In a world where robots took all of our jobs and monolithic megacorporations rule...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dystopia7 years ago (edited)


Your solution: Most likely, cryptos like yours truly, Steem! Nothing against Twitter, Facebook, etc. They've been wonderful platforms with many features. So I think these social media platforms are really good for what they do. Facilitating censorable communications, and sucking the rewards pool dry lol. But that's just how stable, centralised structures work. It remains that Facebook, Twitter, etc has been instrumental in decentralising more and more of our attention away from land-based monopolies, establishing new kinds of trust networks, especially cross-border. Makes you think what free media really means when a next-gen crypto like Steem comes along. I wonder if something like Facebook could ever tokenise their whole operations at this point in time, or did I just said something that doesn't make any sense?

Thanks to @piedpiper for inspiring the idea of this delicious meme and thought train. Going to share this tomorrow elsewhere, after sleep. I thought I had my lights turned on, but turns out that it's morning now. The ministry of propaganda needs some rest.

Share this out too if you like it.

Not to be taken as financial advice.


Facebook and such companies have armies of software engineers. They definitely could build their own blockchain and tokenize providing a piece of the pie to their users. However, they are blinded by the flow of ads cash and preoccupied making​ their board and investors happy. When they realize they missed the decentralization train, it might be too late.
All they have to do is take a survey from their employees, I bet they all are loaded in crypto :)

Anyone in the industry that has financial advisors have probably hedged some on Steem. If they tokenise then should share profits from ads, and the board/investors need to suck it up and only have their say through posting and voting :P lol

You are so right my lady, true, by that time, it would have been too late, but if they are to decentralized it,, we still got nothing to loss, but like you said,,,

they got blind with the ads cash flow

I also agreed with you @geekgirl

true @kevinwong. decentralisations holds much promise. facebook probably could tokenise their platform but it probably won't have much to do with decentralisation or indeed blockchain. they would most likely develop their own private blockchain type ecosystem. if tokens were generated and allocated steem fashion, it's difficult to see how it would have any value.. but it might happen. I believe that within 5-7 years, almost anything that can be tokenised will be. that's an interesting thought !

@kevingwong Hi there... Yes I have to agree with you that all other medias are "Facilitating censorable communications, and sucking the rewards pool". Before joining this platform I could only dream for a way to start blogging and also being able to help with my financial responsibiities. Still working on that financial part. I do know that Steemit gets me a lot closer to turning my passion into a dream job. We can agree that we are heading the right direction thanx to Steemit. Best wishes, and Steem on!

I think anyone that starts using Steem as part of their daily social feed is already making a good move :) In any case, try not to sell all the Steem earned.. or any cryptos for that matter. Keep some for the moon! Treating crypto earnings as a bonus that one doesn't really need is the best frame of mind, in my opinion. Risk and reward. All the best. I'm excited about your move into new territory!

I'm with you about keeping some for the long run! I have high hopes for Steemit. Best wishes :)

We got the internet architecture wrong in the 90's and now we're paying the price with TOR, VPN's etc... But there's an interesting project called blockstack that decentralizes the internet.

Yup keeping eye on this one. I thought it was blockstream but it’s easy to mix the names up

I think young people we have to rethink their lifes a bit today because like you say by the time they graduate the profession might already be gone or rather substituted by a machine.

I therefore think it's important to self educate yourself. Read online watch videos online, try to figure out what the future might look like and get some skin in the game.

One smart investment these days can set you up pretty good for the future. Hopefully Steem will be one of them :)

I therefore think it's important to self educate yourself. Read online watch videos online, try to figure out what the future might look like and get some skin in the game.

Very sound advice. Diversifying investments in the tech sector is a must. What more when you actually use it!

I don't really get why we will be slaves to facebook and twiter in a monetary sense

if people end up spending 12 hours / day working on fb without compensation..

Haha, That is a great meme. What we do need to remember is that without facebook there probably wouldn't be a steemit. There will always be stepping stones to the next greater thing. Who knows, maybe steemit is a stepping stone to something greater, only time will tell

Yup exactly my sentiment! Just when some of us thing when's the next big thing after FB, then this thing came along..!

Ha ha Charlton Heston has been around a long time.

Not very long if tomorrow is .. tomorrow :D

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube served their purpose. they were the prelude of what is to come. Steem is rewriting the story. The movie script has changed, the opera libretto has been updated to be relevant to the decentralized world in which we live...and I am loving it. I can blog, make money, discover new friends an find a beautiful therapy in doing it. Thanks for your well stated post my friend.

Hmm hard to think about a complete takeover / replacement. Perhaps some symbiosis between old and new platforms? I'd have more faith that a complete replacement will happen when transaction times go under 1 second, or 0.1 second.. while maintaining a delegated proof-of-stake like decentralisation.

I also agreed with you

Thats you right you said @kevionwong. Facebook, Twitter etc..any social media networks have decentralized platform and they have best PR currently with their activities. I really think social media is better currently coz can be good communication each others, then resolve problems anytime anywhere via inform immediately. So can fix probls very soon. There`re very interesting project options.
Currently all of social media networks handling our all of necessary things and control our feelings lol.. We can love through social media, lot of free dating site here. We can known each others better, real example is showing steemians and your partnership. I think this media doing more task further and will grow up and bring forward next many years. Steemit is better prospective site around the word.
Steem on...

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