#053 English Family members - Family Vocabulary in English ll
#053 English Family members - Family Vocabulary in English ll --- READ the TEXT here: https://SpeakEnglishPod.com
Hello, everybody! I am Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. I want to help you speak English fluently, speaking English is easier than it looks! You just have to use the right material and techniques.
Today let's finish the kinship thing. In the previous episode, I introduced the topic of kinship. Now I'm going to further expand the relationship between the different members of a family.
Next, through a point of view story, you'll practice today's vocabulary, and you'll definitely improve your English grammar in a fun way.
Well, let's get started now. We're back to kinship again. Remember that kinship means the relationship between two people from the same family.
In this episode, we're going to expand these concepts a little more for the kinship that is not in the closest family circle.
In the previous episode you learned the following vocabulary:
Husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, siblings, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, granddaughter.
If you haven't listened to the previous episode, I would highly recommend it. That way you'll be able to better understand today’s lesson.
Well, remember the family from the last episode?
The grandparents: Raymond, Rachel and Anthony and Antoinette; the parents Alexander and Alexandra; and finally the children: Alex and Alexa. Check out the transcript because I’ve added a graphic that will help you visualize better the connection between the family members.
All right! Alexander and Alexandra are married. Alexandra's parents, Anthony and Antoinette, are Alexander's in-laws. When we look at it the other way around, Alexander is Alexandra's parents' son-in-law. Alexander is the son-in-law of Anthony and Antoinette.
Okay, so what's the relationship between Alexandra and Alexander's parents, Raymond and Rachel? Raymond and Rachel are Alexandra's in-laws. Raymond's the father-in-law and Rachel's Alexandra's mother-in-law. And Alexandra's the daughter-in-law.
Raymond and Rachel always say they have a wonderful daughter-in-law.
Besides, Alexandra is happy with her in-laws. They're a good family.
All right, let's move on. Now imagine that Alexander has a brother named Robert. Well, then, what's Robert' relationship with Alexandra, Alexander's wife? Robert is Alexandra's brother-in-law. Alexandra is Robert' sister-in-law.
Also, by logic, Robert' wife is Alexandra's sister-in-law and vice versa.
Okay, so, Alexandra has a sister named Nicole. So what's the connection between Nicole and Alexander? Nicole is Alexander's sister-in-law, of course. And Alexander, of course, is her brother-in-law.
In other words, your husband’s or your wife’s siblings are your brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law. And you're their brother-in-law or sister-in-law too.
Okay, let's move on. Remember that Alexander and Alexandra have two children: Alex and Alexa...very well. Now let's take a look at the relationship between the children and Robert, Alexander's brother. Robert is Alex and Alexa's uncle. On the other hand, Alex and Alexa are Robert's nephews. Alex is his nephew and Alexa his niece.
and Robert always says:
I love my nephews! They are always happy to see me!
And of course, Alex and Alexa say:
We like our Uncle Robert very much because he always brings us presents!
Let’s examine the relationship between the two siblings, Alex and Alexa and Alexandra's sister, Nicole. Nicole is Alex and Alexa's, aunt. Also, Alex and Alexa are Nicole's nephews.
I haven't mentioned it yet, but if Robert is married, and his wife is also Alex and Alexa's aunt, and they are her nephews. Same with Nicole's husband. Nicole’s husband is Alex and Alexa’s uncle too.
Maybe this lesson is a bit complicated, so remember that I made a basic graph where you can see the names of each member of the family. But if you want, I encourage you to draw a diagram with arrows adding the names and the relationships of all the family members. And of course, you can listen to this episode as many times as you need.
Okay, finally, we're gonna see one last relationship. Imagine that Alexandra's sister Nicole has two children. Remember, Nicole is Alex and Alexa's aunt, and they're her nephews. Let's call Nicole's kids, Nick and Nicky.
So, what's Nick and Nicky's relationship with Alex and Alexa? They're cousins. Alex and Alexa have two cousins just like Nick and Nicky have two cousins.
Well, finally, I would like to mention a few more terms. They're easy, don't worry.
#053 English Family members - Family Vocabulary in English ll --- READ the TEXT here: https://SpeakEnglishPod.com
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