Powering Down all my Steem Power.
I need to know what You guys think?
I am so lost and confused I really need You opinion when it comes to this.
It is Powering down the most stupid and ridiculous idea ever or should I do it?
Watch the whole video to understand.
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Can you imagine if Steem went to $1000 and you powered down just to buy a ticket and accommodation? That would be a very expensive life lesson! A VERY BIG NO FROM ME. There will be many more Fests to attend in the future, better ones even,I would advise to start saving up for SF4 instead of powering down now, an year is enough to be more properly prepared :)
Yeah i know right. This is the good and bad of working with the crypto markets... hum but i get what you mean perfectly. I might need to convince myself i really cant attend this year :(
Do not power down. Do not go to Steemfest (there will be more). I highly suggest Discord networking. Not worth powering down for a weekend. Sometimes we have to just suck it up and be responsible and make tough decisions. Save now and when the markets turn around next year, it wont hit to your SP so hard.
Yeah.. i have been reading your guys opinion and in general it is the same. And i totally get it. I think i am the same opinion as you all. But it is such a good opportunity to meet so many of the people that i follow here that is getting me so stressed and upset that i wont be able to make it. :( grrrrr. But i guess you are super right. I just need to buy a bottle (or five) of wine get in a bath and cry until i have got it all out lololol
I find you still have STEEM POWER as you power down. Meaning your upvote value doesn't change in consideration to your STEEM Power value aside from percentage available when voting. I have elected to do it in order to access the STEEM for upvoters. You can also stop your power down at any time during the process to my knowledge. The value of your upvote is what changes when you power down. Powering down is optional. I don't see Powering down as a bad thing at all.
True but the thing is that affect the influence you have on the community and also affect the value on the market because if everyone "cash out" steem and sbd goes way lower. I will make a decision in this next couple of days and will let everyone know :)
This is a tough one, because part of me thinks yes, and part of me thinks no. In theory, if you attend Steemfest, you might get a ton of upvotes if you post about it and you can get Steem/SBD back that way, but the markets may be even worse by then and you may get smaller upvotes because there will be more users by then. So this is a tough decision, really :S
Yeah right. I am not even thinking that going it is an opportunity to bank really good time. What is upsetting me more is that i wont get to meet so many of you :( ehehehe (thats why i am such a bad business person... only thinking about the pwrsonal side lol)
I mean it's true that it is upsetting, but who knows, maybe next year Steemfest is in England and then it will be even easier for you to go :P
i say dont do it.. one mans opinion
Hummm. I guess that will be my final decision. Grrrrr the struggle
Why power down
Watch the video and you will understand
Great man I got it I need power thanks
Oh no, dear! It will not pay off! Krakow in November! This is madness! 😍😗😙😚🤗🤗
Hummm i guess the majority of the people is on this boat with you. And i think i was there as well... but just need you guys to confirm me that was a crazy idea lolol
I think you are fundamentally wrong in your estimations.
A return flight to krakow from london is around £40
you only need 150 more steem to purchase your steemfest ticket
accomdation is dirst cheap
with the time from now until November you would easily make the amount it will cost you in steem.
I wouldnt advice a big powerdown but I do think you have GROSSLY miss judged how much it will cost you buddy
:) rethink the cost my man and you'll realise you may need one weeks powerdown to get the steemfest ticket then the rest travel/accomodation youll earn way more than needed before novemeber :)
I see where you come from. But also around that time i need to travel to Portugal to see my family and thats why even if it is not a lot adding all together it is really risky. :(
But i totally know that it is not an expensive trip. It is just all the other factors around and happening at the same time :( but yeah now thay so many of you told how crazy it would be to power down i really know i cant use that as a solution lolol
Have Any Tips For Me As A Newbee
Just post about something you love. Keep creating and meet other people in here. Just have fun. :)