decide the ebb and flow of money rather than a select few. One one hand, this means it is agnostic to political pressures. On the other, it means that current economic indicators are harder to effect the system.

Overall, it can curb the continual inflation that effects fiat currencies, often leading to their collapse. In order to gain a better understanding of cryptoecomomics, it is important to have a cursory understanding of political economy, monetary policy, and the role of central banking in the modern money system.

  1. "Interest and prices: Foundations of a theory of monetary policy". M Woodford. 2011. books.google.com . 9174 cites.
  2. "The role of monetary policy". M Friedman. 1995. Springer Essential Readings in Economics. 8732 cites.
  3. "Nominal rigidities and the dynamic effects of a shock to monetary policy". LJ Christiano, M Eichenbaum…. 2005. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of political …. 6406 cites.
  4. "The science of monetary policy: a new Keynesian perspective". R Clarida, J Gali, M Gertler. 1999. aeaweb.org Journal of economic literature. 6051 cites.
  5. "Monetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability: evidence and some theory". R Clarida, J Gali, M Gertler. 2000. academic.oup.com The Quarterly journal of economics. 5214 cites.
  6. "Rules, discretion and reputation in a model of monetary policy". RJ Barro, DB Gordon. 1983. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 5192 cites.
  7. "Inside the black box: the credit channel of monetary policy transmission". BS Bernanke, M Gertler. 1995. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic perspectives. 5098 cites.
  8. "A positive theory of monetary policy in a natural rate model". RJ Barro, DB Gordon. 1983. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of political economy. 4197 cites.
  9. "Monetary policy rules in practice: Some international evidence". R Clarida, J Galı, M Gertler. 1998. Elsevier european economic review. 3091 cites.
  10. "Monetary policy shocks: What have we learned and to what end?". LJ Christiano, M Eichenbaum, CL Evans. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 2923 cites.
  11. "Monetary policy, business cycles, and the behavior of small manufacturing firms". M Gertler, S Gilchrist. 1994. academic.oup.com The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2624 cites.
  12. "An optimization-based econometric framework for the evaluation of monetary policy". JJ Rotemberg, M Woodford. 1997. journals.uchicago.edu NBER macroeconomics …. 2396 cites.
  13. "Monetary policy and exchange rate volatility in a small open economy". J Gali, T Monacelli. 2005. academic.oup.com The Review of Economic Studies. 2334 cites.
  14. "Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle: an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications". J Galí. 2015. books.google.com . 2325 cites.
  15. "Optimal monetary policy with staggered wage and price contracts". CJ Erceg, DW Henderson, AT Levin. 2000. Elsevier Journal of monetary Economics. 2219 cites.
  16. "Optimal fiscal and monetary policy in an economy without capital". RE Lucas Jr, NL Stokey. 1983. Elsevier Journal of monetary Economics. 2195 cites.
  17. "Interpreting the macroeconomic time series facts: The effects of monetary policy". CA Sims. 1992. Elsevier European economic review. 2181 cites.
  18. "House prices, borrowing constraints, and monetary policy in the business cycle". M Iacoviello. 2005. aeaweb.org American economic review. 2181 cites.
  19. "Measuring monetary policy". BS Bernanke, I Mihov. 1998. academic.oup.com The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2144 cites.
  20. "Monetary policy and asset price volatility". B Bernanke, M Gertler. 2000. nber.org . 2126 cites.
  21. "What do a million observations on banks say about the transmission of monetary policy?". AK Kashyap, JC Stein. 2000. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 2020 cites.
  22. "Measuring the effects of monetary policy: a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (FAVAR) approach". BS Bernanke, J Boivin, P Eliasz. 2005. academic.oup.com The Quarterly journal of …. 1934 cites.
  23. "Zero bound on interest rates and optimal monetary policy". GB Eggertsson. 2003. muse.jhu.edu Brookings papers on economic activity. 1908 cites.
  24. "Optimal choice of monetary policy instruments in a simple stochastic macro model". W Poole. 1970. academic.oup.com The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1850 cites.
  25. "The new neoclassical synthesis and the role of monetary policy". M Goodfriend, RG King. 1997. journals.uchicago.edu NBER macroeconomics annual. 1843 cites.
  26. "Credit booms gone bust: Monetary policy, leverage cycles, and financial crises, 1870-2008". M Schularick, AM Taylor. 2012. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 1791 cites.
  27. "A model of unconventional monetary policy". M Gertler, P Karadi. 2011. Elsevier Journal of monetary Economics. 1779 cites.
  28. "Monetary policy and credit conditions: Evidence from the composition of external finance". AK Kashyap, JC Stein, DW Wilcox. 1992. nber.org . 1717 cites.
  29. "Inflation targeting: a new framework for monetary policy?". BS Bernanke, FS Mishkin. 1997. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic perspectives. 1647 cites.
  30. "What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure". H Uhlig. 2005. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 1647 cites.
  31. "Inflation targeting as a monetary policy rule". LEO Svensson. 1999. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 1584 cites.
  32. "Monetary policy rules based on real-time data". A Orphanides. 2001. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 1580 cites.
