Hi, I Am From Dutchland, Is That Not Weird?
Due to some recent, shamefull, governmental events in the Netherlands, that got a lot of global attention, I decided to claim being from #dutchland. For most it wont be that difficult to grasp as they already call us dutch anyway. #zappl
So, do i have to change the @nexit with @dexit?
No, Dutchland is a virtual free land. ;-)
I really should start following Dutch politics again. What happened, fellow Dutchlander?
A Nederish minister of foreign affairs was caught having lied big time. It went viral worldwide but the cabinet is saving his ass, making all kinds of crazy excuses.
It is to a level where even politics managed to reach a new all time low. Which I thought was impossible, but the Netherlands did it, for the whole world to witness.
It proves though that the new American ambassador, Piet Hoekstra, maybe was the best choice for the Netherlands, after all. He fits perfectly in the whole image. Think the Netherlands could become the fifty first USA state.
Think we might be glad that we are Dutchlanders and not Nederish...
Ah, Halbe Zijlstra, still in the race for Most Disgusting Politician, neck-and-neck with Rutte, Dijsselbloem and Samsom.
Yes, it is a close race, he is in the lead right now though, because he made it to mainstream media worldwide!
Rutte really has to make sure to spin this one around to score. If he can twist this around and save the cabinet from falling, then I think he will be clearly in the lead again.
We just point a few fake so called witnesses, between nose and lips, no one will notice the lie with in/out the truth
Yes, it is very easy. Heck, for the right price I am willing to help out. If payed in Cryptos, of course...
"Yes, I was there when I saw how the minister of foreign affairs was indeed in the other room and had glass to the wall to be able to hear the conspirancy..."
That'll be 10'000 BTC then please.
i saw it too, and I can lip read, do you need my account? :-)
Seems to me getting witnesses is quite easy. Still have your Waves account you can accept BTC in that one too.
oh yea ! :-) and we do not have to be clever
Nope, the more smart we are the more difficult it would be. So, guess I'm the perfect witness for hire!
I vote for you! and you may pay me in steem even! :-o
Thanks! We'll go for any kind of Crypto! :-)
It's kind of weird. But it's your right when you are temporarily ashamed to be called a Nederlander....
It is I am fully aware of that, but for the time being, until this blows over again... Dutchland it is.
Dutchland...euh...is de #alldutch gemeenschap alweer van naam veranderd?
Die zijn allemaal welkom in Dutchland. :-)