Holy Crap Steemit is amazing! Digital currency is amazing and i have to say it's changing my life! CHANGING MY LIFE GUYS! I try to tell people about steemit and they think im trying to sell them on something.. I'm like wtf get on here your losing time, money and friendship. C'mon if i told you " Hey there's a platform where you can make a great living, make friends and learn about crypto, you should definitely join !" and a lot of them are like "yeah whatever" ... YOUR LOSS! This is outside the box yes this is CRAZY .. But man am i thrilled to be here lemme tell you. Love my steemians ! have a great afternoon:) Dont forget to follow me:)!
▶️ DTube
Hope it continues to be a force for good in this world!
me too man me too! i believe it will.
good stuff, I believed you bro, and I'm glad I did. I also invested into lite coin, which was $56 then. :)
nice man! get going with the small coins! ripple, ada and so on. this is the best thing ever here dude
i hear you bro. its nuts, i just madea youtube video that i posted to facebook about what steemit it. its crazy how no one is interested
yeah man all we can do is spread the love and plant the seed ;)
Any special thing you're doing? tricks? mind to share?
of course brother! the best thing is to be consistent with your posting, post content that YOU enjoy, interact with the community, make friends, and most of BE YOURSELF! youll do great man just dont give up!
Thanks brother, I will definitely do that
bahaha, I would be excited too! TELL THE WORLD TO COME TO STEEMIT!
hahah im tryinggggg!!! soon young grasshopper
I wanted to say this although this is very irrelevant, you look so cute. I wish everyone around here would become more successful in life because of steemit.
Awh thankyou :))) ! So sweet of you. I’m trying to get everyone here ! I just made a new post about it and how I’m posting on other platforms to come over here ! Following you now btw :)
And following you because you are such a sweetheart. 😉
You aint kidding:) I just joined and its nice to be a member of a likeminded community.
I'm diggin' your positivism man. I feel the same way. I even wrote a wall of text about the blockchain and how it's going to change everything. Goodbye paper money... good riddance.
Dude I agree with you 1000%. This change is absolute and very very game/life changing. More people need to get involved.