in #duress5 years ago (edited)



       This is what keeps us in the “modern day” slave-like conditions, because the people in this country cannot so much as define what the common condition of Duress even is, or why it’s immoral for them to conduct Duress upon anyone, at any given time.   These House Slaves are following orders and conducting Duress upon other human beings.  So, allow me to tell you what Duress even is as I understand Duress to a degree in which most people cannot even bare to see.  What some people cannot even fathom to be taking place in this country is already taking place in this country and everyone's too chicken-shit to say anything about it.  Which is why I’m saying it because I’m not some chicken-shit afraid to speak out against the powers that be because they’re weak and ill minded, self-serving and shallow men.

       They have no right to keep perpetuating people into this state of Duress, and people who are under this state of Duress have EVERY RIGHT TO END IT.  And, to END IT WITH ANY MEANS NECESSARY THAT THEY CHOOSE to END IT.  Though I'm not directly suggesting any course of action to anyone, but I'm just trying to educate people on what their Natural Rights are to do.  You could be within your every Natural Right to take a behavior and still end up dead because you take on that behavior.  To do the right thing is not always the SAFE thing to do, but I'm not talking about what is SAFE ANYMORE.  I'm talking about what is RIGHT to do, and what people have EVERY RIGHT TO DO, given the state of Duress that they are in.  It is naturally and inherently in creation that it is either a RIGHT or NOT A RIGHT. I'm not talking about a RIGHT to be SAFE about it, but – I'm just letting people know that taking upon a behavior will end up giving people a fight because there will be things raining down on your head for behaving to take a course of action that requires danger, that you have the RIGHT to perform.  I'm not saying that nothing will happen to you.  What I'm saying is that you have the RIGHT to end the current condition of slavery, even though everyone else around you might be complicit with it and willing to show you that they don't care.  They'd care if they have seen what I've seen or lived through what I've lived through enough to know what kinds of EVIL we are truly up against.   I'm just trying to get people to conceptually think that a certain action can be suggested when you have the absolute right to end the kind of condition that we are in.  We are in Duress.  So, let's look at what Duress is.


       Duress is a continuous condition of coercion of the free will of a being or group of beings through threats of violence and/or actual acts of violence, if those being coerced do not comply with the decrees or commands they are given.  Duress is anything coercive, covert, strategic or anything else that is tactical with the attempt on keeping you from securing your rights.

        Duress is a person or a group of people giving you certain command/s, and if you don't comply with their command/s, they will threaten you with acts of violence or use coercion against you.

       When people are held up in Duress, they are unlawfully (through Natural Law and not by mans-law) prevented from exercising their free will to engage in their rights which they possess, and/or they are coerced through threats of violence to perform behaviors that goes against their free will.  Nevertheless, you are the people that possess these rights, and they are inherent rights and not something that a government or anyone else is going to give you.  You possess these rights because you are a person and the people were created before government was created.  You should actually be the ones to set the checks and balances and to put legality in place NOT YOUR GOVERNMENT, or any other group of THUGS.

       This is exactly why I understand the common condition of man-kind, because I understand Duress, as I have been living inside of the knowledge of this duress and the length of duress that I've been under and understand that many other people are in duress as well and aren't even aware of the level of Duress that they are currently in.  

       It means if you don't do something, acts of violence will be conducted upon you.  Or, if they do something, even within their rights to act on or engage in the behaviors, acts of violence will be conducted upon you for doing so.  That is what Duress is, and that is what duress always has been, that is what duress always will be, and every single individual on the face of this planet is currently living in the state of duress.  When one person is under duress, it means that every other person here is also under duress whether they know it or not.  

       This means that people are demanded of their hard-earned money or having more looters and acts of violence conducted upon them by criminals running around the streets demanding more out of a neighborhood, group of people or a person directly.  It's the same type of thinking within the police forces when they perform acts of coercion and should know that coercion is a crime in this country, that is taking place in people’s lives all around us, and not too many people have the nerve to step it up against their own government for fear of retaliation or more acts of violence to be conducted upon them.  And, this separates a class of people from the people who are willing to tell you that you can't perform a right that you have, like building a website or a business idea, or simply having to go out of your way to use your rights to protect another right.  They directly or indirectly take courses of action against you telling you that you can't exercise that right, or you can't start that kind of business, or you can't conduct your own thought progress into greater things than what they have operating within the powers that be of a technocratic society.  