  33. "Systematic monetary policy and the effects of oil price shocks". BS Bernanke, M Gertler, M Watson, CA Sims…. 1997. JSTOR Brookings papers on …. 1559 cites.
  34. "Time varying structural vector autoregressions and monetary policy". GE Primiceri. 2005. academic.oup.com The Review of Economic Studies. 1540 cites.
  35. "A historical analysis of monetary policy rules". JB Taylor. 1999. nber.org Monetary policy rules. 1461 cites.
  36. "Does monetary policy matter? A new test in the spirit of Friedman and Schwartz". CD Romer, DH Romer. 1989. journals.uchicago.edu NBER macroeconomics annual. 1444 cites.
  37. "Were there regime switches in US monetary policy?". CA Sims, T Zha. 2006. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 1437 cites.
  38. "The effects of monetary policy shocks: some evidence from the flow of funds". LJ Christiano, M Eichenbaum, C Evans. 1994. nber.org . 1434 cites.
  39. "Rational expectations and the role of monetary policy". RJ Barro. 1976. soc.uoc.gr Journal of Monetary economics. 1413 cites.
  40. "Capital regulation, risk-taking and monetary policy: a missing link in the transmission mechanism?". C Borio, H Zhu. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Financial stability. 1374 cites.
  41. "Monetary policy surprises and interest rates: Evidence from the Fed funds futures market". KN Kuttner. 2001. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 1365 cites.
  42. "Optimal monetary policy inertia". M Woodford. 1999. Wiley Online Library The Manchester School. 1341 cites.
  43. "The impact of monetary policy on bank balance sheets". AK Kashyap, JC Stein. 1995. Elsevier Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public …. 1262 cites.
  44. "Monetary policy rules". JB Taylor. 2007. books.google.com . 1253 cites.
  45. "Habit formation in consumption and its implications for monetary-policy models". JC Fuhrer. 2000. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 1202 cites.
  46. "What does monetary policy do?". EM Leeper, CA Sims, T Zha, RE Hall…. 1996. JSTOR Brookings papers on …. 1196 cites.
  47. "Some empirical evidence on the effects of shocks to monetary policy on exchange rates". M Eichenbaum, CL Evans. 1995. academic.oup.com The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1163 cites.
  48. "Dilemma not trilemma: the global financial cycle and monetary policy independence". H Rey. 2015. nber.org . 1086 cites.
  49. "On stock market returns and monetary policy". W Thorbecke. 1997. Wiley Online Library The Journal of Finance. 1002 cites.
  50. "Central bank communication and monetary policy: A survey of theory and evidence". AS Blinder, M Ehrmann, M Fratzscher…. 2008. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic …. 975 cites.
  51. "A simple model for study of the determination of the price level and the interaction of monetary and fiscal policy". CA Sims. 1994. Springer Economic theory. 953 cites.
  52. "Monetary policy alternatives at the zero bound: An empirical assessment". BS Bernanke, VR Reinhart, BP Sack. 2004. JSTOR Brookings papers on economic …. 946 cites.
  53. "Testing for indeterminacy: an application to US monetary policy". TA Lubik, F Schorfheide. 2004. aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 944 cites.
  54. "The channels of monetary transmission: lessons for monetary policy". FS Mishkin. 1996. nber.org . 929 cites.
  55. "What is wrong with Taylor rules? Using judgment in monetary policy through targeting rules". LEO Svensson. 2003. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic Literature. 924 cites.
  56. "Monetary policy and bank lending". AK Kashyap, JC Stein. 1994. nber.org Monetary policy. 919 cites.
  57. "Housing and monetary policy". JB Taylor. 2007. nber.org . 919 cites.
  58. "Has monetary policy become more effective?". J Boivin, MP Giannoni. 2006. MIT Press The Review of Economics and Statistics. 913 cites.
  59. "The impact of monetary policy on asset prices". R Rigobon, B Sack. 2004. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 909 cites.
  60. "Optimal commitment in monetary policy: credibility versus flexibility". S Lohmann. 1992. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 908 cites.
  61. "Hazardous times for monetary policy: What do twenty‐three million bank loans say about the effects of monetary policy on credit risk‐taking?". G Jiménez, S Ongena, JL Peydró, J Saurina. 2014. Wiley Online Library Econometrica. 897 cites.
  62. "Monetary policy in the open economy revisited: Price setting and exchange-rate flexibility". MB Devereux, C Engel. 2003. academic.oup.com The Review of Economic Studies. 892 cites.
  63. "Can international monetary policy cooperation be counterproductive?". K Rogoff. 1992. Elsevier International Economic Policies and their Theoretical …. 848 cites.
  64. "Identifying monetary policy in a small open economy under flexible exchange rates". DO Cushman, T Zha. 1997. Elsevier Journal of Monetary economics. 833 cites.
  65. "The Taylor rule and optimal monetary policy". M Woodford. 2001. pubs.aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 827 cites.
  66. "A simple framework for international monetary policy analysis". R Clarida, J Galı, M Gertler. 2002. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 825 cites.
