Learn Dutch: The Basics

in #dutch8 years ago (edited)

I'm Kevin and i live in The Netherlands. Here we speak Dutch. It's a tough language and hard to learn for some people. In this post i like to share my wisdom about the Dutch language so you can learn a little about it. I should come in handy if you visit my country sometime.

Basic words:

Introduce yourself

I = Ik
I am = Ik ben
A = Eem
The = De
The= Het
The man = De man
The woman = De vrouw
The boy = De jongen
The girl = Het meisje
The house = Het huis
Hello = Hallo
Hi = Hoi
Good = Goed
Bad= Slecht
Morning = Morgen
Tomorrow = Morgen
Good morning= Goede morgen
Evening = Avond
Good evening = Goede avond
Day = Dag
Good day! = Goedendag
See you = Tot ziens
Until = Tot
Bye = Doei

Personal pronouns + to thank

Here you are = Alsjeblieft
Please = Alsjeblieft
Thank you = Dank je wel
Yes = Ja
No = Nee
Not = Niet
To smoke = Roken
Maybe = Misschien
Left = Links
Right = Rechts
Or = Of
And = En
You = jij / je
He = Hij
She = Zij
We= Wij / We
You = Jullie
They = Zij / Ze
You = U

To be + professions

To be = Zijn
The teacher = De leraar
Happy = Blij
Funny = Leuk
Pretty = Mooi
Old = Oud
Young = Jong
The football player = De voetballer
The prime minister = De premier
The student = De student
The scholar = De leerling
The boss = De baas
The baker = De bakker
The butcher = De slager
The farmer = De boer
The fisherman = De visser
The lawyer = De advocaat
The doctor = De dokter
The waiter = De ober
The police officer = De politieman
The hairdresser = De kapper
The director = De directeur
The accountant = De boekhouder
The salesman = De verkoper
The representative = De vertegenwoordiger

Dutch Foods

Foods and drinks = Eten en drinken
The vegetables = De groente
The fruits = Het fruit
The bread = Het brood
The slice of bread = De boterham
The cheese = De kaas
The chocolate sprinkles = De hagelslag
The peanut butter = De pindakaas
The milk = De melk
The coffee = De koffie
The tea = De thee
The potato = De aardappel
The potato-eater = De aardappeleter
The beer = De bier
The wine = De wijn
The water = Het water
The meat = Het vlees
The chicken = De kip
The french fries = De friet
French fries with mayonnaise = Frietje met
Dutch meat sausage = De frikandel
Dutch fried ragout bar = De kroket
The pancake = De pannenkoek
The syrup waffle = De stroopwafel
Liquorice = Drop
The sweets = Het snoep

Interrogative words

Who = Wie
What = Wat
That = Dat
This = Dit
Which = Welke
These, This = Deze
That, Those = Die
Where = Waar
Here = Hier
There = Daar
When = Wanneer
Then = Dan
At that time = Toen
While = Terwijl
How = Hoe
Like this = Zo
How much = Hoeveel
The flower = De bloem
Why = Waarom
That's why = Daarom
Because = Want
Because = Omdat
But = Maar
Except = Behalve
The bike = De fiets

Dutch traffic and buildings

The street = De straat
The road = De weg
The highway = De snelweg
The car = De auto
The bus = De bus
The train = De trein
The tram = De tram
The stopping place = De halte
The metro = De metro
The boat = De boot
The airplane = Het vliegtuig
The airport = Het vliegveld
The port = De haven
The railway station = Het station
The office = Het kantoor
The shop = De winkel
The supermarket = De supermarkt
The hospital = Het ziekenhuis
The pharmacy = De apotheek
The swimming pool = Het zwembad
The sports hall = De sporthal
The police station = Het politiebureau
The library = De bibliotheek
The school = De school
The university = De universiteit

How to count in Dutch

Zero = Nul
One = Een
Two = Twee
Three = Drie
Four = Vier
Five = Vijf
Six = Zes
Seven = Zeven
Eight = Acht
Nine = Negen
Ten = Tien
Eleven = Elf
Twelve = Twaalf
Thirteen = Dertien
Fourteen = Viertien
Fifteen = Vijftien
Twenty = Twintig
Twenty one = Eenentwintig
Thirty = Dertig
Forty = Veertig
Fifty = Vijftig
Hundred = Honderd
Two hundred = Tweehonderd
Thousand = Duizend
Million = Miljoen

Basic sentences:

Hello = Hallo. (HAH-low)
How are you? = Hoe gaat het? (hoo GAHT hut?)
Fine, thank you. (formal) = Goed, dank u. (GOOT, dahnk uu)
Fine, thank you. (informal) = Goed, dank je. (GOOT, dahnk yuh)
What is your name? = Hoe heet u? (hoo HAYT uu?)
What is your name? = Hoe heet je? (hoo HAYT yuh?)
My name is ______ . = Mijn naam is ______ . (meyn NAHM is _____ .)
Nice to meet you. = Aangenaam kennis te maken. (AHN-guh-NAH-muh KAN-nis-MAHK-ing)
Please. = Alstublieft. (AHL-stuu-BLEEFT)
Thank you. (formal) = Dank u. (DAHNK uu)
Thank you. (informal) = Dank je. (DAHNK yuh)
You're welcome. = Graag gedaan. (GRAHG guh-DAHN)
Yes. -= Ja. (YAH)
No. = Nee. (NAY)
Excuse me. (getting attention) = Pardon
Excuse me. (begging pardon) = Sorry. (SOHR-ree)
I'm sorry. = Sorry. (SOHR-ree)
Goodbye. = Tot ziens. (TOT seens)
I can't speak Dutch. = Ik spreek geen Nederlands. (ick SPRAYK gayn NAY-dur-lawnts)
I can't speak Dutch well. = Ik spreek niet goed Nederlands. (ick SPRAYK neet goot NAY-dur-lawnts)
Do you speak English? = Spreekt u Engels? (SPRAYKT uu ENG-uls?)
Is there someone here who speaks English? = Spreekt hier iemand Engels? (SPRAYKT here EE-mahnt ENG-uls?)
Help! = Help! (HEHLP!)
Good morning. = Goedemorgen. (GOO-duh-MORE-gun)
Good afternoon. = Goedemiddag (GOO-duh-MID-dahg)
Good evening. = Goedenavond. (Goo-duhn-AH-vunt)
Good night. = Goedenavond. (Goo-duhn-AH-vunt)
Good night (to sleep) = Slaap lekker. (SLAHP leck-uhr)
I don't understand. = Ik begrijp het niet. (ick buh-GRAYP hut neet)
Where is the toilet? = Waar is het toilet? (WAHR is hut twah-LET?)

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