SLC S23 Week2 || Computer Repair - The Motherboard

in #dynamicdevs-s23w222 days ago (edited)
I am Muhammad Ahmad from Pakistan

Welcome to my post, my dear friends. How's everything going? I hope that you all will be fine and enjoying your life. I am also fine and good. Alhumdullilah

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Today I am going to participate in the second week of Steemit Learing Challenge.Mr @kouba01 has organised a new contest in the SLC with the theme of Motherboard repair and today I am going to participate in it with full atention.Last week I work hard to do my best, but this time I will do mush hard work so that my entry would be great and I hope that Mr kouba01 like that.So without wasting any time, lets get into it.

First Experience with a Motherboard
  • I have a lot of experiences with the motherboard but my first experience was that when my father did in severe road accident and that time I was very very young, I was also in car with my father but luckily I was alive.So my family members gave me a lot of money and from that my mother bought my first computer which was approximately on 47- Steem that time.And after 2 years, my computer just turned off, I was very shocked that what happened with my computer.But then I go the computer repairing shop which was very nearer to my home.But when I go their then unfortunately it was sunday and the shop was closed.Then when I came to my home and search for some tutorials to fix my problem.After seeing a lot of tutorials in my computers, I suddenly opened the cover of computer and was observing all of the things because I have not seen that before.

  • But after seeing the tutorials, I remember a little bit like that in the tutorials their were that remove the first Ram from the slot and then clean it and after that put it back in the slot and restart your computer.But it did not fix my problem.but after watching the video further, the person in the tutorial told to remove he second slot of the Ram too then clean it and then put it back in the slot, and after doing this my computer got restarted sucessfully.That time I wasvery happy and was having a great smile on my face because for the first time I had ever fix my computer.

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My Motherboard

Identifying Motherboard Components
  • This is task 2 and in this task I have to identify various parts of the motherboard.So their are a lot of different parts of motherboard but now here I would identify and tell about some of the main parts of the motherboard.But before that you must know that what is motherboard ? Basically motherboard is just like the heart of computer because all the hardware like mourse and keyboard etcc which we run on our computer are running successfully just due to the mootherboard.Mother board is basically a printed circuit board which is playing an important role in the computer as it allows different hardware to run.In motherboard all the important components of the computer are connected.So now lets begin.
  • In motherboard you can see a white colour square box and in that box we add our CPU like Core i5,i7 etc.So if you want to add CPU in your computer so for that you have simply add your CPU in this box. You can open this box by simply pressing the pin which is just attached with this block and after this you can remove your old CPU and then you can easily fix the new CPU in this box and after fixing you have to close it tightly by pressing the pin again.

  • Also I want to give you another information about the CPU and that is, that in every CPU, their is written different alphabets on the back.Many of the people ignore it but in real this alphabets mean alot.So let me discuss about this alphabets.Especially in the intel their are 6 different alphabets which are K, H, T, U, F, X.Like if their is U written behind processor then it means Power Efficient.If their is K written behind any processor then it means Overlocked which simply means that in this processor you will get a lot of processing speed and also it can do any task very fastly.If H is written behind any processor then it means High performance graphics like you can get graphics means you can run big software smoothly.And if their is written F alphabet behind any processor then it means High-performance Processor with Graphics card and in this you will have a dedicated graphics card.So that you can play all the big games like Free Fire, Fortnite, GTA 5 smoothly without having any kind of lag.

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Ram Slots:
  • In the mother board their is a slot where we can insert Rams of DDR2, DDR3, DDR4.The full form of RAM is Random Acess Memory.Basically RAM stores date and whenever CPU needs any kind of Data then first of all CPU checks the Ram, so if CPU find the date in the RAM so then the CPU can excess this data very fastly.But if the data is not present in the Ram then the CPU has to get that date from SSD or hardrive which is a very slow process.

  • Also RAM is volatile in nature which means like if we shutdown the computer then all the data which was stored in the RAM got deleted automatically.Also RAM is very fast then the SSD and hardrives and RAM is also known as Main memory or Read/Write memory.

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Heat Sink:
  • This is also very important component of the motherboard.Basically the function of Heat Sink is that if their is any kind of heat or any unwanted heat so then basically this Heat Sink absorb those heat and lowers the level of heat which make safe the motherboard from heating as the Heat Sink is made up of Aluminium.
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    My Heat Sink
CMOS Battery:
  • The other main component of the motherboard is CMOS Battery which is very important of the computer.You know that the time and date in your computer is just due to this CMON battery.Like if you update this or change the time and date of your computer then it is just due to this battery.

