DTube News - Mount Merapi Indonesia releases more hot clouds, recording on May 11, 2018. From one of the climbers
Hello Dtubers,
Mount Merapi Indonesia releases more hot clouds, recording on May 11, 2018. From one of the climbers, Praise thuna, all the climbers survived the eruption of Mount Merapi that occurred last Friday
Here I add a youtube link from my channel. Khusu for those of you who can not see it from my DTube channel.
OMG first time seeing such a big cloud which seems hot too, but as view its unique from Indonesia
it really really scared my friend, praise the Lord all survived from the wrath of the eruption of the mountain
Damn! This is soo scary. I would sh*t my pants if I were there
Yes... This is very scary bro
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Thanks for your attention my friend
gak ada korban kan bro?, semoga semua warga tidak kenapa2
Sampai td siang blm ada info korban dari BPBD daerah bro. Semoga tidak ada berita buruk
amiin,,, ni malah ada berita teroris hmmm,,, kok tega2nya, meskipun beda agama, gak seharusnya kayak gitu juga
Halah abaikan aja bro... Yg jelas islam tdk pernah mengajarkan demikian. Itu adalah oknum yg ingin memecah belah bangsa ini
That's terrifying
praise the Lord all survived from the wrath of the eruption of the mountain
Really appreciate your work.
Thank you my friend