in #duress5 years ago (edited)



So, let’s talk about moral culpability and the people following orders.

        The ORDER-FOLLOWER always bears MORAL CULPABILITY MORE than the order-giver, because the order-follower is the one who actually performs the behavior, and in taking such action, actually brought the resultant harm into physical manifestation. They will make claims as such that they aren't responsible because they are just doing their job while ORDER-FOLLOWING is the pathway to every form of Evil and Chaos in our world. IT should NEVER be considered a “virtue” by anyone who identifies as a moral human being. Order-Followers have ultimately been personally responsible and morally culpable for every form of Slavery and every single Totalitarian regime that has EVER existed upon the face of the Earth.

        You can get as offended as you like about it, those who are reading out there in the internet world or hearing about it, but nothing will make that statement any less untrue than it is. If You Did It, YOU are ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE, NOT whoever TOLD you to do it. But, YOU and ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE! The reason that I was told to perform this immoral behavior by someone else, is not and cannot be recognized with as an excuse at all, and shouldn't be recognized or accepted as an excuse by anyone with a conscience ever, or at all, because it's immoral and you should know it well that people are just not having it. They've simply been had enough and are done with the lies and the deceit that's been taking place in their lives and the lives around them for many years now. And, there is many more to come if we aren’t given the appropriate dialogue to be able to have an open discussion about it.

Complicity in Evil through Beliefs.

        Now, I'm going to fight against the statement that's widely known as a fact today, and that is that people have the RIGHT to believe whatever the hell they want to believe. I'm going to tell people that there are certain beliefs that are NOT RIGHTS, and people who believe that they have THE RIGHT to believe this way, simply are mistaken, as they DO NOT have THE RIGHT to believe that they have THOSE RIGHTS, when it causes another person harm in their natural progressions in life – NO, THEY DO NOT have those RIGHTS, even if they THINK that THEY DO! THEY DO NOT OWN THE RIGHT TO HARM YOU OR YOUR LIFE.

        Let me further explain the difference between a thought and a belief. Anyone can THINK anything they want. Which means for a time, you are holding something in your mind to consider it. This is a thought, and NO I'm not suggesting we come up with THOUGHT POLICE. What I'm saying is, that since we have the capacity TO REASON through our own thoughts, that when you come to a complete erroneous or incorrect conclusion by using your thoughts, and then you harden and compress those thoughts into a belief structure, that is when they cross the line from being a thought into becoming a belief system. So, what I'm saying here is that NOT EVERY BELIEF SYSTEM IS A RIGHT. Thoughts are rights, but we do not have the right to in perpetuity, continuously believe certain things which are in nature wrong and immoral.

        Contrary to popular belief, dis-information and widely held but erroneous belief, as human beings have, WE DO NOT POSESS THE RIGHT TO BELIEVE WHATEVER WE WANT TO BELIEVE.


        We possess the right to believe whatever we want to believe, even if those beliefs are wildly out of touch with reality, ONLY IF those beliefs DO NOT CONDONE this kind of violence AGAINST or SUPPORT the acts of violence THAT SUPPORT the kind of SLAVERY of holding hostage the rights, property or other SENTIENT BEINGS. And, that's the kind of beliefs that we have as people today, so let me ask another question. Do you have the right to believe that purple monsters are flying around the sky at night-time and that they only come out at night to take over the world? Yeah, you have every right to believe that, and you want to know why you have that right to believe that? That's not violent towards other people. That's why you have the right to believe in whatever non-sense you want. That's why I don't have a problem with most religious beliefs. Because that's not harming anyone, and even though I might not agree with certain religions or religious beliefs, I don't have a problem with people believing in them, because that's not harming other sentient beings. Believe whatever you want. Where I DO have a problem with it, and rightly so, is when they support the commission of slavery and condoning to the acts of violence towards other human beings. I have the issue with somebody believing that I'M SOMEBODIES RIGHTFUL SLAVE! OR ANYONE ELSE IS ANYBODY ELSES RIGHTFUL SLAVE! NOW I HAVE A HUGE MORAL PROBLEM WITH THAT! PEOPLE ARE NOT PROPERTY!


        We can condone to the notion of slavery, by thinking about it – but, we must come to the correct moral conclusion that it is immoral and wrong and should never be practiced and should be immediately ended.  The belief that it's okay to perpetrate slavery is wrong. It's a wrong doing!  It’s a wrong action! Because then we're condoning the belief that it's okay to perpetuate the act of this immoral behavior.

