The Current Awareness For Steem Is Dog Shit

in #dtube6 years ago

I wanted to touch base on the current awareness for Steem. We all know SMTs are coming and Steem Engine is already here and expanding rapidly. But this information isn't well known, and people continue to underestimate and disrespect Steem out of sheer ignorance.
Highlighted is an interview from yesterday with the co-founder of Everipedia saying Steem can't scale because it doesn't have a platform & since Dan Larimer left the project isn't going anywhere.

▶️ DTube

Woops, voted through, was surprised no slider appeared.

Thanks bro, it’s ok, you can leave it as 100% 😜🤣

Posted using Partiko iOS


Haha! I never knew the other dan, but I have something called bitshares now that he made I guess. I do not really know what is is, but I have money in it and all because of steem!

They made such a big deal about passwords on opendex - Don't lose it! they said.

Well I erased my brainkey and now my password is worthless. No one ever said anything about a brain key! Goodbye money!

  • opendex
  • brainkey

I have never heard these words before! Do they relate to bitshares? I won bitshares in a steem contest and this is why I have the account.

Well, I was similar. I had bought some bts on poloniex first, but that was where they lay.

Then I got some whalestake or some coin on bts, from a contest, I had to open up a 'bts account'. This was on opendex. Then I could trade those coins for steem upvotes from fuzzysomebody.

I thought it was fine, so I moved my bts to that wallet as well. Later, I formatted my computer. That was when I realized, there was more to it than 'don't lose your password'.

Let me ask this - where are your bts? Where do you go to 'see them'?

I have an icon in my start menu - I click that and the site shows up. I do not know where it "really" is.

I have an account name and a login number saved elsewhere. I had to login again one day when my computer crashed and it went fine. Normally, I am already logged in.

Did you get set up with a tutorial? Send me a link because it sounds like I need to learn!

I do not remember how it did it! I was supposed to delegate the coins or something like that to get income from them. I never got that far. @blind-spot was who helped me. Maybe he can help you :)

sounds like an upgrade to me haha - was also giggling at that during the video lol

definitely a good deal :D

So many true stories in this thread.... haha


Solid video man. Once again.

When you hear people like him, who are supposed to know things better than the average person out there, and realize how little they know about steem, and this platform and all those people behind it, real users...then yeah....there is misinformation.

It's up to each and every one of us to make this work.

I probably have what it takes to become the

Roger Ver of STEEM


Posted using Partiko iOS

You have my vote! I finally went through 'forgot my password' for twitter - I'm going to do push ups and play TrashmonGo!

Oh, god...please don’t be like Roger, with his screeching and whining and inability to name his own token something other than “Bitcoin.”

You can probably be something much better than Roger. It shouldn’t be too hard.

This might be the whole issue of steem vs steemit. I was here over a year before I finally understood they were not the same thing. Then it took another 6 months to get me onto the dapp train. Now I never post with steemit and tell redfish and minnows all day long not to.

Nothing about steemit has been impressive lately but many of the dapps are wonderful in ease of use and many of them give good upvotes when you use them.

I spent some time looking at my twitter analytics today and all of my top tweets are dapps related. Tweeting about steem is great, but the dapps are the impressive feature I think we should be pushing.

  • Work out? Post with actifit and get paid
  • Restaurant reviews? Post with tasteem and get paid
  • Play games? Play with steemmonsters and get paid

etc etc

The steem blockchain is underutilized and has great speed and reliability. Dapp developers are showing excellent creativity and execution.

Unfortunately we have a branding problem and many people think that steem is steemit. This is what needs to change.

Unfortunately we have a branding problem and many people think that steem is steemit. This is what needs to change.

I think it will eventually happen slowly through word of mouth and with the growing presence of Dapps. At this point most of the users won't even know about Steemit. That's kind of the end-game though, and maybe more could be done than only spreading the right information, but I wonder how do you brand something like Steem which is this ubiquitous thing, architecture that powers all these applications. Just thinking out loud, because I don't know much about branding :D

It is definitely an issue since steem is also the coin. We have massive confusion at this point and this is why I am pushing each dapp separately while also using the word steem as a tag. Branding is not my strong suit, but I know enough see the problem.

Play games? Post with tasteem and get paid :D Hahah I guess this one's not right or? :D

Haha! Thank you! I was trying to make my formats the same and oops! Fixed it. Of course you need to play steemmonsters!

haha all clear :D you'd be stupid if you would write it 3times over and over again :) true true...already played tday :) but missed a tourney I signed up for :/

I personally think we need to step away from the “do this and get paid” aspect, as it sets unrealistic expectations. Not everyone can come here and make money, and while that is an amazing benefit, it’s not all we have to offer.

I actually hope any new marketing takes the monetary aspects out of the equation and instead sells Steem on what it has to offer, rather than just earning money.

People play games, share on social media and talk about their favorite restaurants everyday without a promise of making money.

I think there is a huge opportunity for businesses to come here, invest and pay individuals to do tasks etc.. but “come here and make money” is selling Steem short in my opinion.

I do very much agree we have a branding problem, and I really think it is holding us back more than anyone wants to admit. Hopefully we can make some big changes 🙂 as I think we all know what a special thing we have here, we just have to get our shit together.

The connections I have on social media don't post where they do not make money. For the most part, they are content creators and use the online world to make their living. I don't have "friends", in the sense some people do on social media. I never used it before I started working with it and I am not alone.

If you are going for the random fb users instead of content creators, that is a whole different demographic. One of my friends who makes his living on ebay tried and quit steem, and told me, "None of my idiot friends would ever be able to figure out how to post here. They may be idiots, but they are my idiots." Those are the people who buy from him. You have to be very committed to this place to stay here long for pennies. And then learning curve is huge even with the dapps.