  67. "Do actions speak louder than words? The response of asset prices to monetary policy actions and statements". RS Gurkaynak, BP Sack, ET Swanson. 2004. papers.ssrn.com . 825 cites.
  68. "The appropriate use of monetary and fiscal policy for internal and external stability". RA Mundell. 1962. Springer Staff Papers. 823 cites.
  69. "Term structure evidence on interest rate smoothing and monetary policy inertia". GD Rudebusch. 2002. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 818 cites.
  70. "Robustness properties of a rule for monetary policy". BT McCallum. 1988. Elsevier Carnegie-Rochester conference series on public policy. 815 cites.
  71. "The role of the exchange rate in monetary-policy rules". JB Taylor. 2001. pubs.aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 806 cites.
  72. "Measuring the reaction of monetary policy to the stock market". R Rigobon, B Sack. 2003. academic.oup.com The quarterly journal of Economics. 802 cites.
  73. "The origins of international economic disorder: a study of United States international monetary policy from World War II to the present". FL Block. 1977. books.google.com . 801 cites.
  74. "International experiences with different monetary policy regimesMishkin, 1998b). Any views expressed in this paper are those of the author only and not those of …". FS Mishkin. 1999. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 790 cites.
  75. "Efficient rules for monetary policy". L Ball. 1999. Wiley Online Library International finance. 786 cites.
  76. "Monetary policy and price level determinacy in a cash-in-advance economy". M Woodford. 1994. Springer Economic theory. 783 cites.
  77. "Monetary policy in a data-rich environment". BS Bernanke, J Boivin. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 773 cites.
  78. "Imperfect common knowledge and the effects of monetary policy". M Woodford. 2001. nber.org . 766 cites.
  79. "Optimal fiscal and monetary policy". VV Chari, PJ Kehoe. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 764 cites.
  80. "An optimizing IS-LM specification for monetary policy and business cycle analysis". BT McCallum, E Nelson. 1997. nber.org . 759 cites.
  81. "Learning about monetary policy rules". J Bullard, K Mitra. 2002. Elsevier Journal of monetary economics. 757 cites.
  82. "Optimal monetary policy in open versus closed economies: an integrated approach". R Clarida, J Gali, M Gertler. 2001. pubs.aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 753 cites.
  83. "The NAIRU, unemployment and monetary policy". D Staiger, JH Stock, MW Watson. 1997. aeaweb.org Journal of economic perspectives. 744 cites.
  84. "Currency crises and monetary policy in an economy with credit constraints". P Aghion, P Bacchetta, A Banerjee. 2001. Elsevier European economic review. 743 cites.
  85. "External constraints on monetary policy and the financial accelerator". M Gertler, S Gilchrist…. 2007. Wiley Online Library Journal of Money, Credit …. 743 cites.
  86. "Credit spreads and monetary policy". V Curdia, M Woodford. 2010. Wiley Online Library Journal of Money, credit and Banking. 743 cites.
  87. "Inflation forecasts and monetary policy". BS Bernanke, M Woodford. 1997. nber.org . 742 cites.
  88. "Does monetary policy generate recessions?". CA Sims, T Zha. 2006. cambridge.org Macroeconomic Dynamics. 719 cites.
  89. "Forward-looking rules for monetary policy". N Batini, A Haldane. 1999. nber.org Monetary policy rules. 718 cites.
  90. "Optimal monetary policy in a currency area". P Benigno. 2004. Elsevier Journal of international economics. 715 cites.
  91. "Comment: oil shocks and aggregate macroeconomic behavior: the role of monetary policy". JD Hamilton, AM Herrera. 2004. JSTOR Journal of Money, credit and Banking. 710 cites.
  92. "International dimensions of optimal monetary policy". G Corsetti, P Pesenti. 2005. Elsevier Journal of Monetary economics. 710 cites.
  93. "A macro‐finance model of the term structure, monetary policy and the economy". GD Rudebusch, T Wu. 2008. Wiley Online Library The Economic Journal. 704 cites.
  94. "Capital requirements, monetary policy, and aggregate bank lending: theory and empirical evidence". AV Thakor. 1996. Wiley Online Library The Journal of Finance. 704 cites.
  95. "Issues in the design of monetary policy rules". BT McCallum. 1999. Elsevier Handbook of macroeconomics. 696 cites.
  96. "Do measures of monetary policy in a VAR make sense?". GD Rudebusch. 1998. JSTOR International economic review. 693 cites.
  97. "Financial systems and the role of banks in monetary policy transmission in the euro area". M Ehrmann, L Gambacorta, J Martínez-Pagés…. 2001. papers.ssrn.com . 692 cites.
  98. "The robustness and efficiency of monetary policy rules as guidelines for interest rate setting by the European Central Bank". JB Taylor. 1999. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 689 cites.
  99. "Labor markets and monetary policy: A New Keynesian model with unemployment". O Blanchard, J Gali. 2010. aeaweb.org American economic journal: macroeconomics. 689 cites.
  100. "Money, liquidity, and monetary policy". T Adrian, HS Shin. 2009. pubs.aeaweb.org American Economic Review. 683 cites.


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