Victory of Good over Evil (Dussehra)
Dussehra is popularly known as Vijayadashmi (‘Vijay’ means ‘victory’ and ‘Dashmi means ‘tenth day), is a popular Hindu festival which is celebrated all over India. It is believed that on this day, Lord Rama killed the demon King Ravana . This day symbolizes the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated in different parts of country in different ways.
Significance of Dussehra
Dussehra symbolizes the victory of good over evil. On this day, It is believed that one of the lord of Hindu Religion, Lord Rama killed the demon king Ravan who abducted his wife Sita. People across the country celebrate this occasion in their own way, different in each regions. Each region have their own unique speciality. In the north region of country, burning of effigy of Ravana takes place which means that power of goodness is above all kind of evil. Lord Rama fought for 10 days with Ravana to rescue her wife, annd on the 10th day he killed the demon king and that's why it is known as "Vijaya Dashmi" which certainly mean' Victory on 10th day'. It is believed that it is a victory of mankind also.
Dussehra Customs and Rituals
Lots of rituals and customs are associated in the grand celebration of this festival. Ramleela is among the most popular one. In norther region, the acts or play have been acted on the story of Lord Rama victory over ravana. Burning of effigies of Ravana is also take place among them. The huge fair is organised on big ground during this festival and certainly have great amount of audience. While in West part of the country, The idol of Goddess Durga is immersed in water on the day of Dussehra.
Hindus all over the world celebrate this festival with huge enthusiasm.
This festival is generally comes in month of September-October and is one of the best time to visit in the country as every house in the country is full of joy, Dussehra starts at the last day of Navratri which is also one of the very famous festival, which depicts the power of women in the country. The weather during this time of year is not too cold not too hot and gather lots of tourist all across the globe. India is the country of cultural and diversity and tthis smonth will show you the real art different region of India.
Places to visit in Dussehra
Places listed below are certainly the ones where it is more popular while this festival is celebrated in whole country in different ways.
1. North India (Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar)
The area with huge population comes in northern part of the country and they celebrate this day as grand festival.
2. Hill Stations (Kullu)
In one of the most beautiful places in hill station, Dussehra has been carried out for 9 days and it is immensely popular in this area. Huge number of locals and tourist gather here to celebrate this festival.
3. West India (West Bengal)
In the western region, The stautue of Goddess Durga is being immersed on water on the day of Dussehra. According to legend of this region, Goddess Durga killed the bufflo headed- demon and people celebrate this day as the celebration of good over evil.
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