
in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

Take a moment and think about where you are at right now in the present moment and what you're doing.


This simple exercise is important because something as simple as this goes past most people. They never develop an awareness of their "journey". Everyone has a journey whether they realise it or not. Some are taking a break, some are distracted and some went on a side road, but none the less everyone is on the path to somewhere. It's all experience. To others, that experience is fighting the good fight. Awake, aware and alert.

The roadmap laid out for us is for us to see it and pave it. It's also amazing to see where everyone is at. Others are operating in the 3D realms; in the mainstream arena, while others conduct behind the scenes energetically increasing the 100th monkey effect, others working in the multidimensional exo-political arena and even beyond that, the "cosmo-political arena" (as George Kavassilas would say).

With that said, whatever it is you're doing; working in Conscious Co-creation with the Planet Mother, your star soul family or doing the work at night in the astral and hyper-dimensions, it's key to stay focused and remind yourself of your own...


Everyone has a determination. It's either buried deep inside or it's alive and thriving. That determination is what keeps you going every day. It's also similarly better known as "your why" by Darren Hardy in his book, "The Compound Effect".

"All of the HOWS will be meaningless until your WHYS are powerful enough."
~ Darren Hardy

Without your "why" / your determination, you are not going to be driven to go about in your day to day, continuing doing the good work. For many, we work a 9-5 or run a business that is serving the system. The good work can only be done through spare time, hobby time and extended hours of the week. For those lucky enough, they are able to do the good work through certain business practices or models in which they can sustain a living. But without determination, there isn't the "why" to keep going regardless if one's needs and wants aren't being met. Conscious Co-creation is the best method available as teaming with Gaia will see you sorted while doing the good work.

Is it easy-peasy? No.

It requires determination!

Not many can handle it. It's a huge leap of faith. It's Truman crossing the water to get to the other side. The system of separation (as Anaiis Salles @livinglessons would describe) has many layers of entrainment, impositions and looping/cycling programs which set many people off track. Those with determination fling it off and persevere. They break through it and as you work with sincerity and integrity with the planet and facing your shadows you operate in a higher frequency. Operating in these frequencies are of the same principal's people such as David Icke and Dolores Cannon have been teaching for many decades.

Your determination sets you apart from others. While I am talking "woo", this also translates into the 3D realm in your actions, your business, and your conduct. Others who do not show the initiative will not shine, they're are not able to unleash their determination to do the good work, whatever that may be. The good work is needed on the Planet right now and Gaia knows who are stepping up. Maybe for some of you, it's a call to action and you won't be called until the time to make a positive difference. If you've already stepping up with your determination know you're paving the way for others.

While I'm on an Undertale theme, in closing...

Performance: Music Engine /
Featured Image:  neonUFO /  / Deviant Art
Body Image: Unknown / Floating around the Undertale community.


Determined to grant you a WISH!
on behalf of @earthnation

Make a Wish! p.s. All Your Dreams Have Already Come True!

I Love You, Lila Wish Genie

Liking the manual replies :D

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