10 Reasons Why EarthShips Are Totally Awesome!

in #earthship8 years ago (edited)

I have spent most of my adult life promoting sustainable building and living. I discovered Earthships back in 2001 and since then my life has never been the same! After a 13 year long  vision and mission to self build my own Earthship Biohome, i finally succeeded in 2012 with the completion of Earthship Karuna. I have posted here some basic and great info about the basic concepts of Earthships. There is a LOT more to say, and I will be talking and explaining more in future posts.

All the images below are my own pictures of Earthship Karuna that I have self built with a LOT of help! Much of the information is from various sources. This is a good article to understand the basics of Earthships. 

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When people hear about sustainable, off-the-grid living, they usually picture primitive homes divorced from the comforts of the 21st century. And rightfully so, as most sustainable solutions proposed until now have fit that description. Earthships, however, offer all of the comforts of modern homes and more. I’ll let this picture do the talking…


Each Earthship is outfitted with one or two greenhouses that grow crops year-round, no matter the climate. This means you can feed yourself with only the plants growing inside of your house using waste water from the kitchen sink. People live in Earthships on rainwater harvesting alone and in areas with only 9 inches of rainfall a year!


Even the most arid of climates can provide enough water for daily use through only a rain-harvesting system. The entire roof of the Earthship funnels rain water to a cistern, which then pumps it to sinks and showers when required. That used ‘grey water’ is then pumped into the greenhouse to water the plants. After being cleaned by the plants, the water is pumped up into the bathrooms for use in the toilets. After being flushed, the now ‘black water’ is pumped to the exterior garden to give nutrients to non-edible plants.


The most brilliant piece of engineering in the Earthship is their ability to sustain comfortable temperatures year round. Even in freezing cold or blistering hot climates, Earthships constantly hover around 70° Fahrenheight (22° Celsius). This phenomenon results from the solar heat being absorbed and stored by ‘thermal mass’ — or tires filled with dirt, which make up the structure of the Earthship. The thermal mass acts as a heat sink, releasing or absorbing heat it when the interior cools and heats up, respectively. The large greenhouse windows at the front of the house always face south to allow the sun to heat up the thermal mass throughout the daytime.


Solar panels on the roof and optional wind turbines provide the Earthship with all of the power it needs. As long as you’re not greedily chewing through electricity like a typical first-world human, you’ll never be short of power.


With all of your basic needs provided for and NO bills each month, you’re free! You don’t have to work a job you hate just to survive. So you can focus your time on doing what you love, and bettering the world around you. Imagine if the entire world was able to focus on doing extraordinary things instead of just making enough to get by. Imagine if even 10% of the world could do this. What would change? 


At a recent Earthship conference in Toronto, Canada, a married couple in their forties shared about how they built a 3-story Earthship by themselves in 3 months. They had never built anything before in their lives and were able to build an Earthship with only the printed plans. They did not hire any help, nor did they use expensive equipment to make the job easier. If one man and one woman can do this in 3 months, anyone can do it. 


Earthships are exorbitantly cheaper than conventional houses. The most basic Earthships cost as little as $7000 (The Simple Survival model) with the most glamorous models costing $70,000 and up, depending on how flashy you want to be with your decorating. With these cost options, Earthships can fit the needs of everyone — from the least privileged to the most worldly. 


Much of the materials used to build Earthships are recycled. For starters, the structure is built with used tires filled with dirt:

If there’s one thing we’re not short of on Earth, it’s used tires! There are tire dumps like the one pictured here in every country in the world. There are even places that will pay you by the tire to take them away. The walls (above the tires) are created by placing plastic and glass bottles in concrete. When the Earthship team was in Haiti after the earthquake, they employed local kids to both clean up the streets and provide all of the bottles required for building their Earthship. Plus, they look pretty sexy.


The most powerful thing Earthships do is force people to think differently about how we live. If housing can be this awesome, and be beneficial to the environment, then what else can we change? What else can become more simple, cheaper and better at the same time? It’s time for us to re-think much of what we consider normal.

To see more about Earthship Karuna visit www.earthshipkaruna.net
To learn MUCH more please visit youtube.com and search for Earthship related movies.. There are MANY great ones out there.  Here is part one of a fantastic movie called 'New Solutions' 

View Movie


I'm quite impressed by your earthship as well as your courage to lead such a life! Wish you all the best on Steemit!

Thank you So much! Yes i guess it does take a kind of courage.. but for me i was never really settled.. I have travelled much of my life! Self building on the other hand was pretty courageous as i had no experience whatsoever! I just have GREAT passion and faith that it would work out.. I think when you have firm intention and passion then the universe reaches out and supports you in magical ways.. i have some stories i can tell you!

Looking forward to your stories, followed you ;-)
I have also lived in quite a few places and travelled. Now I live in Taiwan. I can't say I've really settled down yet. Still trying to find my proper place in life but I'm learning!

Thank you,, following you right back!
I can't really imagine how it is to live in Taiwan! I have travelled a lot but never been to China or most of Asia, Japan.. What do you do there?

Taiwan is great, for me especially the people are amazing, extremely kind, straight, not artificial and uncomplicated. Good for me to experience an alternative to western style life. My wife is from Taiwan and I have a 3 year old son so we live here. I might write an article about life in Taiwan, I think there is a lot to say. Cheers, I need to sleep now!

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you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.


no one said that to me in a while ;-))0 thanks mr stillgideon.. MMm that name sounds familiar!

