Earth Deeds: Developing The Most Regenerative Hemp Company In The World

in #earthdeeds6 years ago (edited)

So my earth deed that I am sharing with you today isn't something that is immediately helping the planet right now, but will have waves of positive action and cause a ripple effect that will benefit the whole world. It is something that I have been working on for the last 6 months and just completed last night; A business plan for the "most regenerative hemp company in the world".

Our Mission statement and milestones below show how we plan develop such a company:
OGH Logo(1).jpg

Oregon Grown Hemp seeks to develop a 21st century organization that is fast, flexible, resilient, and unique – constantly pushing for innovation and product development that stands out, disrupts, and regenerates the markets that it enters. The Company’s goals are clearly formulated and approached with a laser focus:

• Launch and operate an extremely efficient and profitable agricultural business that capitalizes on market timing and the founders’ exemplary background
• Reduce the total plastic waste that goes into landfills by producing biodegradable hemp plastic replacements for household items
• Reduce atmospheric CO2 through carbon sequestration
• Regenerate depleted soils through Phytoremediation
• Develop medicinal products with CBDs to help cure cancer and neurodegenerative diseases
• Become the most influential and regenerative hemp company on the planet by developing innovative products that inspire, and restoring millions of acres of depleted land back to thriving ecosystems
hemp reverses climate change.png


Year 1
Acquire property. Build nursery, drying warehouse, and extraction facility. Propagate, cultivate, and harvest hemp. Have at least proof-of-concept processes in place for plastic and paper products. Purchase and integrate animals into the farm for nutrients and other biologically specific needs. Sequester 500 tonnes of CO2.

Year 2
Become the first hemp farm in oregon to develop hemp plastics, effectively beginning the process of replacing all restaurant to-go dishware and utensils in jackson county with biodegradable hemp plastics. Purchase large acre property and plant keyline orchards. Begin developing a hemp-agroforestry system, and partner with 400 acres of farmland through our Farm Partnership Program(FPP). Sequester 5000 tonnes of CO2.

Year 3
Create a breeding and seed production program(BSPP). Provide Ecological Restoration Consulting(ERC). Cultivate on 1000 acres or more and develop a cover crop rotational grazing silvopasture system with cows, sheep, Llama, goats, chickens and native animals to increase biodiversity, resilience, and productivity. Sequester 10,000 tonnes of CO2.CO2 equivillant for 10,000 tonnes.PNG

Year 4
Build fiber, textiles, and paper processing facility, open the Permaculture Education Program(PEP), develop a biofuel department and use only in-house made biodiesel for all our equipment, create the Regenerative Farm Certification Program, and build an intern program with colleges and universities for research and development in the Medical, Science, Biology, and Horticultural fields. Sequester 50,000 tonnes of CO2.!

Year 5
Create a Land Regeneration Program(LRP) and regenerate more than 1000 acres of toxified/degraded land through phytoremediation and use it for making hempcrete to lock in CO2. Release the first line of specially bred type lll hemp genetics. Become a Net Zero company by using completely renewable energy sources like solar, and sequestering more than 100,000 tonnes of atmospheric C02/year through the FPP, and LRP.

Our Goal is to Sequester over 1 million metric tonnes of CO2 by 2030, If you believe in this goal and want to help see it fulfilled then please resteem this post and tell your friends and family how they can help make a difference too!!

We will be launching the company at the start of 2019 after securing land for development. If you are reading this and you own land in the southern Oregon area we have a Farm Partnership Program(FPP) that may interest you, especially if you have an interest in doing an exceptional earth deed that will impact the entire planet!!

Partnership Details:
Oregon Grown Hemp: Oportunities for land owners through our Farm Partnership Program(FPP)

If you enjoyed my earth deed and want to see more of what I do please follow me and resteem my FPP article


This post has received a 6.25% upvote from @kennybrown!

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If you like what I do please consider delegating 100+ steempower to @kennybrown. If you would like to join you can also send 2 Steem to @kennybrown for a 30-day subscription. All revenue will be used to increase the steempower on a monthly basis.

Thats awesome, thank you, I appreciate that!!

do you all need any help?
I've started a bunch of businesses and stuff
happy to offer advice as a love donation or if you want more we can talk about a consultation.

It depends on what you can provide, what is your field expertise? What kind of credentials/education do you have, and what kind of businesses have you created? I am open to anything that will foster innovation and develop forward thinking, abstract, creative, and next-level dynamic work. For OGH is a company unlike any other company created before it, we are paving a new path rather than following traditional standards of business formation, and we are not designing the business in a way that's already been done before. I want different results than all the other businesses that have been developed using the traditionally educated way of conducting business get. In order to achieve this I am studying the works of Carol Sanfordand I have been listening to a lot of Tony Robins.

To do Brother. The way to go and if only another 10% would become so actively engaged, well that would make a further huge improvement. The future worlds will not tolerate such careless and, callous behavior.

aho to that, the world needs better education!!

Dude this would be awesome! Why does my computer tell me your reputation score is 25? That can't be? 🤔

Also why has this post not gone viral yet? hmmmm

Maybe you should resteem it then? hmmmm

Haha thanks man, I appreciate your kind gesture. I have only just recently started actively posting on steemit and I think that more people just need to start seeing my content, and for me to get some more upvotes.

Haha all good! Its just strange to me that your reputation score is the same than what you start with. How can that be when you have made some quality posts? Did you not make an #introduceyourself post? Oh well I'm puzzled lol but now that I've talked to you and I think you're a real person i'd happily resteem it 😊

Well now that you mention it, I didnt make an #introduceyourself post. Is that an important thing? lol

Haha just saw this looks like you got onto it 👌

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha Yah i guess you cant go without an introduction.

Posted using Partiko Android

Omy Goddess I AM VERY INTERESTED IN THIS @open3ye This has been a vision of mine for awhile, of making bio degradable plastic replacement, textiles, and hemp cretes, goes on and on! I live in Eugene and would love to find out how I can possibly get involved.. We talked about this several years ago, taking all the old shutdown lumber mills especially on the coast and turning them into hemp manufacturing plants. There is also sooooo much waste of stem from all the indoor/outdoor growers, you could process all this material that is also going into landfills. Can you email me any more info? [email protected]?

Yes exactly what I have been saying, there is too much wasted potential and it needs to be utilized. Ill email you with more details. Thank you for having the vision, we need more people like you.

Great business plan, I am greatly looking forward to watching this projects development. Do you have any prospects on land yet? I imagine you would need quite a bit of space for this one. This could be the greatest #EarthDeeds Steemit has ever seen f it comes to fruition. You have my blessing for sure.

Well we have had an offer, but it turned out to be not quite the situation that fits our business plan. 40 acres of land is all we need for year one, and there is a perfect property that I have been looking at all year and it is exactly what we need. There is a company that specializes in marijuana related business loans called Dynamic Alternative Finance and they will do real estate financing from $250,000 - $2.5m. My plan is to use the business plan that i wrote to get that company to provide me with the funds needed to complete year one, and after that the business will be able to grow exponentially.

And it most definitely is going to come to fruition, I have 100% faith, devotion, and exactly the amount of determination required to make it happen ~8~

Fair enough, I am exited to see it progress and maybe even participate in at some point. Let's meet up next year fellow Oregonian.

Yes I do believe that you may have a role to play in this vision that I see, you do have the passionate heart, and the drive that is needed. We shall see each other in due time.

Great article and informative respect to a major cultural and conscientious shift to better ways of using this amazing life sustaining plant. be well

thank you!!

Your most welcome please keep up the great work.

Posted using Partiko Android

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