Happy Earth Day steemians. Who would like to be Mortgage Free? Watch this..

in #earthday6 years ago (edited)

earth day 2018 juicyvegandwarf.png

As it is Earth Day today I would like to write an extensive post on my thoughts and feelings on where we are going wrong and how we may begin to improve humanity as a whole. It would be nice for us all to go Vegan, produce and consume green energy, do things for others rather than just ourselves and not work in mundane jobs for corporations that are getting rich from our labour and destroying everything in the process. As much as that would be nice, we have to remain realistic, therefore the fact of the matter is that at present even if people do want to change they simply cannot as even those who are awake are to an extent still largely "trapped by the system". I will therefore detail something not exactly in line with protecting the Earth, Living sustainably or even promoting Veganism and a more sustaibale and cruelty free way of eating. Instead this will discuss one of the foundations steps we need to take in order to transition truly towards being a species who can claim to be the guardians and caretakers of this amazing Planet Earth.

sadly the point is that most people are simply so caught up in mainstream media, relentless consumerism, chasing the unreachable dream and idolising their favourite celebrity figures and are unaware of the damage they are doing to themselves, their children and the world as a whole. We need to change everything on every level but it will be a slow process to begin with. I do not believe that most people are inherently bad, I also believe that most people if given the facts and shown a better way would be not only willing to change but would hastily rush into a new era of doing things in a better and more rewarding way. One of the first things we must address is financial freedom as most people have little to no money left at the end of every month therefore can never truly remove the distraction of daily life as they currently know it. This is by clever design in the farce of a system we have allowed to be created around us by vile and evil men on the top levels of finance, government and the corporate world over many generations. As individuals we cannot fight them, we must instead band together and to do so we must share a common goal. Until most people can envision that common goal they must first realise that they have allowed themselves to be enslaved and waived their most basic rights to these sociopaths who dictate every aspect of the current system.

So how do we begin to get people to see the truth and free themselves from this vicious cycle of destruction? Well we need to first create the time and energy for such an uprising and for that financial freedom must occur. As people become un-enslaved and the shackles of money begin to break we also reclaim our most precious resource "time". With this time, people will begin to put it to other uses which are far more productive and fundamentally better for everyone. Good use of time and moods lifting will collectively allow us to begin the uphill struggle of destroying the evil in the world.

With the emergence of Crypto currencies we can begin to redistribute wealth and thereby chip away at the tyrants power. Another big step toward financial freedom for the masses could be to end their mortgages. In order to do this we should not choose to pay our mortgages off but rather realise that the mortgage industry is as corrupt and "illegal" as any other form of theft or deception. This, after all, is a system that was devised by those very same people who tax us illegally, wage wars illegally, control drugs, medicines and are the biggest cause of death globally. Realising this we can begin to utilise the very laws they create to try to imprison us and turn the system on its head using this legal system against them.

If you have no knowledge of this and do not spend very much time familiarising yourself with legalities, abuse of power or listening to people who are versed in these very issues then you are probably thinking this is simply not a possibility. You could not be any further from the truth and that is just the way "they" want you. To question is to learn and once you begin to learn you enter a rabbit hole from which you may never return... I would suggest for you to grab a drink, sit down and watch this video. Take a little time to reflect on it then do some research and begin the process of legally taking your home back from the illegal control of your mortgage lender. As I mentioned above this may seem to many impossible or a far stretched truth. By the end of the video you may have opened your eyes to a totally vile conspiracy against you.

Many thanks to all the people who help to expose these criminal empires for what they are. Also thank you to Michael O'Deira for this presentation too. Credit to New Horizons EXTRA for the uploaded content. Once again Happy Earth Day people, this is just one small step toward a better world. Once we are financially free we can begin to utilise our time in a way that benefits us all and the world respectively. We will no longer be forced to trade our time and physical labour to the benefit of the worlds wealthiest criminals.


This is another well thouhtout post. I would love to live like this. Getting my head above water is so hard and being "trapped in the system" does not help. I don't know much about this type of living until i read your post the other day. I will be keeping up with it!

I also wanted to let you know that you have been featured in my Magical Monday post as one of the Newbies Of The Week. You will receive 10% of the SBD that the post makes. You can check out the post by clicking here.

Keep up the great work! It doesn't go unnoticed.

I just clicked the link and had a look OMG thank you so much. Can I return the favour anyway? x

Youre welcome. Just keep up the good work ☺

You are awesome, I will try to keep up the good work. Thank you :)

Keep working and sharing information here into glue friendship

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