Earthbag Earthship the merge Part 3
So if you have seen my other 2 post you know I touched on the earthbag house and the earthship house,
Well now I am going to take that to the next level and merge the 2 houses into 1, and form the earthbag earthship, I guess it is nothing that odd but most people when I tell them what I am doing and call it the earthbag earthship they ask me what is that and I explain it to them they look at me with a odd stare and they may get it or I show them some pics and then its like a light goes on and they say ah that is cool how did you think of that or I've never heard of such a thing, unique or as odd as it may be It is my adventure and my idea to go with this type of building, and it will be awesome and amazing.
So to start this process I obtained 3000 bags that are really nothing more than sandbags that measure 26" X 14" flat and when they get filled with dirt ( earth) see earthbag lol, they should fill out to be Im thinking 24" X 12" roughly, so when i lay them down like bricks I will have a 12" x 12" x 24" brick, now with this configuration the wall will be 24" thick, so here is some of the earthbags
Im going to wrap this part up and hope to have a complete write up of the Earthbag Earthship in part 4, got to keep you guys coming back right
so as always thanks for stopping by and reading, please upvote comment and as always follow my adventure
look like you're making good progress, have you seen this video on youtube?
Yes that is one of the first videos I ever seen of the earthbag building