And then there are investors. I know some people trying to get small businesses here with the idea that they can pay to upvote their content to where it will rank on google. This makes sense to me as a use of this place.

If you are not making money here, the community aspect might be a draw. Where you think the money aspect is overdone, I feel the same way about the community idea. I think it is over-rated compared to what really happens here. I love the friends I have made here and some I knew from before steem, but that's not the reason I am here. The fact that we still meet in fb and discord shows the we have weakness in the interaction here.

While I understand that some individuals are here to only make money, my comment was stating marketing it this way just sometimes isn’t beneficial.

Who will read the blogs of these content creators? And where does the money come from to pay them? We need more than just content creators who come here to get paid, that’s all I was saying.

Well, I have never understood where the money comes from and I am always grateful the lights did not go out while I was sleeping. I've had about 5 places I posted to go under, and I hope this will not be one of them.

I understand that. The author rewards come from a pool that is mostly from inflation (from those holding stake in STEEM), my point was just that it’s not sustainable in my opinion so we need to attract all sorts of individuals. Not everyone will be able to come here and make a living from posting, but it’s a pretty amazing thing that many can. I just meant to continue to be able to do that, we have to become sustainable. Which means marketing ourselves in such a way. They get paid to blog aspect is great, but it’s not realistic for long term on a wide scale basis. Not saying it’s not a part of the Steem platform though, just that we have more going on then just that etc.

I love your passion and most of us here feel the same way you do. I think they are scared of Steem and see it as a massive threat to what they want and maybe this is just jealousy coming forward now. I don't think he is dumb and is trying to hoodwink his followers, but this is not the way to go. Steem has so much going for it these day sand can see it surpassing many other projects out there really soon. Any news is good news as it highlights this place. Keep up the good work and the cream always rises to the top. We are sitting with the cream and I can't get that 300 000 user figure out of my head lol.

@theycallmedan, Your expression is true brother. For a moment let's keep Steem Subject aside and we have to understand base and fundamentals of existence means, For Example, I have Honor 9I mobile device but I've not created it, but now I've bought it and I've created different use cases for myself and through my mobile device i am working, earning, learning and communicating. So, through this example i want to say that who created what is not matter, most importantly if the creation is existing and having an use or not. Without any doubt Steem have it's own dynamics and people will hold doubts and perceptions which can be negative, but Steem is moving ahead and diversified people and communities touching different aspects to bring value and just not monetary value but most importantly Humanitarian Values too. I am Full Time Steemian and I've saw use cases on Steem Blockchain for myself and i am putting my time, effort and work here and i am happy with my progress (always it's not about monetary). Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not particularly technically minded @theycallmedan but even I know more than some really seasoned individuals which is a little disturbing to say the least. So, I do have to agree with with you in that the enormous lack of ANY kind of knowledge #steem / #steemit is nothing short of astounding... and interestingly enough - I have personally encountered some seriously WELL-WEATHERED crypto individuals who have been coming to me saying things like "oooh Steem is going down you need to get out" or "I hear Steemit is in trouble, you need to get your money out" so on and so forth.. they don't even understand the difference between #steem and #steemit. So for me, as someone who knows LITTLE about the grand scheme of things this is shocking!!!!

Even this little venture that I have taken on with recruiting FB bloggers that I am connected with to get onto #steem, I am re-discovering just how %$#@#$ clueless everyone is!!! And yes, also the bad talk is huge!!! Out of every 10 people I have approached so far on my FB group, I am met with at least 6 nay sayers! It is not an easy task and there is nowhere NEAR enough positive exposure!!!!!!

This is also one of the primary reasons why I jumped on board the @share2steem team the second I caught wind of that initiative!!! I got so much negative feedback from a LOT of people for doing that because its not actively supporting dapps - but what people are failing to see is the connection it creates! People who are clueless about any of "this" are skeptical by nature... some so much so, that they would be likely to never get involved... until there was that connecting bridge - where they can continue to expand their commercial social media platforms whilst exploring something new simultaneously.

It is not going to be an overnight process, but I do feel as though some of the best voices are starting to be heard... so long may it last!

Even this little venture that I have taken on with recruiting FB bloggers

Do people actually blog on Facebook? Sounds like a waste of time when you could do the same on Steem and get something for it. But like it has become evident, most people just are unwilling to even experiment with what's this all about. Cudos for trying though.

Well no, they don't blog on fb. It is a group of collective bloggers from a multitude of platforms from all over the world. I created the group some years back as a place for them to share their blog links.

The group now has 25k members and I am making it my mission to get as many of them as I can over to #steem.

Well no, they don't blog on fb. It is a group of collective bloggers from a multitude of platforms from all over the world. I created the group some years back as a place for them to share their blog links.

Ok, that's what I thought.

The group now has 25k members and I am making it my mission to get as many of them as I can over to #steem.

Wow, 25k is a lot. Go get 'em! (at least few) :D

You can also tell about the Steempress plugin for any Wordpress users.

Anyone that's talking bad about steem really doesn't understand the platform. Some people think they are so smart and really don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'll start by saying I'm not a technical person so forgive my mistakes, you know this is one of the biggest things affecting steem, we have programers, developers dev guys, YouTube gurus who are obviously here on steem but you find out that these people hardly take time to give out real technical explanations to what steem really is, that's why I begin to think sometimes that having centralised figures for this sole purpose isn't really a bad idea.
Truth is I'd wanna give this guy a benefit of a doubt, because him saying steem won't work out because Dan Larimer left is a total proof of how ignorant he is of how the steem system works in general and this can all boil down on the fact that these people don't have facts on steem, so they rather play sentimentality in order to boost the perfectness of their own platform, it's really terrible, this guys's speech is a call to action

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