New DTube Features could be the END OF YOUTUBE 😱

If you thought DTube is awesome already, wait until you hear about these new features!
Hi, my name is Tanbay and this is TanbayTV Episode 4 (only on DTube!), if you're new to my channel watch my introduction video with 24 interesting facts about me here:
Todays video is about excited upcoming features that will hopefully come to all us very soon! I watched an amazing interview of @dtube creator @heimindanger by @pressfortruth and you need to watch this interview and make sure to watch it all:
I am especially excited about a certain new feature that might be available soon and if you want to know what that is watch the video! This one feature in particular could make DTube an even more serious competitor for Youtube and I can't wait for it to happen :)
Don't forget to subscribe to my @dTube channel:
----Below is the same text for the German-speaking Steemit community----
Falls ihr dachtet, dass DTube schon so geil genug ist, dann werden euch die neuen Features umhauen!
Hi ich bin Tanbay und dass ist TanbayTV Episode 4. Falls ihr hier neu seid guckt euch bitte auch mein Intro Video mit 24 Fakten über mich an:
Das heutige Video dreht sich um ein Interview, dass ich hier auf Steemit bzw. DTube gesehen habe mit Heimindanger, der das Genie hinter DTube ist. Das Interview ist echt super informativ und ich kann es euch nur empfehlen es euch anzuschauen:
Ein ganz besonderes neues Feature überrascht mich echt sehr (im positiven Sinne) und falls ihr wissen wollte was das ist dann schaut euch das Video an. Bitte abonniere zu meinem DTube Kanal hier wenn dir das Video gefallen hat:
Bin gespannt was da passiert
ich auch :D
It's an exciting time to be a part of DTube. :-) Looking forward to the improvements.
Same here!
"The ad revenue is really not great" LOLOLOL Loved that. I am so glad You are enjoying the community in here! Bring them on :P
haha it really isn't lol thanks for watching!
I totally believe You. Don't worry ehehehh You are welcome.
It will be interesting because the ads and their companies influence the revenue for youtube which in turn affected how Youtube operated and posted videos. So challenging that based on anecdotal case study will be interesting.
I totally agree! I would love to see DTube challenge YT :P
I agree with you, maybe in my future posting will upload video on DTube tengtang game . :D
Whats tengtang?
sorry wrong wrote, I mean about the game. : D
ok :P
greetings from Aceh. Indonesia :v
I'm really excited and definitely looking forward to it! God daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!! Yeah, now you know how excited I am!! haha. I love the fact that maybe we can monetize our videos infinitely O_o Mobile app (about time!) and being indexed on google (finally!!)
Thnx for sharing this with us Tanbay! I will definitely check out @pressfortruth
Winny out...for now ;)
PS: I won't give you upvotes because I need to recharge it a bit, hope you understand mate :)
hahaha I thought you would use your new voting power up lol don't worry you can always upvote another day :D
Upvoted my friend ;) I just wanted it to refill a bit so I can give you guys more!
Winny out...for now ;)
Nice, well done Winny!
Wow if they really roll out that feature you're talking about then YouTube is in trouble!
Great stuff man! Thanks for sharing. Yeah I got fired by YouTube last night so thus my video today on what happened, lol
Damn Youtube is making more and more mistakes these days... anyways thanks for watching!
YouTube is demonetizing channels and devaluing its loyal users at a rapid rate, time to switch to DTube.
Indeed! I don't know why Youtube thinks destroying the very thing that makes it unique is a good idea, but it's really not