He is risen!
Easter is a day we celebrate for what Christ did for us, but not many seem to view it as a day to reflect on our duties to live in God’s image. That’s what I will be thinking about today, the example Christ set for all of us by dying on the cross and then resurrecting.
Christ was killed on the cross for telling the truth. Too many of us are afraid to tell the truth due to our desire to not be crucified by the society around us. We think there is no redemption from that point, that we will destroy our futures by speaking out, and that worldly concerns trump the command to live in God’s image.
If that were true, Christ wouldn’t have walked out of that tomb. There IS redemption, and by living in God’s image we SECURE our future. The world can do what it wants, we don’t care about that. We are secure in the reality of eternal salvation!
That’s what today should teach you. Be relentless in speaking the truth. Be fearless in the pursuit of truth. Never allow the threat of being crucified by a bunch of heathens to silence you. Never allow the threat of being crucified by a bunch of heathens stop you from doing what’s right.
HE IS RISEN, and in his resurrection humanity was taught the ultimate lesson about what it means to be a good person.