Recuperación y plantación de árboles en la Zona Semiárida del Embalse Los Quediches
Recovery and planting of trees in the Semi-Arid Zone of Los Quediches Reservoir
Una de las principales maneras de demostrar que estamos vivos es dejando un legado y un presente a las futuras generaciones, realizando un aporte a diario para la humanidad desde la trinchera donde estemos contribuyendo a su cristalización y una forma de hacerlo perenne es iniciando a nuevos sucesores en nuestra comunidad ecológica que continúen con el trabajo, por esto enseñamos a las futuras generaciones la importancia de la Reforestación y de las Plantaciones en las zonas donde el medio ambiente ha sido afectadas por otros seres humanos.
One of the main ways to demonstrate that we are alive is to leave a legacy and a present to future generations, making a daily contribution to humanity from the trench where we are contributing to its crystallization and a way to make it perennial is to initiate new successors in our ecological community to continue the work, so we teach future generations the importance of Reforestation and Plantations in areas where the environment has been affected by other human beings.
By carrying out reforestation and planting activities, all nature gains, beginning with the retention of moisture that helps the recovery of nutrient content and soil fertility, resulting in an area where water will be stored and later become part of the watershed sector. Another of the countless benefits is to contribute to the generation of oxygen, since trees act as environmental filters reducing CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere.

Todo proceso de plantación o reforestación debe ir acompañado del previo estudio y evaluación de la zona seleccionada, de esta forma se emplea un manejo sustentable que aportara vida al sector desprovisto a mediano y largo plazo. Una de la forma más recomendada en las plantaciones es usar vegetación o flora de especies autóctonas o endémicas del área para mantener así el paisaje nativo u original del área recuperada, ayudando a mantener un ecosistema equilibrado

Hilvanando hechos concretos y escapando del tedio de las cuatro paredes, se ideo otra actividad entre el dúo @renny-krieger y el Ingeniero Forestal Oscar Pernalete, para el concretar el aprovechamiento de una dotación de árboles forestales realizada por el Rotary Club Carora Cuatricentenaria, que se encontraban en la Sede de esta organización, a la espera de la ejecución de una actividad de plantación adecuada para las especies forestales pertenecientes a la Zona Semiarida.
Previo a la plantación se realizó el Proyecto para la arborización de la zona protectora del embalse Los Quediches, este hermoso Embalse se encuentra en la zona Semiarida del municipio Torres en el pie de monte de lo que puede considerarse el inicio de la Cordillera de los Andes, su cuenca media y alta que pertenecen a la Cuenca del Río Tocuyo en la actualidad están muy intervenida por la acción del ser humano. Debido a esto hemos iniciado por cuenta propia los trabajos de la recuperación y vamos sumando manos que se unan a esta cruzada, pero se requiere de mucha paciencia y de altos costos de logística y recurso para adquirir las plantas, por eso nos damos a la tarea de ir formando y creando conciencia entre la juventud y aliándonos con personas que sienten ese llamado de protección a la naturaleza.
Prior to planting, the Project for the arborization of the protective zone of the Los Quediches Reservoir was carried out. This beautiful Reservoir is located in the Semiarid zone of the Torres municipality at the foot of the mountain range of what can be considered the beginning of the Andes Mountains, its middle and upper basin belonging to the Tocuyo River Basin are currently heavily affected by human activity. Because of this, we have started the recovery work on our own and we are adding hands to join this crusade, but it requires a lot of patience and high logistical and resource costs to acquire the plants, so we give ourselves the task of training and creating awareness among the youth and allying ourselves with people who feel this call to protect nature.
En este Proyecto se sumó el Rotary Club Carora Cuatricentenaria, una parte del grupo bomberos voluntarios y la UNEXPO Sede Carora donde se sumaron algunos profesores y estudiantes de la carrera Ing. Rural y de Mecatrónica, mi persona por el MINEA desarrollándose una actividad muy armoniosa y cónsona con la Naturaleza. En una bella jornada se plantaron 94 jóvenes árboles en una extensión de 0, 85 Ha. Entre las diferentes especies del Bosque Bajo Seco del semiarido plantadas podemos nombrar las siguientes:
In this Project, the Rotary Club Carora Cuatricentenaria, a part of the volunteer firefighters' group and the UNEXPO Sede Carora joined in, assisting some teachers and 16 students of the career of Rural Engineer and 2 students of Mechatronics and myself through MINEA, developing a very harmonious activity in harmony with Nature. In a beautiful and fresh day, 94 young trees were planted in an area of 0.85 hectares. Among the different species of the Semiarid Low Dry Forest planted we can name the following:
Nombre | Nombre Científico |
Apamate | Tabeluia rosea |
Araguan | Tabebuia chrysea |
Araguaney | Tabebuia Crisanta |
Algarrobo | Himenaea courbaril |
Caujaro | Cordia alba |
Curarí | Tabebuia serratifolia |
Cotoperiz | Talisia oliviformis |
Jobo | Tabebuia serratifolia |
Leucaena | Leucaena Leucocefala |
Nym | Azadirachta indica |
Palo de arco | Apoplanesia cryptopetala |
Vera | Bulnesia arborea |
This group of trees,most of them forest trees, has given the beginning to a new task the reforestation of the Tocuyo River Basin, in the area of its tributary Quediche River, which were planted in the area with the help of a large group working together, some of them trampled, others moved the fertilizer, while some of them loaded the plants, others planted them and so on. Meanwhile, a group was preparing a succulent sancocho. Works of this kind must be cultivated and repeated frequently with two purposes in mind: to restore, to take care of nature and, above all, so that future generations of professionals may also be ecological, show respect for the environment and feel love for it, thus winning new hearts for Ecology.

Ing. Forestal Oscar Pernalete y @renny-krieger
Sources: @renny-krieger
Peace and Love for all
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Greetings to the community of Geopolis thanks for taking into account the article, placed in the category Geography. It is ideal to get out of the libretto, especially from the four walls and to execute the changes in the open air, the one that starts with the recovery and the care of nature. the one that starts with the recovery and the care of nature. @renny-krieger
A fantastic project. One can never plant too many trees, and the fact that you got so many people to help you is a credit to the vision you have. :)
Greetings @ravenruis thank you very much for the comment! Among all the inhabitants of this great ship, we must make the effort to promote and, at the same time, recover those spaces that "theoretically" should remain unaltered after the first affectation, especially if they are lands that should remain protected.
In the same way, we should unify our efforts to protect these pristine areas, the areas affected and those that have been totally altered. The protection of all these places will be positive for all future generations including generations after us.
A question! your statement: "One can never plant too many trees" you say it because it is a difficult task? or there is something in your country that limits the planting of trees?