
Joe, sorry but I flagged your last post. I do not, and would not, post negatively on your blog so please do not do that to mine. I thought we agreed on this?

If you reviewed my trades (which you say you are about) there is no way you could post any negativity. Your job is easy compared to mine, Greg. :-)

Joe I am really sorry to do this but I have muted you on my blog. I like you, really, but we had an agreement-"no negative posts on each others blogs"-you could not stick to the accord. Just so you know, for weeks I have had many people write to me asking me to mute you but I have not until now. I wish you the best honestly.

The post wasn't negative. It's not like I called you an asshole or something. You "obviously" need to give in to the people who visit your blog as it is the only way you are making money, Greg. I don't blame you for doing what you feel is necessary to make a living. Crypto still gonna rock your world tho. I "hope" you sell it all before it's too late. Good luck, Greg. And honestly, if you want to learn how to trade "effectively" without letting emotions take over at all...just let me know.

8/24/17 update: DUST "finally" approaching my buy target. I'm not going to be trading it personally as I will be trading GDX and I will post my trade at that board/bored. I'll set a limit to buy 100 DUST at dead on. Now at 25.35...."live!."

8/25/17 premarket update: DUST just traded down to $25 in premarket so I might be able to pick this up even lower than $25. I will cxl teh buy limit for now and post teh trade "live!" during reggy hours.

8/25/17 3:47 PM: I doubt it happens today but I'll set a buy limit on 100 DUST into the close at 24.50 so I don't have to watch it whilst I concentrate on GDX.

chokedy choke choke!!!! you choker!

Yeah joe you gagged on your own cokk spy 244.50 calls total loss for you in a few hours way to give back all your gain for the day.. Farking dumbass

Couldn't get DUST doooown to the point where I could make major loser @cantfightthefed's tiny NUGeTs and even tinier JNUG's to implode within himself. Nonetheless, a very good day overall for me via two "highly" successful SPY trades...posted "live!" As always, thanks are in odor to dummshit cantfightthefed for teh fine work he did for me today alone with WTW n BABA. Pleez continue to stay the dummshit that you always have been, always are, and always will be. Muuuuwaaaahh...who luvs ya baby! :-) Fukkin moron.

8/28/17 premarket update: The actual low in PM trading so fer was 24.50. That's not a bad starting point for a intermediate term hold. I'd "suggest" scaling in with 2 buys and then smoothing out any "rough edges" via a call option as a last buy (3rd buy). I'm going to go ahead and try and capture the low with 1 buy so I will cxl my limit at 24.50 and see if it doesn't trade a tad lower.

STMP short, SVXY short, TSLA short, PCLN short, AMZN short.....yeah Im getting kill dimwit. Your WTW ripping you ass wide open. Your slv short too. Dumbfarker!

Wow STMP getting killed while WTW rallies again...ohjoe youve done it again...

Lets just forget about those 100% loser lotto tix but talk up the 1 winner whiner! You suck at this dood.

Should we forget about you gbtc short at 394.00 only up at nosebleed now 768.00!!!!! Pat on the back for that gem joeonlyjoe!

Short much snap at 13.xx? Another joe gem....winning!

8/28/17 11:08 AM: Once again I was "too slick" to get snookerd by the compooterized trading wizards. DUST now below $24.00...and I'm sure golden silver bugs worldwide are "rejoicing." :-) I know I like the DUST long even better now. I'll make the guy at Goldman Sux handling the compooterized NUGeT trading machine shit his pants. Eveerything is DUST in the wind...just ask @cantfightthefed :-)

Dipshit you mist the 10.00 rally in NUGT all the way calling for a devastating dusting. Mack truck just parking in joejustjoes anus. Lol

Wow joe your charts realky worked out for ya...dust just destroyed you again. Hey NUGT up $9.00 more in a week. Cha-ching!

Just ignore all that talk about gold stocks getting dusted right joe. Changed your mind now after your trade blew up again in your fugly face!

9/1/17 futures update: Major indicies are barely up right now so the jobs numba might generate a dummass over-reaction by teh golden silver speculators so I would say a move to 20.50 on DUST in premarket trading or GDX thru 23.90+ would delay this trade until next week so I will not set a limit until I see how DUST vs GDX reacts to the jobs numba.

9/1/17update: Setting an initial buy limit at 20.50 for a hundo.

Who gives a fuck? You could not have been more wrong on just about everything.

9/5/17 11:40 AM update: Since DUST now needs to rally in order to setup my short term buy signal I will set a sell limit at $ dead on. Now at 20.20. If the buy signal comes in before $21+ is tagged I will cxl this sell limit.

BWAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ut oh joesephine.....looks like you going to be spit roasted again. Nicely done assface! What's next dumbfuck?

instant assfarking joe btw dust ait close to 25.20....What market are you looking at dumbass!

9/7/17 premarket update: DUST going to open belowst $20 it appears. No reason to get taken out with losses via a stop on this trade so I will cxl the limit stop and add to the position.

Nice ass stomp down dumb fuck!!!!!! Bwaaaaaahhhh ha ha

9/8/17 11:18 AM: Situation likely doesn't get resolved until later today and a DUST move to appx 20.50 wuld actually generate a short term sell. So here's the plan. Limit to sell my hundo at 20.50 which gets cxl'd if DUST trades back belowst $19 first. If that happens I will add 50 shares at 18.65 limit. DUST now at 19.90..."live!"

9/9/17 weekend update: I will keep this limit to buy 50 DUST at 18.65 open, GTC.

poor basterd, did ur trailer get rekt and your 3 dollars blow away?

how's your tesla short from 185.00 looking?

9/15/17 After hours update: Look at that shit. I mist my limit sell by all of .03 centavos on Th and then by .05 today. Yet I didn't miss a thing in 5 days of market reactions and over-reactions. I will take my 100 DUST long away here in AH at the last 3 trades of 22.49. Basically a 10% gain for doing nothing...for a week. Anyone want to try and beat that? DUST signaling sell into the close so a selloff is to be bought...a rally to be sold. I'll just exit here and go onto something else. There's always something else. :-0

YOU PREFER GETTING RIPPED A NEW AHOLE AS OPPOSED TO RIPPED FACE OFF. idiot strikes again! UGAZ hurt you again today? I think soooo! Your TSLA short beating your ass too!!! Keep calling out greg though!

9/20/17 10:40 AM: DUST now generating a short term buy signal as it trades at 22.57 market.."live!" Butt a continued move lower can wipe out this signal and result in a lower target so I will continue in sell mode with a mental stop above at 22.75 bid.

9/20/17 10:59 AM: The good news is that my indicators were spot on as DUST just tagged 22.25. Now at 22.30 and taking this trade away may be a mistake as it is a hair away from signaling even loower numbas. But I will bank the gain from my short entry at 23.95 and see if I am either slick enuff to "buy the pullback!"...or short teh next rally "if" it generates a signal that lower prices are due. Out here at 22.30. You watching me @cantfindthefed? Or are you still blowing UGAZ out your ass?

Edit: The bid on DUST nailt 22.25, LOD was only fer. Still out at 22.30 market tho. Would I be "shocked!" if I actually picked off "the" low? Fuuuuukk no.

hey numb nuts you posted earlier you were out at 22.75. You lying farking con!

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