       The machines of technology are hurting our society far more than they are helping it and society is blinded to it because they have been bought and sold on the idea that big government is here to protect their rights.  This is a flat out lie.  It's like humanity can't function in society anymore as a whole, all working towards the same “ultimate” goal.  That goal is to allow society to live better amongst our fellow brothers and sisters on earth, without any single one person suffering to the point that they believe they must act or behave negatively against another human being like the police and military do.  From my studies police and military will shoot you, perform other acts of violence or covert actions onto you when society reacts as human beings should, using their natural rights to protect themselves.  Yet, in society we're so brainwashed that we make this distinction that tells us if we aren’t the ones having to deal with those acts of violence that somehow, we’re not in duress and don’t have the same rights to protect ourselves from the police just as we do to protect ourselves from the common street criminal.  However, we do; We all do, and we are all in the state of duress.  How is the police or military’s actions any different than that of a common street thug or criminal that holds a person hostage?  There’s nothing different about the two scenarios and the images that we're seeing all over the news today taking place are the same things, because these people are getting away with killing people, and have been getting away with it for decades.  If a portion of society can think that they have rights that others don't have, then they don't understand human nature, morality or natural law.  Every single action you see in the media today - from the robbery and harm it places on others, to misconduct seen in the street theater type of police actions that harms society - are the same kinds of actions that common street thugs place upon individuals lives that stop people from being able to live freely within their natural lawful right.  Oppression of natural rights limits societies ability to thrive and make a difference.  Because of this, lives are altered and tarnished entirely by the continuous state of duress.  Even one life that is lived in duress is one too many and it affects all of us.  I keep repeating that because it's true and our goals dreams aren't being met. Peoples abilities and the ways that they can protect the lives of others within their ability under natural rights are being oppressed.  Society is in this state of continual duress, because we're given the idea that certain people have rights that others don’t, most of the time it comes from police or military misconduct and less often from a common street thug or gang related activity.

       “We’re losing our way as a society.  If we don’t stand up, if we don’t say what we think those rights should be, and if we don’t protect them, we will very soon find out that we don’t have them.” -Edward Snowden

       “You shouldn’t change your behavior because a government agency somewhere is doing the wrong thing.  If we sacrifice our values because we’re afraid, we don’t care very much about those values.”  -Edward Snowden

       “My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them.”  -Edward Snowden

       On one side of the coin you have a people that can get away with any harm to another human being as they want and have all the power to hide behind their judicial system, but when it cannot protect individual rights the same on all levels, we have a broken system in place where we aren’t going to get the same treatment as the next person is, which makes for a lot of misuse of the laws and the legal system available.

       So, what's the difference between a police or military force and the common street gang?  Nothing.  Because, they are both common-criminals.  They are both members of gangs, and I wouldn't be afraid to even say that they are both members of cults who do not question orders or think for themselves and both initiate violence to enforce policy.  Both are held in secrecy and both have a lack of transparency.  They both conduct within their members' policies to create the kind of reality that we live in.  They are ultimately responsible for their behaviors though they want to somehow relinquish themselves of that responsibility, when they were told to take that sort of action against another human being.  Yet, these people are the ones who are responsible for doing the harm that has been caused in this country.  So, we look at mafia crime...  and this is big in certain areas of the world and here in America when there are a lot of people who involve themselves within a mafia or mob syndicate.

        So, let me ask you a question.  Let’s say you're right, and police identify like a gang.  So, my question is this - does it make a person a “bad” person running drugs or running number tickets or performing low crimes when the same type of person -or a higher up gang member - strikes a hit on someone?  You might say that one person who is committing a high crime like striking a hit on someone is basically on the same team as the person who is condoning that drug run or running number tickets.  They might not be performing high criminal acts or taking up the same behaviors to harm others like the ones who are at the bottom of the gang going on and striking the hit on someone, yet you could say that they play on the same team because they are the ones who are helping the other people in the gang who are performing the small crimes.  They condone to their behavior.  That's what's known as a Complicit Gang Member.  They’re collectively okay with their crimes no matter how big or small.   

        I would even call it a Complicit Cult Member, because they are just as involved as those who are supporting the institution that operates to run their behavior and are just as complicit as the murderers in that institution.   These are just like those actions of a street gang.  This is a huge problem we're facing in society and it's bad in Chicago and Out in the West Coast.  Minneapolis is another one, of many other inner cities where they have a lot of problems with gangs.  And they will say, well what about the lower level gang members that are selling a little bit of cocaine on the corner, or the lower level middle-men who are selling 10's and 20's of marijuana out by the local gas station?  And, they'll say that they are also on a lower level but are of the same gang that is conducting violence.  They might condone to violence or might be conducting in violence for territory purposes but they'll conduct violence just to be able to operate within the region that they are trying to operate in, hence -  why they are called gangs, to control territory that they are operating in to keep anyone else out who’s trying to operate within that territory.  What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter what kind of level these people are operating within, they are operating within a gang, or a cult that takes upon itself to conduct violence upon other human beings, therefor they are all complicit of the acts of violence as a collective within this gang.  

       Aren't the police themselves doing the same things, just on a more powerful level?  A lot of times people get injured worse in life because of the actions and behaviors that police are willing to take up, than the actual criminal themselves take up and act on.