        Would people in the southern colonies have the capacity to continue the belief that they had the right to practice black slavery in this country? That wasn't a RIGHT! Even if they had never owned slaves themselves, they didn't have that RIGHT to believe that they had the right to keep people as slaves. How many people owned slaves in the civil war era period, and when the slaves escaped from the forced labor camps, called plantations, that they were forced to work on.  When they did escape they would go out and try to capture that person and bring them back into captivity because they believed that this was the condition of having the right to own other people. They had no RIGHT to perform those behaviors and actions, but to even believe in the legitimacy of the act of slavery is erroneous and should never be condoned. No such Right exists, and never Has!

        We can consider the notion of government through our thoughts, but when we harden those thoughts into beliefs, we erroneously come to the incorrect conclusion – That becomes a Violent Belief. The people who believe that slavery is legitimate because it comes in the form of government are not within their rights to believe as such. They are not within their rights to believe that slavery is legitimate for anyone. But, the sad fact of the matter is that people are spiritually dead husks that have been brainwashed into believing that coercion through government is okay, and the act of slavery is okay when it's done to other people, so long as it comes from a form of government. Unfortunately, in the modern world, people simply do not understand the distinction, and they don't understand that they are the same things, whether it be government or slavery, because government is slavery.

        Belief that government is legitimate is the same thing as the belief that slavery is legitimate. And, THAT is NOT a RIGHT. It's Slavery! If stealing 100% of the product of someone's labor is slavery, at what point do we see the percentage in that of it being NET SLAVERY? Slavery works best when the population themselves don't even know that they are slaves, who ARE! This all works through mind-control and mental conditioning through the media that they create slavery through our recognition of it, and becoming complicit with it as though it's a legitimate form of slavery because it's done by government that it’s somehow okay. Forget the fact that government is coercive and uses tactical and covert operations to turn a population into slaves, nevertheless, slavery is an immoral and illegitimate way of life that should have been stopped immediately back when we first wanted to get rid of it. Somehow it all keeps coming back, and these days people are blind to it.

        Frederick Douglas had to move to Europe to get away from the kind of slavery that was going on in the southern states at the time.  New Orleans was a part of that plan for slavery in this country and people bought and sold people into captivity as though people were just a commodity, and it was okay in the minds of many men to perform in this way as to have the belief that it was legitimate to own a people as property. People end up believing this way because it's euphemized and statements are made all across the board that legitimizes the act of slavery though the work of the government and its authority.

        But here is the bottom line when it comes to belief systems, and though it may be difficult to understand for some people, mainly police officers, to understand this concept here... but “NO ONE Has The Right To Believe That PEOPLE ARE PROPERTY. NO ONE Has the Right To Believe That Slavery Is Legitimate For Anyone. And, I'll even take it a step further, because this is where people are really wrong in their beliefs who are also refusing to get this message and wake up, and that is - “NO ONE Has The Right To Believe That Slavery Is Legitimate For Anyone INCLUDING THEMSELVES.

        And, I'm saying this because some people will tell you that they are okay with being slaves.  And maybe some people are legitimately okay with it, or well, within their own thought process to believe that they would rather be slaves than stand up against it. This however is a full fledged wrong belief because It Is NOT Okay for someone to actually believe that while they are a slave, that they have every right to continue to be a slave because they don't want to get hurt or deal with retaliation or whatever might come against them for believing that they have that right. It is NOT a RIGHT! No one has the Right to believe that THEY are RIGHTFUL SLAVES. Do you want to know why? It's the very belief system that also believes in the legitimacy of slavery, which is also NOT A RIGHT. You Do Not have the right to believe in the legitimacy of Slavery, there is No Such Thing in Nature. There Never Has Been.

        We Must Abandon this Erroneous Notion that Somehow a Government is Legitimate, and a “Ruling Class” and a “Slave Class” of people is Legitimate. It's Not a legitimate belief and it's Not Right that we must live through covert attacks set-up against us in order to continue having to live in a continual state of Duress, or Slavery, through the idea of Authority – it's bogus and untrue.

