Friend or Foe? Panel Discusses Possible Motive Behind Releasing Assange Prison Video Now | #FreeAssange

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)


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Joe Lauria has won two journalism awards and taught journalism at two U.S. universities. He has lectured on three continents and has appeared numerous times on radio and television. Joe has interviewed numerous presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers, and ambassadors and many other leaders, including Yassir Arafat, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Robert Mugabe, Jacques Chirac, Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Joe Lauria has been an investigative reporter for The Sunday Times of London and taken part in investigations that led to the suspension of a British member of parliament for corruption and the unmasking of an FBI/MI5 double agent. At Bloomberg News he led an investigation that brought about the resignation of an Argentine provincial governor after he issued a counterfeit government bond. Mr. Lauria's work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, New York Magazine, and many other publications.


Elizabeth Lea Vos, Journalist / writer for Consortium News. Co-founder of #Unity4J and Disobedient Media

Margaret Kimberley, Editor and senior columnist at Black Agenda Report

George Szamuely is an author, columnist and academic and a senior research fellow at the Global Policy Institute. He has written for, Counterpunch, Commentary, The Observer and the Centre for Research on Globalization. George worked for some years as an editor at the Times Literary Supplement and at The National Law Journal and was also a weekly columnist at the New York Press. George is the author of the book 'Bombs for Peace: NATO's Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia' wherein he writes about the history of NATO's intervention in the Balkans.

Interesting articles:

The psychology of getting Julian Assange: Part 1 of 6

Action information:

Source videos:

Unity4J Online Vigil 33.0 in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

With Thanks to Eschatus for the intro and outro music and video contribution:

Source video - #ProtectJulian

#Unity4J online Pinterest library (3,000+ entries so far): speeches, articles, videos, quotes and more

Pinterest library:

Pinterest guide (PDF):

Pinterest video:


A few points. It's a breach of facility security for cellphones to be used by inmates. In the state where I reside, it's a felony to have a cell phone, as well as to aid and abet such a security breach. News outlets that retweet posts from inmates with illegal cell phones are liable to criminal charges of aiding and abetting, or similar charges. IANAL, but this is my (sketchy) understanding of the circumstances regarding communications undertaken illegally from within a prison. I have no idea of UK law, but do not doubt similar laws apply in Belmarsh.

Canteen is a privilege, and not considered a necessary means of sustenance. Any charge that prison food is not completely safe and nominal for sustenance is going to be met with every scrap of legal power Belmarsh, and the UK, can muster. The fact is that prison food is not safe, it's often procured via criminal corruption, and I have personally witnessed prison administrators stealing good food from inmates, and food (particularly meat) marked 'Not for Human Consumption' served to captives. It is impossible to overestimate the degree and depth of corruption in prisons. The food is not safe.

It is also very likely that JA is being medically tortured. Medical staff normally torture inmates, withholding necessary medications sometimes until surgical intervention is necessary to save their lives, if not all their parts. I have seen it. JA is a high value detainee in the eyes of the CIA, and they commonly resort to torture. It is their joie de vivre. They live for it. I have no doubt JA is being fed horrible psychoactive chemicals that are deranging him.

He is not safe, and 4 months is forever. Prison is a place where the minutes drag on forever, and the years disappear. The corrupt criminals that run such places could kill him tomorrow, or the day after, with zero consequences. They believe they are completely immune from legal sanction, and they're mostly right.


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