RE: Never CRITICIZE Anyone ! A CRITICIZER Can't Be A Creator ! | SAYU Motivation 🔥
I sooo Glad that you liked this one :)
Yeah, exactly everyone does own a THiNG that drives them to do a specific task. But the stuff they DRiVE depend upon what their intentions are. That's what defines them.
In any kinda field we must utilize whatever we have in such a manner that would be fruitful to us as well as for others too.
I myself thought a couple of times that I should make this video or not, I wasn't much sure about it.
I did go through a lot of confusion and presented what you see upon here :)
I believe that if we pick a negative aspect in front of an audience and in a way which could become a lesson to learn from it, is somewhat fruitful :)
I too salute your way of conduct in the matter, cause if we all start to do that, then it would be noticed that the user won't be receiving ATTENTION anyone and can gradually be back on track :)
Woah! I'm feeling so amazed .. Really you liked my vocabulary ?? I don't like my accent coz it's not that fluent. Trying constantly to be more fluent ;)
I do respect the amount of hard work you do to make this platform better and outside STEEM as well. You're a great man! No issues we can surely schedule it at a suitable time !
Thanks A Lot for Enlightening My Comment Section with your Words :)
Talk Soon !