        Samuel Adams should be thanked for riding out from Boston to speak out at the Pennsylvania State House, and should be praised for doing the kind of work that He Did, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit here and write this all out for a people to hopefully learn just how deprived of liberty that we truthfully are, and just how bad people need to wake up in this country, because it was He who rose against the tyranny of a rebellious crown. Without Samuel Adams having done what He did and spoke out against – the American Revolution may have never happened.  Believe it or not, it's probably one of the only divine acts that has ever taken place on this planet, and the people who don't understand what happened in the American Revolution, I feel sorry for them for believing that revision is history, which I'll touch on here as well, but, I need people to understand what it is that I'm talking about, because people need to know exactly what happened in the American Revolutionary war era period and the blood sacrifice that took place in this country.  And Thank God for the men that were willing to give their blood sacrifice to conduct themselves in this war, because they made it possible for me to be able to stand up against the regime of todays’ modern world in order to set these words onto paper. We would be bending over and kissing the asses of a King or Queen had these men not gone and fought for our freedoms in this country.  And the kinds of freedoms I'm talking about are the freedoms that really and truly set us apart from the government in a fashion of being able to truly live as free and independent as we could without the revisions of governing which was coming to make our lives most uncomfortable and harder to bare. The fact of the matter is that most of us are still bending over and kissing the asses of these Kings and Queens, but – let me tell you, if it wasn't for these men – these ideas wouldn't have propagated within this country to the extent that they did. And, they carried people into much freer times than the lives they were living before. We owe them a debt, and I know the significance of their actions because I've read their philosophy. So, I understand their minds and their actions taken because I've done a little more than just research this area to get to the brutal truths that most people don’t want to admit to.

        The truths that I see are truths that should be and would be setting us free in this country still to this day if people just knew their rights and could define what a right even is, and people these days are just blind to see it, and it’s sad. It's sad that people have allowed these media and entertainment whores to turn our civilization into a bunch of mindless sheep willing to become the sheep herders in this country because we aren't even living a small fraction of what we could be, had we not found such value in the things that they are commercializing today, and to the extent that they are, we’d be able to see through the crap that they’re selling us and read between the lines a little bit better than we are today. They are complacently creating it to make it look as though it's funny, and entertaining, or bold enough to glorify crime to make it look substantial to be a criminal or a thug, so people continue to go out into the world and perpetuate our troubles more into the world. People are willing to perform immoral activities that they think that it's okay to carry out with since the world glorifies these behaviors so much. In turn makes it a whole lot harder to do the right things when the wrong is being so widely displayed as normal behavior. It's not okay, and it never has been okay, nor will it ever be okay to continue to think that it is. It’s immoral behavior and nobody holds any moral culpability anymore, let alone nobody wants to partake in holding anyone accountable for their bad state of affairs either.

        The intellectual and moral failures are common among America’s general officers, as in what we’ve been witnessing for years in wars like Iraq, Bagdad, Sudan, Afghanistan and now Iran. They all, in my opinion constitute a crisis in American leadership and any explanation that tried to fix moral culpability on individuals is a failed attempt at best. In general, the corporations designed to conduct forces and operations failed to perform its intended functions. They lie to the public at large and solely do whatever they want to do in war. This leaves the American people paying for a war that they do not consent to, and yet we’re all being robbed of our hard-earned money for a complete incompetence and failure at our own expenses. Instead of trying to do the right thing, peoples voices are shut, or the many forces of our own government will shut you up. This is not how the government was designed in the first place or allowed to perform this great horror over the American people. Truly wretched tactics are being employed on those in the know and it’s a fraud of the American system, a fraud to the American people, and a forgery over the American people. This is simply what gets me into so much debate about it, because it simply has got to be stopped. “We must abolish these wars before they abolish us” yes, but we must also be encouraged to stop paying for them through our tax dollars and have the courage to stand up for what is right, and fight for the truth and what is right in this country.

        “It is the greatest absurdity to suppose it in the power of one, or of any number of men … to renounce their essential natural rights, or of the means of preserving those rights.

        If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up an essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation.

        What he is saying here is that people do not have the right to give up their rights, because that puts everyone else in jeopardy of losing their rights and entering into slavery. Another thing he is getting at here is that you might have the Right to not understand how to build a house, but you do not have the right to not understand what a right is. This is something that is a duty to understand because it transcends a right. This is why you must understand it because it's misunderstanding this, that places so many people in jeopardy of losing their rights, and placing them right into slavery. He is also stating that if someone states that they have the right to renounce their rights, that they do not have the right to do so, because you can never shirk on your responsibility in nature, because it's duty and a responsibility in nature to never shirk from what needs to go on, and I should say, that it should be a duty because some people don't believe they have ANY responsibility in anything that has to deal with this coercion, or this condition of human suffering, when truthfully they do. We All Do! And, in fact, you can only shirk a responsibility, but you and I know that we can never truly do that.

