Mixer Arrives for Dlive, 100% with Dtube Payouts ! Dlive jams on the way.

in #dtubedaily7 years ago (edited)


Dtube unlocked another door for my music. I purchased a new mixer with my SBD payout so I can dip my toes into Dlive.

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Dtube allows me to branch out deeper into the blockchain with my new Yamaha mixer. This new mixer will allow me to start exploring the Dlive platform. I've already dive deep into Dtube and Dsounds, it's time to try Dlive. i want Dtube, Dsound and Dlive to be my main Steem platforms.

Dlive will give me extra momentum on the blockchain, allowing me to give back even more than I can right now. I posted a video yesterday stating I'll be upvoting all comments left on my content and Dlive will only increase the rewards I can give.

I'll be using all my Steem Power to upvote content I enjoy or comments left on my video.


Dtube and fellow Steemians have made this all possible, changing my life in just 3 months. I want to give high quality, exclusive content to all 3 platforms.

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I'll be evolving my back room into a full live stage experience over the next few months. Adding lights , projectors and other aspects of live performance to bring a full fledged audio and video experience to my channel. Expect to see huge evolution in my channel over the next few months. This is only the start of something huge.


I need to thank ANYONE who has supported my work in the past, present or future. It means the world to my content.

Till next time, stay creative

  • Todd


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▶️ DTube



OBS seems to be what folks are using Todd. I'm excited by the platform too and watched an excellent stream last night hosted by @yidneth. Her boyfriend @hedac takes care of the technical side of things so I'm going to hit him up and ask for some tips. They were using DLiveLabs, which adds a layer on top of the video stream showing upvotes and conversation. Let's figure this thing out together!

Hiya' all 👋!!! I have had my Steemit account sitting in limbo waiting for me to activate it. My original plans to move to this platform were to get away from what I saw coming down the pipes at YouTube censorship back when Heros program was about to launch, plus the interaction/tight community of Steemit users and it being tied to Dtube. I was waiting for Live Streaming and it is here.
I am fluent in OBS Studio as a live or recorded video to live tool. Along with enough post production experience to get things done.
I believe that Dtube live uses another service to provide statistics like upvotes and other information from comments/posts, same as twitch or YT, and what I breifly read about needing to enable access to OBS to link to the Steemit block chain, like Oath, by going through another web service provider dedicated to this.

This all seems straightforward enough...and I am about to dig into the details and get setup for myself and to work with others wishing to live stream on Dtube live or just Upload to Dtube or multiple platforms at the same time (which should be no different with Dtube live <-> OBS Studio.)

I'm not on the musical side of things. More long format talk, interviews, round table discussions,help vis & causes personal to me. But I am open to anythin. Broadcasting is Broadcasting ;)
I have a Behringer fx1622 USB Mixer and will be upgraded in 14 Hours from now from 25mbs DS😝L to 100+ mbs download/ 100+ mbs upload on Fiber. That is clocked from my neighbor, as Fiber just became available a week ago. Anyone who streams live to mutiple platforms knows that 100+mbs upload speed, pending processing power, is nice! I am also adding NDI OBS Studio to pull 3 PCs resources together.

If I can help, please let me know!

I am a big Twit poster (I need a character limit structure, as you can probably see 🙃)
but just like Facebook, if Twitter keeps Censoring, I am gone. Just like I left Facebook.

This is my first message here and I haven't setup anything about myself, yet. But I am sooo looking forward to being an active participant/community member on Steemit, Dtube and Dtube live!

With only the best thoughts and hopes for all of you to succeed, however you may see that happening or maybe in a way that you don't yet see...

Your friend,

Danny ~db 👍😉

Welcome Danny! Sounds like you’ll be right at home here. You certainly know your way around live streaming from the sounds of things! I’ve got a lot of figuring out to do but I’m looking forward to getting into it for my music. Looking forward to getting to know!

Saw this today , thank you !

Good luck mate. I play guitar if you want samples :)

That would be cool, maybe send me some random stuff sometime and see what happens =)

@toddjsmith I am just getting ready to explore Dtube and DLive. Joined steemit two months ago.

Bro i really love your sense of appreciation. It caught me even more than the posts itself.

Great to see someone here realize that upvotes are people and without them we cannot succeed on this platform

Hey I just launched a new indie artist discord server the other day of you are interested in Joining!

Looking forward to your Dlive set! I hope to be doing the same type of thing in the near future!

Good luck with it sir! Watching you rise up

Thank you very much my friend.

wicked video man, looking forward to what you've got planned!

Glad you enjoy the idea, glad to bring exclusive content to the blockchain

It is great that DTube is able to help creators in such a way. I recommend you OBS Studio. I use it for recording and streaming. I guess the majority is using OBS Studio. There is also XSplit but you have to buy a license there.

Awesome ! Figured OBS would be the go to software.

giving and receiving! the beautiful song of Life!

That's what Steemit is all about !

I am not sure but OBS may be the only one DLIVE is working with right now. RESPECT

Hell yea ! Figured that's might be the " go to "

you will need more input channels very soon :)

ah then it's gonna be cool for some time :)
i have a similar yamaha, but with 8 inputs, and i am already using a sub-mixer with 4 more mono inputs, and i maaaaaaybe will need another one soon

but that doesn't help me to record my gear directly into the computer though, i have only 2i2, so no multitrack recording for me ... yet

This is expanding those inputs

Congrats for your new Yamaha mixer. Hope this mixer be lucky for you and you will rock on this platform.

Yea buddy !! Thank you for all the support.

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