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My CMOS Battery

Fan Socket:
  • The fan in our motherboard is also very important part which has allllt of functions like it keeps the temperature moderate in our computer.Like it controls the over heating of computer and keeps our computer cold.If you stop the fan in computer then your computer will run very slowly and their would be a lot of chances due to which your computer cannot function properly.

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My Fan Socket

AGP Slot:
  • Here you can see another slot and that slot is for Graphic Card like if you want to install high end games or 3d apps like 3ds Max as their are some other different 3d apps and for running these software you must have the Graphic Card.If you want to install Grpahic Card then you have to buy it and then simply attached this Graphic Card in this slot.Their are different kind of Graphic Card and nowadays I think RTX 4090 is the most high end graphics card (I guess).

  • My motherboard does not have AGP slots because my motherboard Model name ASUS P5A55-M LX PLUS does not support AGP.Thus for the Graphic card my mother board uses PCI slots instead of the AGP slots.

PCI Slot:
  • The full form of PCI is Peripheral component interconnected. This slot is made extra like if somehow if any part from your computer back panel is damaged then you can buy a card for that and then simply install in PCI slot.Like if the sound is not working of your back panel properly then you can install Sound card in this PCI slot.Their are also come more cards like USB cards, VGI cards for display, Sound card and NIC card etc.

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My PCI Slots

SATA Slot:
  • SATA slots is also one of the most important part of motherboard.And it helps in connecting the HArddisk.Like if we attach one end of the wire in the SATA cable and attach other end with the Harddisk then our Harddisk will work properly in our computer.Basically it helps in connecting the storage devices to our computer like SSD or Harddrive etc.We can connect multiple storage devices at one time because we have 4 Slots for this.

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My SATA Slot

North and South Bridge:
  • In a motherboard their are chip set.One of them in known as North Bridge Chipset which is located on the northern side of motherboard. The other one is known as South Bridge Chipset which is located on the southern side of motherboard.They both have different functions like if you notice that the North bridge is somewhat located in the middle of the CPU, PCI and Ram and the Southern Bridge is also situated in the middle of motherboard is present between the SATA connectors, USB ports, Standard PCI slots.They northern bridge is responsible for the CPU, PCI and RAM and the Southern Bridge is responsible for the SATA connectors, USB ports and Standard PCI slots.So in order for the CPU to communicate with these lower interfaces it had to go thrigh the south bridge, same is the case with other.

  • In my CPU socket, their is no separate North bride chipset because its functions are integrated into CPU.The functions of the North Bridge chipset exists and are located under the fan.However the South Bridge is located under the Blue heat sink nearer to the bottom right side of the motherboard.

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My North and South Bridge

Pin Connecotrs:
  • In our mother board their are two different kinds of Pin connectors.The first one is 24 pin connector and the other one is 4 pin connector.Basically the 24 pin connector is one of the most main and important component which simply connects the PSU with the motherboard.The 24 pin connector basically transfers electricity/power to the CPU, chips and other components present in the motherboard.This has 24 pins which are arranged in 2 different rows dividing 24.Like on one side of the 24 pin connector their would be 12 pins and on the other side their would be 12 pins too.Also their is 4 pin connectos.It is present in all the motherboard and most of them have 4 wires.Yellow colour wires for the two pins and black colour wire for the other two pins of the 4 pin connector present in our motherboard.Basically it transfer power to the CPU.Most of the CPU wants about 190 to 192 watt of power so these 4 pin connector transfer this much power which is enoughfor the CPUs.

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My 24 Pin connector

  • Bios is also known as ROM and this is like a chip which is present in our motherboards.Their are different type of chips of different brands present in our computer.In RAM the memory is deleted after the shutdown of computer but in the ROM the memory is stored permanently.In the BIOS all the drivers of the computer are stored.Like as I told that in BIOS the data is not deleted like if we connect Mouse and keyboard to our computer then It connects successfully on the spot because the drivers are already installed in this BIOS that's why we don't have to download drivers for the Mouse and Keyboard.
External Ports Identification

Now in task 3 we have to explain the external ports of the motherboard.So without wasting any time lets get into it.

Design on Canva

PS/2 Ports:

In the external post of the motherboard their are to ports which are in two different colours green and purple.The green one is known as PS/2 Mouse and the purple one is known as PS/2 Keyboard.In these ports we can connect ur mouse and keyboards.

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My PS/2 Ports

VGA Port:

This port is used when you want to connect your computer with two different screens also if you want to connect your computer with projector then you can connect it easily by connecting the wire of projector in this VGA port.

