Easydex Easydizzy my Easylife dream Car(Jeep) contest 2 and Last week winners
Good day everyone, how is your week going so far? hope you are having a Easylife.
Thank you all for participating in last week easydex dream car contest, all the cars where amazing and it was very difficult for me to choose the winners 😀 but in the end someone must be a winner.
Here are the winners of last week contest
First place @megaela
Second place @mariana4ve
Third Place @mermaidvampire
Thank you all for participating.
This Week
We have another simple contest this week and is all about your dream car( Jeeps) . All you have to do is Drop a picture of you dream car(Jeep) with easydex tag on the comment section of this post with your Bts address and that's all.
1) your picture must have easydex logo on it
3) you dream car must not be my dream car (meaning if your dream car happen to be posted by another person you should change your car)
4) finally your car must be rule number 1😀
1st 5pb
2nd 3pb
3rd 5 inspiration
join Easydex community here https://discord.gg/ekCvBPG
visit: https://exchange.easydex.net
Note: if you like the contest upvote and reShare for your followers to join on it and our community, but not compulsory.
BTS: desmond414
BTS: megaela1
Mobile can be a great idea. Love it. Congratulations on your last win. Good luck.
bts: boyerobert74
Thanks for this easy chance to get some easydex pb I hope mine is easy😁😂 enough to make me win this easy contest gratitude to ceyonce
Bts: thunderstruck1
This is my #EasyDex entry:

BTS: nrequena-s
Love the quote
@ceyonce great contest. Love it. Keep it up. Now here a Easydex Jeep for you...the ones I see are great as well. But this one is pretty cool. I think. It’s called the Jeep hurricane

#easydex #bitshares #pbtoken
BTS: mar-vel ... My entry:
Thank @ceyonce for these contests.

BTS: mariana4ve
#Easydex my entry:
Very strong yes.
Bts : hetty-rowan
Bts: megaminded66
This is my dream car it a car driven by Dominic torreto in fast and furious having seen what he was able to do with this car I fell in love with it.