Adapt Today for HF21 ‘Gentrification’ with TASK, HUNT and DTC! :) — find your tribes!
I believe that we are about to maybe hit a bit of a steam blockchain clusterfuck (at least to start with) — I think we might either kill it dead within a week, have terminator style downvote wars and everything in between, it’s gonna be a 300 style ‘hold the front’ type of approach from those with lots of steem power as they take on even more steem power ;) (let’s hope they invest some in good steem blockchain projects eh?)
Anyway, I just wanted to give you the headsup for other places I think you should be spending your time and hard earned fiat money in the meantime — that’s not to say don’t buy STEEM because it’s an absolutely steal at the moment (I remember buying at like $0.08 and $0.15 way way back) and even thou it might go lower I think if you are staying around it’s good to build up a chunk if you want to transact and be part of communities on here, I still have lots of faith in steem to pull through! :)
All that said, I’ve got THREE tokens you gotta put your eyes on! :)
As you may know I’m a really big advocate of the hunt token because I’ve been a mod for the last year or more with steemhunt, we just launched reviewhunt and my focus is now about building company relationships with products that I love that I think should be on there — I’ll get a referral bonus for doing that and inviting youtube makers that I think should use it, I’ll be making a video about that for youtube and getting in touch with some big youtubers in the process, they need to be on this! :)
The HUNT token is incredibly cheap buy right now over on daybit go and grab a bunch, sit on it until the end of the year when IDEAHUNT drops, then all your dreams will be opened up in 2020! :) (just a hunch, not financial advice!)
This is a new service that I’ve just seen by @heimindanger and while I’ve been in JAIL more than had tasks to do (lol) it’s really showing to me the basics of a micro task service, think mechanical turk but steem powered, tradable as a token on the website, super cool — buy tasks and get people to step through and do the variety of tasks you need them to do, the price of tasks is pretty high up at the moment too.
I can definitely see a whole work force system build out from this — @steemtaskr does this too but that’s not got the same kind of traction yet, some of the cool features would translate to that.
Don’t sleep on the big dog! Literally LUKE OUR ONLY VIDEO HOPE! Well not quite, we have lots of services we can use for video hosting around the web that’s decentralised, lbry, sia, all sorts but has a great video community from the steem blockchain on there as well — it’s kinda got a head start in that regard over other decentralised video platforms, it’s not just content creators putting up ‘stuff’ it’s people that you know who are regulars there, it feels small and tight and familiar right now.
Now that dtube has it’s own blockchain, Avalon, it can do some things that it was not possible to do with the steem integration — that’s not to say that they have gone and left steem behind because you can still cross post there and go through the usual voting hell on that! :)
Nah, I think we have a sleeping giant here and the token is the DTC token, when that goes to IEO I think we are going to see a bunch of people invest into this coin because it’s really going to help their status on the platform and they are buying into the ecosystem — to keep the servers up, keep developing of new features, the whole nine yards — that super speedy fresh blockchain looks powerful enough too to do exactly what a video blockchain needs!

▶️ DTube
yes, yes and yes again to all three of those! I'm super excited for the official launch of the DTC soon ((:
▶️ DTube
I really enjoyed the video, i am going to have to check out this Task idea your were talking about, it seems rather interesting.
You seem like a guy with a lot of answers so I got some questions for you quick if you dont mind ;)
-When is the Dtube IEO suppose to start?
-Do you know what the price per token is going to be?
-Is it true that the DTC we are earning right now for posts wont carry over when 1.0 mainnet launches?
Thanks in advance friend :0)
you are mistake about being the guy with lots of answers. sorry! :) i tend to post when things flow rather than be google or altavista for the steem answers! :)
all good things will come to those that wait! :) (just clocking off after a long day!)