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My VGA Port

Parallel Port:

The parallel port is also one of the most important post because if you want to add any type of printer or scanner then with the help of this port you can connect it easily.Like just connect the wires.

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My Parallel Port

USB Ports:

In this port you can connect your mouse and keyboard too but if you want to connect a Pendrive to your computer then with the help of this port, you can easily connect it.Also you can connect external harddrive to your computer by these ports.

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My USB Ports

Lan port:

It is also known as Ethernet port. This cable is also very important component because if you want to connect WiFi to your computer then you can easily connect it in your computer by simply attaching 1 edge of the Ethernet wire in this port of the motherboard and attach the other end with the WiFi router.

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My Ethernet Port

Audio Port:

If you want to add audio, mike or speaker and headphones.Then with the help of these ports you can easily connect it by simply attaching the wire in this ports.

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My Audio Port

Serial Ports:

This ports are used for data transferring.They are also used to connect printers and scanners etc but nowadays this is not used widely.Because in new printers and scanners the USB port wires came so we can connect it to the USB ports easily.

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My Serial Port

Motherboard Failures and Solutions
  • One day I was using my computer normally but then suddenly our electricity goes and my computer turns off.Then when the next day I opened my computer then on screen their was No Signal I was very worried that what happened ? Then I notice that my CPU is running as the fan inside the CPU was running, I notice it was the sound.Then to fix that I opened up my computer and check if their is any wire which is not plugged in properly but after checking it for a while I did not find any wire that was unplugged.

  • Then I opened the CPU box and remove the processor from it and then clean it the tooth brush but after cleaning when I put it again the problem was snot solved.Then I was just thinking that what to do.Then an idea came in my mind that I should clean the whole motherboard because it was very dusty so for this I bring cloth, toothbrush and a hair dryer.But after cleaning it then I again restored my computer but unfortunately that time it was not working again.

  • Then I call to my tutor and mentor @hamzayousafzai about that problem then he guide me that have you check this by removing your computer Rams and then installing it ? Then I told that No I haven't then he told me that remove your rams and then clean it with eraser after that try restarting.After doing this my computer got restarted properly and the display shows up.But when I inserted my second Ram then it was not working again.Then my tutor told me that the other Ram is destroyed, you have to buy another ram so I do the same and then I bought another Ram and inserted in my motherboard.And then my computer was working properly.

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My Motherboard

Preventive Measures
Preventing dust accumulation:

Their are a lot of prevention for the dust accumulation but now here I am going to discussed only few preventions.So without wasting any time, lets get into it.

  • The computer should not be placed on carpets etc and also be sure to use the hair dryer to clean the dust.Use tooth brush for sensitive areas in the computer.After few months clean all the components very well like the CPU from the brush and the most important clean the Ram with the help of the eraser.You should also tie cables properly in your computer so then the dust will be minimized in the computer.Be sure to kept your computer on table because if you put it on the carpet or ground then their would be a lot of chances of dust because dust settles down.Also clean the wings of fans and also the fans because if this is blocked then their would be a lot of dust.Use hair dryer after every 2 months.

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My motherboard wires are tie peoperly

Prevention from the Overheating:
  • If our computer is over heating then first of all you must clean the dust because due to this our computer is over heating.Also be sure that after removing the dust, change the thermal paste of CPU and GPU. Also be sure to check the external place of the fan from which the air is removed, so be sure if their is no dust.Becasue if their is some dust then the air cant flow due to this the computer is over heating so be sure to clean it.

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Back side of the Fan

Prevention of the Power Surge:
  • We should use Extension to prevent any damage to our computer because it can control high voltages.Also be sure to not plug big devices in one extension like Automatic Machine, AC and a computer.Also use 3 pin witch instead of 2 because it has earthing.If you use 3 pin switch for your PC having earthing, then you would not get little current from the CPU which in 2 pin switch, we have experienced the little current.

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My Extension

BIOS Update:
  • Their are a lot of risks like if you are doing Bios update on your computer but if suddenly the electricity went of then your motherboard would be damaged.If you do bios update and if this update was not comparable with your motherboard then your motherboard would not be work.Also your all data can be loss.

  • If the humidity is a lot then it is not good but if the humidity is very less then it is also not good which means that Moderate humidy is well for the motherboard.If their is high humidity then their is a chance of short circuits but if their is low humidity then their is a chance of damaging some sensitive components.


Thank you so much for reading my article.I hope that you all will like this and if their is something where you did not understood then you can ask it in the comment section of this post.Now I am going to invite Dear @suboohi @ahsansharif @abdullahw2 and @chant to participate here in this contest.Hope that they will participate.Now Bye Bye will meet in the next post.


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