        And yet, you're thinking right – right now in that NO ONE truly believes that they have any right to perform their acts of organized violence against another’s natural right, and yet they do it all the time and it's just like the police within all their well-known misconduct.  Everyone knows about it, just no one wants to talk about it.  Well, I want to talk about it.  I want a whole discussion about it.  And, I'm going to say it as though I'm unafraid of what can happen to me, because I think people ought to be able to have this discussion on an open level in society and not be such chicken-shits about it and to do something about immorality when they see something wrong going on in their world that they'd like to make better, instead of feeling as though they can’t do anything about it.  We have the right to do something about it, and the police and military are complicit to the criminal acts of violence to other human beings just as the common street thug is.  They perform the same tactics as the gang members do – when the complicit actions they take up harms the society on criminal levels that I don't even think people have the nerve to speak on these days, so that's why I speak on it.  People are being run down into the ground without even realizing how bad it is – and using the euphemisms like, “This is just the way that it is,” or “who am I to do anything about it,” thinking that they could get me in far greater danger than that of a common criminal would.  It's simply because I found information I truly and honestly regret ever seeing and wanting to witness, but I had to learn in order to protect myself from what they are willing to do and the lengths that I know they are willing to go to... and since I have witnessed some of those criminal activities done by the very people that are supposed to protect and stop those criminal activities my life and the lives of others know the same type of activity is being employed in their lives.  People who are just broken spirited because they feel as though their lives are being shattered, or they are feeling extracted from being able to live life as they first wanted to be able to, before all the coercive and covert attempts entered into their lives, unwittingly by their very own criminal justice system, acting insane against you, in an overwhelming fashion.  It’s absurd to me that not too many out here care to speak out against this, when they ought to be shaming the people willing to perform the actions that they are taking up against the same people that they were designed to protect.  They aren't planning on protecting you, and never actually had the plan to protect you even had they obtained the ability to protect you or considered you a people to protect.  They don’t even hold true to the notion of protecting you, nor do they care to.  They love to keep the criminal activity at a high, so they can employ vicious tactics on the innocent for profit.  

        People wouldn’t think that gang members have that right, or the mafia wouldn't have that right, and yet people believe governments have these rights to conduct violence upon people.  Then, you look at some of these acts of violence coming from these specific cult members called the police. And they; perform torture, pepper spray crowds of people, shoot people, disarm people, harass people, use misconduct, break apart families, rape and even murder people or animals.  And, then there is the people whom are all acting within their natural right to protest the one of many occupational hazards that are leaving them in a state of duress, and they ultimately murder these people.  The people they hurt end up being only a husk of what they once were.  And, while sometimes not actually murdering these people, they spiritually deaden society and spiritually murder these people.  Look, at the kinds of violence they conduct.  Throwing a paralyzed man out of a wheel-chair because he didn't stand upon command; or ripping a child out of a desk at school, or throwing down an innocent young teenage girl and even violently attacking them or kicking them in the head, or by turning their chairs over backwards and almost breaking some little girls neck, pepper-spraying student protestors in the face with 2 Million Scoville pepper-spray, kicking a hand-cuffed woman with a round kick who's sitting patiently on the curb wondering what sort of behavior or act is going to come upon her next.  That's a REAL BIG MAN right there boy, a REAL BIG MAN!  And, you're exactly right what that is, THAT'S A FUCKING COWARD!  THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THAT IS.  A COWARD!

        And, allow me to tell you folks that this is a TAME EXAMPLE of the kinds of POLICE BRUTALITY that is happening in this country.  TRULY MILD EXAMPLES as opposed to what is really going on in this country of ours by the military or police.  And, you'll see the paper-boy bringing papers with these people on bullet-points and articles about the police, as if that's the kind of PEOPLE we need to be modeling for our storm troopers to become.  So, who is the paper-pusher in this country?  He is a complicit gang-member or occult-member.  Just like that of a gang-member in the mob, and just like the lower level gang-member selling cocaine on the corner.  It doesn't matter what your level of complicity is in the behavior of violence, you're still complicit of that act of violence and these people are destroyed at the soul level and are spiritually dead husks.  If you find a real man in that of an officer who is willing to perform such acts of violence upon a population of protestors or anything like that, you’re spiritually dead as well.  I feel sorry for the wives of police officers who are like that, where a greater percentage of these spiritually dead people perform the same abuse at home as they do out in the real world dealing with the innocent protestor or the young man in search of truth.   

       People would make the claim that I'm dehumanizing people, or that I'm going too far into detail on some of the most depressing stuff, and it's wrong.  I'm not trying to dehumanize anyone, I'm just simply trying to explain to people how dehumanizing or spiritually destroyed a person can become.  And, do you want to know why?  It's because not all of them are going to be able to be reached with mere words.  In true human nature, natural words won't reach some people because they are so spiritually dead on a soul level that they’ll never see what society is truly upset about these days.  Even though we may not be able to reach all, our job is to reach at least one person in hopes that we can turn some of this around.  By turning this around, more people will be prosperous and be given that chance to truly live without being violated by the legal system. 

