The Struggle

Feeling tired?
Had a good lye in?
Nothing in your day went as planned?
Not thinking clearly?

... We all get those days.

Let's explore this phenomenon, not getting caught up in the obvious negatives but highlighting the positives. The levels of imposition on humanity effect us all including organic events from the Planet and beyond. Both operating on seen and unseen levels. Our journey comes without ease. It is not a cake walk and only the determined end up shining through like it's "water off a duck's back" (as David Icke would say). Your experiences, your "struggle" can be interferences. No doubt! With that said, they can also be waves of tiredness and lack of "working motivation". Whichever you're experiencing it can certainly be said it's a feeling of swimming upstream.

One aspect would be the retrogrades in the stars, astrological alignments and lunar cycles. Take them as positive or negative, these instances can be seen as "upgrades" as well as opportunities in which we change our focus and adapt to new settings, achieving something we would not otherwise. As it's been told by many, new information is being re-distributed throughout from the centre of the galaxy. These new "templates", "upgrades", however, you interpret them affect us.

Another aspect would be synthesising DNA, upgrades, templates, and other energetics that occur in one's spiritual growth. Achieving certain steps in our heart-based evolution happen when we are finally called in linear time to step up and do what we are meant to do. A calling... And with that, shadow work (@sienna-lea). While I'm not expert or novice in this area, working the process and dealing inward does unearth past lives, traumas and other deep-rooted childhood issues that would otherwise disturb you in a "detoxing" sense. Processing this can be deeply emotional and will no doubt contribute to days in which you're "struggling".

I also want to highlight when one operates at higher frequencies, in a state of 5D (or however you like to interpret that). In my experience operating in flow with Conscious Co-Creation (@livinglessons), that on occasion you may get "energetic bumps". While this discipline creates benevolent experiences, one can also experience malevolence from external forces (depending on where the person is at, energetically). Like I mentioned earlier, the positive changes are the ones that can be seen as "upgrades" or "downloads". Tools and information that assist you with your next steps. The negative are desperate attempts to knock you off course but know they never last, only ever being minor interferences.

The last aspect is the Schumann Resonance. With world events at play both manufactured and natural, people get affected. The bigger the event, the bigger the energetic of that event. Whether that be 9/11, Earthquakes and financial FUD's, all this play a factor in the human collective unconscious. While this has always been part of the cabal's playbook, we as humans emotionally are also affected by Gaia's organic influences in necessary world changes. These changes are important and part of her bigger plan/evolution.

Please remind yourself daily to be in tune with your disciplines, modalities and, exercises to stay ahead of the game.
Always operate in higher frequencies and in alignment with the Planet and the greater good, in Zero Point as best you can.

So I hope this helped illustrate the many ways we have those days "struggling". It's not always nutrition, diet, physical and mental drainage but specifically energetic changes in our spiritual evolution. Be aware, stay alert and do the work. Ride through these times, enjoy them for what they are and take them as learning experiences. Don't be hard on yourself. You may just be surprised how you feel afterwards in how much you actually benefited from the experience. Good or bad.

Image: typographyimages


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