Ragnarok Conspiracy epub, pay $ 0.00042 (in STEEM) or whatever you want. What other blockchains should I add?
With the low value of STEEM at this moment, just a friendly reminder that you can fetch the epub version of my Ragnarok Conspiracy novel, bundled with short stories Orussian Quarantine and Atheist Afterlife for just 0.001 STEEM ( $ 0.00042 ), or whatever you feel you would like to pay for it.
Ragnarok Conspiracy is Pay What You Want on my proof of concept sale page where you can pay with STEEM or SBD, as well as on Smashwords if you prefer to use veto currency. Till the end of the year it is also available for €0.01 on Google Play.
Please note, there will be an updated version in a few months after talented @marylucy has provided me with a series of illustrations. If you make sure not to delete your cookies before then, your Pay What You Want STEEM payment should still be valid and you should be able to fetch the updated edition as soon as it becomes available.
The Copyright Wars, started by a quantum-blockchain-heist, have ended with the creation of the dangerous Debrisphere, so has the age of communication, as has the age of both conventional and cryptocurrency.
In the post-war world where printing-base is the new currency, a young forensic scientist travels to the moon setting out to once and for all debunk moon landing hoax conspiracy theories. What he finds on the moon though, ends up uncovering a conspiracy that goes much deeper than anyone could have ever imagined.
I am considering expanding my POC Pay What You Want sales page with other microtransaction friendly blockchains, but at the moment I'm not sure what other blockchains (if any) would qualify. The qualities I'm looking for are:
- Quick transaction confirmation
- Low transaction cost for micro transactions (at the most the equivalent of something like €0.01)
Suggestions are highly welcomed.
Wow! Talk about fast!
Almost within seconds the download box popped up and I now have your book.
We have not communicated for a long time (I've been concentrating on reposting my Little Cherine books on a new account "arthur.grafo4"), so I've let a lot of things and friends slip by.
I look forward to seeing the illustrated version when it comes out - I get rid of cookies and even reinstall my browser on a fairly regular basis (soon as it slows down), but at the prices you are charging...not worried about paying again. Actually, I am more impressed by the fact that you made it available for Steem.
Are you knowledgeable about developing a new Blockchain? I found freeware help for doing so, but am too ignorant to even use those. Same goes for coins - did you know the coding is available for free from bitcoin?
Hope to hear from you...
Hi @pibara!
Firstly, thanks for the mention and this opportunity. Is a great story, I really like it and I haven't finished yet, imagines when I finish it! I love the characters too, I want to start to draw them soon! By the way, that price is very accessible and is good content, very interesting, I hope this story achieve many things because I need a version in Spanish 😁 (or I need to learn more English, this option is good too), well, about the story I won't do spoiler but I recommend it at 100%. You'll catch for it!