       In order to begin turning this around, we must step up our game to reach more people who use words, reason and morality in this country to avoid living a destroyed life where they are unable to recall their dreams.  Their dreams are being destroyed on a soul level because they must focus on the things that are taking place in society just so they can survive and live as humans should.  All humans should have the ability to live as free, independent thinkers and workers, and create their own version of true living as if we were as free as some believe. But, we're not!  Challenge me on this one all you want; but, when the justice system is corrupting the lives of one person and their dreams, it corrupts the whole reality that we are living in whether or not we know it.  Most people have allowed themselves to become that spiritually deadened husk; blinded by the media’s stories leading to people becoming spiritually deadened and just excepting the fact that they won’t get to live out their natural life - with natural rights as human beings.  These members of society are simply dedicated and complicit with evil, regardless weather or not a person understands that they are performing the evil similar to how a cult operates.  Cults prey on people who can be easily manipulated and don't understand the kinds of evil that they are partaking in.  They are instinctively willing to accept the money to continually  perform the evil duties because they find value somehow in being truly deceitful ass-holes.  Being complicit makes it easier for them to identify completely with the cult and they rationalize their concerns by telling themselves that they're already in this far – so why not go all the way in.  

       This is why people are thankful when coming out of their initiations into occultism, and why people like myself speak out about this kind of occultism.  I speak out because I feel as though we are all affected and the duress that it leaves in our lives is beginning to become irreversible.  You may get the misconception that it’s all reversible; I not only want to reverse it, but – I want to assert myself as a power to be reckoned with.  These people, HAVE ALREADY began their work to destroy me on a soul level; making sure to deaden my natural human spirit and natural born abilities.  I simply just feel like many other like-minded individuals feel; that I want my damn life back! They started their criminal operation to continuously destroy me on a soul level by getting me into trouble to where I personally feel as though it is irreversible, in hopes that they can get me to act in a manner to destroy myself - which is what they want.  

       The destruction takes place on your personal life, but affects everything from your finances and to family. And, let me tell people first hand that it all works.  IT ALL WORKS, because people struggle to fight through these feelings of government coercion and failed.  Failed by succeeding in their attempts of suicide because of the coercive behaviors against them while they were searching for the truth.   I'm just here to trying to help people understand what we're up against spiritually, and how spiritually deadened some people are.   It's going to take monumental efforts to try to mentally and spiritually reform these people.  That's what the great work is.

        I'm not saying this to make people depressed about it.  But we have to understand what the task at hand is in order to change it.  And, this Duress is the condition that we are up against in todays’ society, and most people are unaware of it, because they feel as though it doesn't affect them, or that they’d rather want nothing to do with this kind of work, because even though some of them know that this is what we're up against, they don't want to get involved for fear of retaliation coming from their own corrupt governmental system.  But we have to know it definitively, honestly, and accurately or we're not going to get this job done.  

       In order to understand what the modernized “House Slaves” are we're going to have to open up ourselves to what the modern slaves of the civil war era tragically were; as violent, immoral and completely wrong in how the practice of slavery was being performed in this country.  You have to understand there were people taken from their native lands and because they were given a little more privilege than other slaves, they would whip, beat and keep the other slaves in order, who were often tribal members and parts of their own families who tried to keep them in line.  They would do this all to keep the other slaves in line to only keep up with their masters demands, who were non-compliant with the slave owners demands.  They were willing to do these things to their own people and families for a little bit of extra food or a warmer blanket. Or instead of sleeping out in the elements in a crop field, they were able to sleep in the dog house in the crop field instead.   This is the kind of stuff that happened literally.  

       So, you'll see some of them with guns, holding guns while the others are in chains.  I mean, this is a special kind of psychopathic, and this is a special kind of immoral human being, while instead of doing something to try to end the human condition of slavery, they took up their masters’ ways of slavery throughout the world instead and this has become the modernized police force of today.  This is what the police do, and this is what they operate under, with the color of law, and this is what the police are working on, and that's to keep the slaves in line, while also being just slaves in their own right, only slave masters as we would call them.  This is also what these military members are, and that’s all over this country and every other country in the world.  It's not just happening here in America, this is the kind of duress that people are under in every other country as well.  That's what the cult of ultimate evil actual is, and it's keeping humanity in a perpetual state of duress.  They are slaves themselves, conducting slavery upon other slaves and they don't even want to be free.  There is a special place in hell for the house slave, and I truly believe that.  I don't even care if you believe in hell or not – there is a special place of torment locked in a state of mind for people who perform jobs like that.   

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