Merry Band of Travelers Episode 2

This week was an interesting week in Wagonsfgord. All of us are still working to try and impress the nobles so side quests it is! Maren has a hookup in the Thieves Guild so she managed to get a line on two warring gangs, the Three Coins gang and the Whirling Dragons gang. The Whirling Dragons are new to town and as it turns out the Three Coins are actually unofficially part of one of the noble families, so guess who we helped out?! That's right, the Three Coins. Word on the street was the Dragons had a shipment of something coming into town that the Coins wanted destroyed, enter the heroes!

The target was a wagon with three large crates on it. No one knew exactly what was the wagon or in the crates but at this time that didn't matter for us as long as we could help a noble! We staged in an alleyway outside of a Dragons warehouse. It was early morning, or late night still, depending on how you looked at it before we could hear the wagon rolling our way. Tina and Paren were hiding rooftop since they are ranged. Garek, Fitz, Riggs and Maren were all street level lurking right around the corners. All was quiet and we were on edge once it rolled into sight. Three humans riders and three crates, that's all.

Tina was the first to move, whap!....her arrow lodged right in the gut of the wagon driver. Garek was next. Garek critically failed though and just managed to scare the horses that were pulling the wagon. That's where the trouble starts. Since the horses were startled they flipped the wagon going around the corner......the crates hit the ground and smash open. Three trolls stand up, groggily, and let out some very angry growls. The fight was on. Fitz just went in for the kill with his monk abilities, did some bludgeoning damage with his quarterstaff and then using flurry of blows landed multiple attacks. Maren used her sword and managed to sever the head of one of the trolls. Riggs delayed his turn for some reason I cannot imagine. Paren was the only smart one out of the group and managed to do some real damage using Melf's Acid Arrow.

Second round went much better, lol. Tina managed to set some of her arrows on fire which was an immense help in taking down three trolls! We did manage to finish this encounter on top...somehow. Maren was actually unconscious for most of it. After that first hit she had where she decapitated the troll, she took one hell of a hit from the troll behind it and it knocked her unconscious.

After the encounter it was getting too late to see what happened (one of our members works overnights and had to get going to make it to work on time). Stay tuned next week to see what happened after we barely managed to take out the trolls!

P.S. I apologize if this seems jumpy, writing is not my strong suit but I would love to get better at it and I think this platform will help me in that journey! If there is any tips, tricks or constructive criticisms please let me know! Thanks and I hope you enjoyed this!

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