        If liberty means anything at all, it means that we have the right to tell people what they might not want to hear. In this day and age, it’s a necessity to be able to speak freely without the fear of retaliation, and especially from those that we are fighting for. We do not need to be fighting each other more on this one, rather we need to come together to be able to fight for freedom against tyranny, or we will end up losing the battle and the future for our children is going to be diminished into that of an all out slave.

        "The right of freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave.” -Samuel Adams who they called the “Chief Conspirator” Of The American Revolution.

        “The right to free speech is more important than the content of the speech.” – Voltaire who was a public activist in the eighteenth century during the Enlightenment movement. So, why are we allowing out social media platforms and online activities to be censored? Is that a right of silicon valley to limit our freedom of speech or to curtail our freedom of speech? No!

        That's the reason they don't want people to read our founding fathers ideas, because they might somehow get the idea that they are a free people, or that they are not owned by others and don't have the right to renounce their freedom. That wild idea might break out, and freedom along with it. They don't want you reading the idea's from Samuel Adams in history text books anymore, and is why they are pulling them out of the books themselves because they want to implant these Marxists and these neo-Marxists. Which are absolutely and outright communist ideas that somehow these men were evil men and the people who buy into the psychological operation, don’t understand their own history at all.


        Contrary to popular dis-information and widely held but erroneous belief, we as human beings do not possess the right to be apathetic about whatever we want.  If we want happiness so bad we can taste it – or only taste the will to feel joy, but cannot get to feel the many joys that life has to offer – we should go after it with all of our hearts. We possess the right to be apathetic about whatever we want, only if that apathy does not diminish the rights and freedoms of others. In other words, it is not a right to not care about the ongoing condition of human slavery, trafficking or the duress it places upon people dealing with the conditions of slavery .

        You have the right to not care about the popular celebrity, the new fashion they have or the clothes they choose to wear, but you do not have the right to not care about the condition of duress we’re in, when it is absolutely necessary to understand the duress in its entirety before making claims about the people who are in it.  When you do not understand the emotional duress or the state that they are in, you cannot and will not, ever understand the current state of conditioning we are currently in right now, nor the human condition that still exists today – namely slavery. I personally don't care about what's happening in popular sports or theatrics, or entertainment as much as I used to, because it's all become such a washboard of peoples actual moral belief systems, that were originally designed to care about the kinds of things that people are speaking out on. I couldn't give a damn or care less – although it would be nice if we could actually be creators of our own kinds of ideas and our own kinds of entertainments, because I'd way rather spend quality time at a beach with family and friends than I would spend it watching or glorifying some kind of entertainment industry. But, this is what people have sold out to, it is outrageous. And, contrary to popular belief, people are being subjugated into categories and lists, and some of these people are ending up becoming targets of the state for the beliefs they hold dear to them that tells them that they have every right to take upon an action to defend those rights, even if it's the harder thing to do. Even if it’s the harder thing to do most people will not choose to do the right thing when the wrong is so wide-spread, I hardly can tell if people know the difference anymore, or have good taste at all. I don't have the right to not care about the dynamics that govern human freedom. You don't have the right to not care about whether or not society is enslaved. You should care and care a lot. It should be at least a little bit of a concern to you. I've even heard of family members who tell their sons and daughters that they know we’re all enslaved just don't care. You’ve got to be joking me. If people knew the extent of slavery going on right now within our country -trust me, you’d care.

        How many children and grandchildren do you have? And you can honestly say that you don't care whether or not your children are enslaved, or your grandchildren are enslaved while the whole world is enslaved. I mean, you've got to be joking me that people like this exist within our own families in this fashion. It’s inconsiderate and immoral towards others who are living in this human condition, not to mention completely frigid and cold-blooded to feel that way about the condition we’re in.         

        Nobody has the right to not care that slavery is continuing, and that FREEDOM is ultimately being destroyed in the world. The right doesn’t exist in human nature. We don’t have the right to stay silent about whatever we want, and especially when the things we stay silent about are affecting the way we live. You cannot call what we are living as though we carry the true meaning of freedom.  

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