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

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you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

Welcome & thanks for sharing about your earthship! You've done what a lot of us only dream about. All the best! @roused

Thank you.. Yes it all starts with Dreaming! ;-) It was a LONG journey so anyone interested can start this journey by just learning about these options! I have taught hundreds of people hands on how to build and its always been a great success! Amazing times and memories that we can keep forever. One day i hope to get enough money and support together to create a moneyless small Earthship community that people can be a part of without need of much or even any money.. I have a grand plan, my new vision!

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

I have been obsessed with Tiny houses and sustainable living for a long time now. Going to buy some land and put one up soon. Maybe with my Steemit money? That would be a cool post......

That is one of my top tips.. Make it as small as you can be comfortable .. Its SO nice and cozy when it's small. It's easy to clean and less to maintain! If you live in nature like i do you just have to step outside and you hafe acres of space to enjoy!

i vision that one day to build a whole community of Earthships using STEEMIT money! These would be almost free for others to live in and would serve as a model for a small self sufficient community to copy around the world. If you are part of this community then you would also be able to swap between houses and even countries for short or longer terms.. There is a heck of lot to think about when making a community.. so this is something that i will
save for later! The main theme is that money is not used wherever possible! ;-)

very nice - i want to build my own home one day and am now following too

Thanks Daydreams! I am following you back. One of my next posts will be my top tips from my 12 years experience with sustainable self building.. I have learned a lot and I think i know well how to guide people to a successful AND less stress build. Watch this space!

i am with you -thanks a lot for following me too

I really think this is a great solution to many of the issues people face in todays society, but on a large scale (ie. every citizen of the US), I don't know if it's the most practical. The reason I say this is because I believe people have become so comfortable in the way they live, that it would be difficult to convince them to transition to an earthship, or any other off-grid home, without an urgent reason or strong incentive.

I think the next step here would be to convince people with urgency that living off the grid is something that is neccessary (not optional) for the future of their progeny and the progeny of earth, then work to find practical ways with which the average citizen living in a suburb/city can go about transitioning to such a way of life.

Maybe the idea can be proposed to certain local governments who are willing to listen, that way governmental organizations can make arrangements in town/city design and planning to accomodate for earthships and similiar off-grid housing, though unfortunatley I doubt any local or federal instituion in the United States would seriously consider supporting off-grid housing seeing that it threatens the very structure of society as we know it. Just my two cents. Peace.

Diamonofmankind! nice name ;! thanks for posting this.. These are great questions and ones that we could talk about for a while actually!

I cant pick up on all your points right now but i'd like to respond to a few of them.

You said "I believe people have become so comfortable in the way they live it would be difficult to convince them to transition to an earthship, or any other off-grid home, without an urgent reason or strong incentive."

So one of the reasons i created Earthship Karuna was not only to demonstrate a way of building that is sustainable and good for the environment.. BUT also to show that you can live in real LUXUARY at the same time. My Earthship feels more comfortable to me than even some of the best hotels i have stayed in! Whenever i leave i miss this amazing space a lot.

I have a lovely kitchen! It has a blender and grinder. I have a 5 star energy efficient fridge that only uses 100 Watts. In the bathroom i have my washing machine for laundry and even a really nice Jacuzzi! The Jacuzzi fills up most days with boiling hot water from the solar water heater and doesn't cost a penny to use as its also powered by my solar photovoltaic panels. The bathroom is tiled in gorgeous artwork that looks just beautiful.

I have a little office with my computer, printer etc. I also have a good cordless hoover ( A nice Dyson) that works well with almost no power drain..

Basically, i have more or less everything that people consider quite luxurious but all flipped on its head since its all sustainably harvested. In fact... if i DONT have a nice hot bath at night its almost a waste since the water is all hot and ready to go after a day's sun..

I could go on but i think you get the idea.. ;-)

There are many ways to build.. and i think you are quite right that not everyone can do this.. especially right now, and especially using the standard model of single houses. It Is a little tricky to design something that is 'High Rise' with Earthship Biotecture, but it can REALLY be done. I have my own ideas for incredible larger scale structures that could accommodate 100's of people. There are images around of similar ideas that basically all loook really nice and function incredibly well. They would be well suited to rural areas where there is no infrastructure. I never reccomend building Earthships in cities! Im my view cities are for WOrk and play! Home should be out of the big cities. So Earthships can be built almost anywhere which means that you actually can open up vast areas of land that would be otherwise considered useless. When you take this approach you can also snap up land at very low prices.. In USA they bought quite a lot of land in the mountains of Taos for around $150 USD . it had no major road or any access for large vehicles. No power or water lines.. Now they have a nice community up there called REACH .

This happens not through government but through individuals taking initiative and just doing it! This is really taking a leap out of the system.. and so the most effective way forward is to use the powers of modern age networking and communications to manifest amazing things without centralised control or decision making.

SO i hope that helps a bit! I will write more soon in other posts that will cover these kinds of things.. Lots to say !

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

They look like great places to live. Very well constructed too.

They are really special to live in..

Not just because the climate is SO comfortable year round without even need ANY heating or cooling.

Not just because i have food growing in my kitchen.

Not just because i have free power, hot water and all the modern conveniences i need without having to pay any bills!

Not just because my house actually looks after me rather than the other way around..

BUT also because living in harmony with your environment connects you deeply to the world and life around you.

It also connects you with yourself. These things happen when you start to live off grid. They can't really be explained! You have to take the steps toward it to taste it and to begin to understand.

In terms of strength, Earthships are Way stronger than a conventional house even made of concrete! They are fireproof and earthquake resistant. The lifespan of the main walls of a tyre rammed Earthship have been estimated in the range of 1000's of years.

The list goes on an on actually. I will post about this also! ;-)

you flag me. your video all copyright. your photos all copyright. don't flag go on. note. you crazy dog.

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