reignite your thoughts: I’m late to the day today, feel like pushing through now.

Don’t know about you but this monday did not go as planned so I retreated back into my ‘daily stoic’ for a bit of knowledge and mental hacking. The keywords today are ‘reignite’ and ‘restart’ which I think are perfect timing for me today as this month is all about clarity anyway.
I guess that’s why today was just a variety of everything, I need to look at all of it from different perspectives. I’ve started to do that my apps usage, my mobile devices, my connectivity, my food — everything is getting a makeover in a little way here and there.
Today I fucked up my hummus by totally forgetting to cook the soaked over night contents. Lol, that pissed me off for a moment when I was tasting what should have been also creamy hummus, it hit me straight away actually! Oh well, no worries — I quickly swapped energies and made gram flour pancakes with some baking powder, they worked great! A new fave!
Also on the switching up roster I’ve signed up to the boy with their 16gb ($3) a month package which I think is really great value actually — I’m sure I’ll need to upgrade that thou if I’m posting everyday and I certainly want to start building a pipeline for faster/smaller videos at all sizes that are supported.

I’ve switched around the way I have protein drink as the final meal at 4pm each day instead of having that for breakfast but I’m just enjoying the taste of the coconut protein situation — maybe once I get some yogurt or something in there things will be happy days.
Courses stuff seems to be going well on both platforms and I want to extend that this year to another platform that I own and take payments in crypto and build that out better for onboarding people to steem and ost applications — again, all a balancing act!
I set my alarm for early starts again this morning but it seemed I was not ready for that, I did manage to crank out a little gif job that I had from a fellow steemian relatively early but I really want to get started on my writing early in the morning after meditation.
Ready to restart, following through with my own best intentions!
your principles can’t be extinguished unless you snuff out the thoughts that feed them, for it’s continually in your power to reignite new ones… it’s possible to start living again! See things anew as you once did — that is how to restart life! — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 7:2
Kinda needed that, monday was not going the way I had planned and in the end I managed to push through and re-arrange my thoughts for the better.
Tomorrow is a different day, better structure, gotta get my meal prep situation locked down for the rest of the week ahead, if you had a bit of a shitty day, unclear, fragmented and are frustrated with the way your monday went after you had it all planned out remember you can reset and reignite at any point you need too.
Even this post is past tense, past the tense moment, back to recording, get to play with the new uploader and see how that goes! I’m going to have a lot more of clarity to share with you this month, trust me on that, all these new foods and routines is most certainly having an effect on me!
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