What will happen If Majority of Ice got melts from the earth due to global warming.

in #earth6 years ago

This real life floor article is sponsored by the upcoming film An Inconvenient sequel you've probably heard the news at some point in your life that the earth is warming and as a result the Arctic ice is melting there is no debate that Earth is warming up the planet's average temperature has increased one point one degrees Celsius since eight hundred eighty and sixteen out of seventeen of the hottest years ever on record have been since two thousand and one NASA estimates there is a ninety five percent probability that this current warming is a direct result of human activity.
Since the mid twentieth century and a ninety seven out of one hundred actively publishing climate scientists agree that human activity is extremely likely to blame as a result of this ice around the world is melting and raising the planet's sea levels the oceans already rose by six centimeters during the course of the nineteenth century but they rose by nineteen centimeters during the twentieth century over three times faster than they rose during the previous century Noah estimates that global sea levels could rise by up to two point five meters by the year twenty one hundred which would have devastating consequences if this happens entire island countries like the whole Deaves Marshall Islands Kiribati and Tuvalu will be submerged beneath the ocean and cease to exist their entire populations will have to be transplanted somewhere else.
This will create a situation in which hundreds of thousands of state most people will have to find a new home one hundred fifty million total climate refugees from around the world may exist by twenty fifty and by twenty one hundred that number could rise up to two billion people eighteen percent of the global population at that time yet in a far more atrocious case situation than this anyway what might happen if all the ice on Earth dissolved if all the ice on Antarctica and greenland. The world's glaciers melted into the ocean it would raise global sea levels by an incredible. Sixty eight point three meters such a catastrophe would take five thousand years at the current rate of ice melting to happen but it would suit Virilio alter the geology of our planet in North America Vancouver Seattle Portland and the greater part of San Diego and Los Angeles would be submerged San Francisco would be an island and San Jose would be destroyed by the waves the San Francisco Bay would greatly expand in size to completely swallow Sacramento the Gulf of California.
It would expand so far north of that Palm Springs would become a coastal city while on the Atlantic Coast of the ocean would expand to swallow the cities of Corpus Christi Houston New Orleans the entire state of Florida and additionally the whole territory of Delaware throughout the entire of Island and the urban areas of New York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington D.C and of Boston South America would also be severely flooded with two New England a season existing on the continent and the cities of Borneo sorry Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro would all be underwater Europe would be one of the most devastated areas in the world the entire country of the Netherlands would be underwater and so would nearly all of Denmark and half of Belgium the British Isles would become more of an archipelago and London would be totally buried beneath the sea northern Germany would also be entirely underwater including the city of Berlin and Fenice and Italy would have long since been replaced by the Adriatic Sea Istanbul would also be under water the Crimean peninsula would become the Crimean Island and the black and Caspian seas would be connected with one another which would mean that Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan and I survived on would and no longer be landlocked countries.
Africa would perhaps be the least severely affected continent but Egypt would be severely damaged by having both Alexandria and Cairo going underwater the Persian. Both meanwhile would swallow the entire countries of cutter and Bahrain and the city of Baghdad and India and Pakistan would be badly damaged but the entire country of being what does would cease to exist in this catastrophe hundreds of millions of people would be underwater in China including Beijing and Shanghai in addition to the cities of Seoul Pyongyang and Tokyo Australia would be home to a New England sea and finally Antarctica would become more of an archipelago but only the Antarctic of today this Antarctica would likely be habitable and easily colonize of all by future humans so what can we do to prevent this nightmare future from happening reducing humanity's usage of fossil fuels is perhaps the best way out to mitigating our warming climate these following countries produce at least seventy five percent of their power from renewable energy resources like solar wind and hydro power global investments in renewable energy rose by fifty seven percent between two thousand and eight and twenty fifteen the European Union alone more than doubled its renewable energy production between two thousand and twenty thirteen and recently one hundred ninety five different countries signed the Paris climate accord in which they all agreed to cooperate in combat in global warming while the stakes have never been higher we are close to seeing a true energy revolution if you want to learn more about climate change and want to take action yourself.


You are right. Humanity need to save the earth.
Government should play crucial role in this.

Thank you for the support, vampy is glad to know that your're agreed ^,...,^

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